PAHWM: Live 1/3 - Attractive Hero is a and has 10/10 (1 Viewer)


4 of a Kind
Jun 14, 2022
Reaction score
Georgia, USA
I'll paint you a picture: $1/3 at the Beau Rivage. Nice enough room, table looks like a mix of completely clueless fish rebuying for $50 every hour or so and a few serious players with their cute little fanny packs and headphones. Looks like a good mix; straddle is on most hands, and c-bets do fairly well on flop or turn. Average pot is probably $25 even with the $6 straddle which is on most of the time.

HERO, BB, $330: Very handsome young man. Clearly a fish, still wearing his conference lanyard and low ballcap. Beard is well oiled and he clearly loves oceanography. Accidently folds the first hand after he forgets that he posted the blind; would've flopped trips. Doesn't tell anyone about that last part thank God. Has bet and taken down one small pot, hasn't shown anything and it was a pretty standard 2/3 bet on the flop his third hand at the table. This is about a half hour after sitting down, third pot I've VPIP'd; won the first, folded the second on a wet turn.

VILLAIN, MP, $240: Clearly a misreg, middle-aged white guy, knows the dealer and the other regs, all kinds of inside jokes flying and shakes his head when "fish" win pots with silly hands. Eyes me up and down when I join but doesn't say much, I ask his name and he says "Player 1". SUPER COOL GUY. Just stares down at his phone with his headphones on.

9 handed $1/3

Button straddles for $6
SB calls $6
HERO (BB) : 10s10c
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Being out of position warrants a bigger raise to offset that disadvantage. $30 would be the bare minimum but I'd even consider all the way up to $45. Hope this misreg gets compound interest on his sunny disposition this hand.
I used to raise bigger out of position for the same reason. However, recently heard something to the effect of, inflating the pot while at a positional disadvantage throughout the hand isn't necessarily a great idea, and not to use a larger size. I don't play enough poker to know the right answer haha
You need to uphold your image and fold all the good hands. Mess with Player 1's head then win with the 7 2 off.

PS. Your full house status should be revoked for not using :ts::tc:.
Thanks people. Agreed; my raise was too small but I definitely had nerves and didnt want to scare everyone away. Yall are right that it should be bigger.

9 handed $1/3

Button straddles for $6
SB calls $6
HERO (BB) : :ts: :tc:
HERO raises to $25
(Too low, just nerves, hadnt played anything above $20 in probably a decade)
Villain calls $25 takes a headphone out and just keeps glancing at me. I imagine if he had anything great he'd raise and test me. Assuming hes putting me on a high pair.

All others fold, heads up

FLOP: :qh::th::9h:
Hero's got middle set. Watches Villain glance up from his comedy special to see the flop, looks back and pauses his video, more engaged, still chewing gum like a horse. Havent seen him do this in any of the other few pots hes been in. Just lil extra I was trying to figure out.

Middle set *

What a horrific flop even with the set.

Lead out full pot and get ready to get it in when villain raises or when he calls your bet and see any non heart or Broadway card on the turn.
I don’t think I have the qualifications to give advice, but I’m pretty invested into this hand.

That flop is so gross lol. You said you’ve seen him in other pots. Did you have any thoughts about it potential range, rather than his perceived range on your hand? He probably doesn’t call with his trash considering you said he was joking about fish playing with bad hands. But I’d assume :qc::td::8s::9s::ah::qs:, etc are as much in his range as a low heart suited connector or KJ, etc.

But yeah I’m interested. I’ve been in this spot before and have played it wayyy too nitty at times.
That said, my thinking is this. A set of 10's is very, very likely ahead on the flop. You want to charge the opponent the maximum to try and catch up. If they fold, I'm glad to take down the small pot given the circumstances.

If the villain donk shoves aces or any hand with a single heart, you got it in good and what will be will be.
I appreciate all input. Sick spot obviously; to answer @aurumity : I perceived his range as tricky and catching. He wouldve tried to bully me preflop with higher pairs or AK/AQ. I have him on an Ace (maybe Ah obviously), suited connectors below J10, and low pairs that missed the set. Confident Im ahead but feeling vulnerable.

