PCF Group Chip Buys & Advice (4 Viewers)

It was so obvious that I thought the Rick Roll attempt was a Rick Roll attempt in itself.

This is only on page 4....we still have to go past the meme/GIF fase and nobody mentioned hotdog's yet or posted kitties...
All I know is that I want the next group buy's theme to be centered around all of the threads asking about group buys:

Frac: PCF Group Chip Buys & Advice
It’s not speculation.

Wait and see. Many more chips will be made despite the naysayers. Remember after the boat buys Dave told everyone it was impossible so no one should try? Well several buys made it through since then and there will be more to come.

Saying something is hard or impossible is a great excuse for not even trying.
Wait and see. Many more chips will be made despite the naysayers. Remember after the boat buys Dave told everyone it was impossible so no one should try? Well several buys made it through since then and there will be more to come.

Saying something is hard or impossible is a great excuse for not even trying.
"Saying something is hard or impossible is a great excuse for not even trying."

This needs to be printed on a t-shirt for those that pull off the next GPI group buy — along with a photo of the sample set of said chips on the back of the t-shirt, too.
Wait and see. Many more chips will be made despite the naysayers. Remember after the boat buys Dave told everyone it was impossible so no one should try? Well several buys made it through since then and there will be more to come.

Saying something is hard or impossible is a great excuse for not even trying.
Just to be clear, I’m not saying your chips will be the last. And I’m not saying people shouldn’t try. But @Rhodeman77 was correct in saying the actions you took made it much more difficult for others to succeed.
It was so obvious that I thought the Rick Roll attempt was a Rick Roll attempt in itself.



"Saying something is hard or impossible is a great excuse for not even trying."

This needs to be printed on a t-shirt for those that pull off the next GPI group buy — along with a photo of the sample set of said chips on the back of the t-shirt, too.

For legal reasons I prefer not to disclose my sample set ;)
But thanks for the idea
I don't fault any for going for FMV. I fault those that did it first. Auto exclusion for future buys in my book, but that's just me. My best friends on this site (and in life in general) are those that aren't looking for the next big score.

People matter first.

I was just regurgitating what has been repeatedly said to me
Oh, we're doing this too....

Jesus guys. @Saoliver comes down for a game and everyone goes mad max over here....
I'm a noob. I like info. I have some questions I hope can be answered.

1) What specifically did the lemon guy do that was so egregious as to halt all future secretive buys and that he thought he would possibly need a lawyer? How did his tactics differ from the other sets? If these things are so secret, how did people find out what he did?

2) Are the secretive forum areas for these secret buys still active? What other secret forums are there on this site?

3) Anyone have pics of the Truman set? I've seen the Harlequin set - it's amazing.

4) Lemon guy: Did it piss you off to see your friends just flip the chips? Also, how many SB chips in total?
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I'm a noob. I like info. I have some questions I hope can be answered.

1) What specifically did the lemon guy do that was so egregious as to halt all future secretive buys and that he thought he would possibly need a lawyer? If these things are so secret, how did people find out what he did?

2) Are the secretive forum areas for these secret buys still active? What other secret forums are there on this site?

3) Anyone have pics of the Truman set? I've seen the Harlequin set - it's amazing.

4) Lemon guy: Did it piss you off to see your friends just flip the chips? Also, how many SB chips in total?
....... Lol "lemon guy"
@TheDuke PM me and we can talk. The info isnt a secret but also doesnt need to be on a public forum.

I have pics of Truman chips I can share.

I have no clue about number 2 though.
"Group buying, also known as collective buying, offers products and services at significantly reduced prices on the condition that a minimum number of buyers would make the purchase. "

Sooooo yeah that.
Although some group buys don't offer anything in the way of reduced prices, but are instead a vehicle used to meet minimum order quantities.
I know this thread is a month old, but since it just got rezzed and I read the whole thing, I feel like I can maybe try to add something useful.

Regarding "group buy / not a group buy" - Terminological debates are among the most infuriating and pointless discussions one can have. The different sides in such a debate have no disagreements in substance, and there are no matters of fact that are in dispute - the only thing in contention is what to call something. In this case, both sides agree that large purchases of chips and various chip-related items by groups of people most often take place in public here on PCF in a particular forum and are open to everyone; and both sides agree that the AS purchases, etc, took place in private and were not open to everyone.

Arguing over whether or not to call both of these things by the same name is dumb. There are a lot of things that are called by both the same name and different names; people generally understand that language is flexible and are able to distinguish things by context. "New York's top agricultural product is milk" vs "The New York skyline is stunning" - nobody has any difficulty recognizing that one of those sentences is about the state and the other is about the city. And if by chance anyone ever was confused, it's easy enough to set them straight: "Oh, no, I meant New York City".

In any other context besides this forum, anyone would recognize the AS purchases, etc, as a group buy. A group of people pooled their resources and efforts in order to purchase something and thereby meet minimum purchase requirements, or take advantage of quantity discounts, or share overhead costs, and so forth. This happens all the time for any kind of hobby; the concept is obvious, ubiquitous, and uncontroversial.

In the context of PCF, where group buys are a) frequently organized, and b) typically organized according to specific guidelines that the site administrator has mandated, it's reasonable to expect the term "group buy" to take on additional meaning through semantic overloading, and to act as a shorthand expression for "a group buy organized through the site and conducted according to the site's rules". Linguistically, this is called a metonym and it's a common feature of everyday English usage, even if it's not explicitly recognized as such by most English speakers.

So were the AS purchases, etc, "group buys"? Yes, and no. Reasonable conversants should be able to recognize the context in which other parties are trying to use the term, and should be both tolerant and respectful of the intended communication rather than being strict and pedantic over terminology - especially since pedantry cannot succeed, as both uses are correct, no matter how much either party might wish that theirs was the only true, correct usage.

If, on the other hand, the terminological dispute is actually serving as a proxy for, not a factual dispute, but a political or moral dispute - perhaps along the lines of "the boat chip group buy was bad" / "the boat chip group buy was good" - then it would still be best for the parties to engage in the substantive underlying argument ("it was bad / it was good") rather than clouding the issue over terminology ("it was a group buy / it wasn't a group buy"). If you're going to air dirty laundry, at least air the correct dirty socks instead of fighting over an old t-shirt that nobody really cares about.

Also, in all of these pages so far, I'm not sure that @mnebesny ever got his questions answered:
After all that happened with the AS buy do you think there will ever be another Paulson group buy like this? I'm a relatively new PCFer. What are some ways to engage more in the community and to prevent myself from being left out of more exclusive opportunities like this? How would you recommend that newbs get their first or second set of Paulson chips?

I hope he does get his questions answered. I'm new too, and wouldn't mind seeing the answers either.

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