9 handed $1/3

Button straddles for $6
SB calls $6
HERO (BB) : :ts: :tc:
HERO raises to $25
(Too low, just nerves, hadnt played anything above $20 in probably a decade)
Villain calls $25 takes a headphone out and just keeps glancing at me. I imagine if he had anything great he'd raise and test me. Assuming hes putting me on a high pair.

All others fold, heads up
Pot is around $55 after rake
FLOP: :qh::th::9h:
Hero's got middle set. Watches Villain glance up from his comedy special to see the flop, looks back and pauses his video, more engaged, still chewing gum like a horse. Havent seen him do this in any of the other few pots hes been in. Just lil extra I was trying to figure out.

HERO: I'm obviously annoyed; raise with a premium and get a big wet board witha healthy puece. 0% chance he has a set of Qs, or AA/KK/AK for that matter; Im feeling sure Im ahead but nervous about upcoming streets.

HERO bets $30. Not trying to go fully bananas but showing that I have a piece.

Villain takes headphones fully out and stares at me. Im clearly new/rusty to live poker but comfortable enough. Conference lanyard on, lol.

After atleast 30 seconds, Villain raises to $80.

Hero: ??
I'm never getting away from this spot with these stack sizes. We're ahead of some of his value range, beat all his bluffs/semi bluffs, and have lots of outs if we're unlucky enough to be already behind.

Not the best hand, you could be beat, and very well might be. But I think he’s playing you, not the cards.

If you fold to this guy now, you might as well leave the table. He’ll push you around all night until (if) you make a killer hand.

So shove and stroke his ego with a loss or crush him with a win.
For only 80 BB’s effective at the start of the hand, this is a pretty darn good spot. I’m rejamming his raise and then puke when he shows the :5h::4h:.

I think going bigger PF is better and then betting closer to the pot on the flop. We should be way ahead of most of his range even against a flopped flush, we still have some good equity.
Sorry for hijacking the thread @NotRealNameNoSir but I have an interesting question for the rest of the folks in the thread.

Let's say Villain 3! pre-flop to $75 and hero made the flat call. How would we navigate post-flop considering the fact that pocket queens are now in his range? Would a raise on the flop by the villain indicate a set defending against a flush/straight draw or perhaps a naked :ah: with a pair trying to semi-bluff/flush up?

Thanks in advance
Sorry for hijacking the thread @NotRealNameNoSir but I have an interesting question for the rest of the folks in the thread.

Let's say Villain 3! pre-flop to $75 and hero made the flat call. How would we navigate post-flop considering the fact that pocket queens are now in his range? Would a raise on the flop by the villain indicate a set defending against a flush/straight draw or perhaps a naked :ah: with a pair trying to semi-bluff/flush up?

Thanks in advance
I think if villain 3! we either jam or fold depending on reads. Calling means that SPR (pot will be ~$150 and villain only has ~$165 behind) will be just over 1 so we either have to hit or be comfortable jamming on a low board.

As played in this 2nd scenario, if we call a 3! I’m checking and getting it in whenever possible.
Thanks for all the input, always appreciated. @aurumity no problem, good question; at the time, I would be jamming over the top of his 75. Yes, maybe a leak and an overplay of 10s but

1. I think he's raising really light trying to spook me out of the pot and assuming I'll fold anything but Aces. The way he's treated people is dismissive and I would expect to face large raises; on a Ace or King high board that's tougher than right now. He could see newfish shoving preflop as stronger than it is. Newfish shoving river, super strong, but preflop might just be spazzy.
2. If I call, its $150 in the pot with him having $165 behind, doesn't matter what comes out, would rather take my fold equity preflop.

IF I called, pots $150 and the flop is the same? I would check. If he shoves, I may fold because the board is so damn wet. I don't know, still not great. I dunno, just trying to project the mindset I had at the table to that situation.


9 handed $1/3

Button straddles for $6
SB calls $6
HERO (BB) : :ts: :tc:
HERO raises to $25
(Too low, just nerves, hadn't played anything above $20 in probably a decade)
Villain calls $25 takes a headphone out and just keeps glancing at me. I imagine if he had anything great he'd raise and test me. Assuming hes putting me on a high pair.

All others fold, heads up
Pot is around $55 after rake
FLOP: :qh::th::9h:
Hero's got middle set. Watches Villain glance up from his comedy special to see the flop, looks back and pauses his video, more engaged, still chewing gum like a horse. Haven't seen him do this in any of the other few pots he's been in. Just lil extra I was trying to figure out.

HERO: I'm obviously annoyed; raise with a premium and get a big wet board with a healthy piece. 0% chance he has a set of Qs, or AA/KK/AK for that matter; I'm feeling sure I'm ahead but nervous about upcoming streets.

HERO bets $30. Not trying to go fully bananas but showing that I have a piece.

Villain takes headphones fully out and stares at me. I'm clearly new/rusty to live poker but comfortable enough. Conference lanyard on, lol.

After at least 30 seconds, Villain raises to $80.

Hero's thoughts: If I call, Villain has $135 behind with a pot of $215. There's a good chance he's got a straight draw, flush draw, or just BS trying to scare me. I've got a set with outs to full house if he's got a straight or flush, but there's way more chances of him just having a draw or less right now.

Hero: Shoves for another $135. "Sure, hmmm, okay. The rest of it." and push the stacks forward.

Villain tanks for 10 seconds, rolls his eyes a few times, and calls.

Villain shows :js::8d: for a flopped straight, no hearts. Said he figured he would be trying to avoid a heart.

Villain holds and doubles up, Hero's left with $90 and a smile.

Okay. This isn't just a bad beat story, I'm heartened that people more or less agree with my line of thinking. As someone playing live poker again after a long time (higher than my little quarter games with friends/beginners), I saw it as a very tough spot and was wondering if the flop shove was just a nervous spaz and I should've folded. With this villain and my thoughts on the situation I don't see myself getting away once I see the set and thinks he'd be pressuring me light with flush/straight draw or nothing.

Some things I can improve: I should've raised more preflop with the straddle on, definitely see that, and that would mean I'm betting bigger on the flop to properly charge draws to beat me. The loss didn't sting too bad: this seems to be exactly what he was looking for with a weird hand against a new player. I can see him taking the same line with Ahx, QJ, KQ, low pairs, etc, and I just ran into the bottom of his 3bet calling range and happened to flop perfectly. Told him nice hand, and he said "Na, you did what you had to do." That last line caught me, didn't know if he was just trying to reinforce a bad play or actually meant it was a good spot. Oh well!

Thanks y'all.
I think the appropriate action after the board runout is to get up and complain about fishes calling with silly hands lol. I really did not expect J8o there. Did you rebuy? And if you did, did he continue replicating those live patterns in the same circumstances? Like anytime he got into a big pot with a good hand, etc.
No wonder's he a misreg when he's flatting a raise in middle position with freaking J8o. I'd be rebuying and grafting my butt to my chair if that's the caliber (or lack thereof) of play that's happening.

I think the appropriate action after the board runout is to get up and complain about fishes calling with silly hands lol. I really did not expect J8o there. Did you rebuy? And if you did, did he continue replicating those live patterns in the same circumstances? Like anytime he got into a big pot with a good hand, etc.
You're both right. Game was soft and I did very, very well the next night. He just seemed like an unhappy person lol, and I didn't say a word about him playing garbage and getting lucky, I wanted him to keep doing it.

I still had $90, and I took my deep breaths and did not addon. I know this is -EV because I want a stack bigger than anyone at the table but after so long that was a big loss and wanted to play tight and just see what I could do with it because a big leak of mine is rolling my eyes and donking off the last of the stack after I lose a decent sized pot. Played well and slowly built it back up, cashed out $296 a while later lol, total loss of $4 is fine and felt great. Should've worn more, absolutely, but poker isn't my job and I liked the challenge I felt.

He no longer raised me and folded to most of my flop and turn bets, left about 90 minutes after this hand. He probably still saw me as fishy but not passive. It wasn't like I tightened way up (got it in with a set, whatever) but was playing the same normal tight game after that big pot, and maybe it looked tighter because I drew all that attention? Don't know, but one of the awful -buys-in-for-$40-like-5-times guys kept pointing out that I only play Aces. Says this after I c-bet :8d::7d: on a :ac::6d::2s: board and get 3 folds lol. Image was fine!
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