BACK ON! - Imperial Plaza Resort - Official Group Buy Now Open!! (2 Viewers)

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Nope. Life took another unexpected turn. If anybody wants the art for their own personal set I can make that happen. I won’t be doing any custom work or alterations. If this interests anybody PM me and I’ll communicate when I return from what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation.

Prayers coming your way whatever has happened.

I will probably be in touch interested in a tournament set.

Thanks Jeff :)
Man I’m super sorry to hear that. I hope that what ever happens turns out okay. Prayers coming your way from me through.
Nope. Life took another unexpected turn. If anybody wants the art for their own personal set I can make that happen. I won’t be doing any custom work or alterations. If this interests anybody PM me and I’ll communicate when I return from what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation.
Sorry to hear man. I'm very interested in a set so ill send a PM when you are free. Don't want to bother you.
Nope. Life took another unexpected turn. If anybody wants the art for their own personal set I can make that happen. I won’t be doing any custom work or alterations. If this interests anybody PM me and I’ll communicate when I return from what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation.
I'm sorry to hear that Steve. I hope you can recoup and enjoy what's left of your vacation. When times are tough remember you have friends who support and are always here to listen!
I hope everything is ok Steve! If you ever need anything, just give me a shout. Glad to help out where I can.
According to the spreadsheet, there are about 1878 cash and tourney chips for pre-order, not including dealer buttons. I do believe I have enough cash-on-hand to cover the initial cost of the group buy and can take over from Steve as long as he is satisfied with the art and the prototypes as is. However, I will require a partner based in the USA in order to coordinate receiving and reshipping, because it would cost too much to try to do this from Canada (though I will take care of all Canadian orders eventually). If someone would like to step up, I can try to coordinate with @Quicksilver-75 to see if this is salvageable.
According to the spreadsheet, there are about 1878 cash and tourney chips for pre-order, not including dealer buttons. I do believe I have enough cash-on-hand to cover the initial cost of the group buy and can take over from Steve as long as he is satisfied with the art and the prototypes as is. However, I will require a partner based in the USA in order to coordinate receiving and reshipping, because it would cost too much to try to do this from Canada (though I will take care of all Canadian orders eventually). If someone would like to step up, I can try to coordinate with @Quicksilver-75 to see if this is salvageable.
I’ll be in touch soon. I’m back in my city but not home. :tup:
Hey guys. I won’t be answering any emails tonight. Maybe tomorrow. I will however post these to keep some fires burning:


I’ll need to make a few small changes. The Tournament chips will be remedied shortly.
Noooo! Hopefully this picks up. I was waiting on the tournament prototypes to see what they look like in person to place an order.
I'll help with US reship if need be. I can't promise stellar turnaround speeds but ill do it :tup:
I would be happy to take on the dealer button portion if someone else hasn't already stepped up to do it.
Just checked the tracking. Looks like they’re in Vancouver. Just a few thousand Km’s to go. Probably have them by Friday.
*fingers crossed*
I'm hoping that everybody who pledged for chips according to the table on Page 1 is still interested in getting them. If anybody wants out, then please say so. I think we'll also call this one closed to new orders in order to keep it manageable for me.
I had mentioned above that if tourney prototypes were good I planned on getting a set.

Thanks Jeff
That's not a problem. Those who are in it already can modify their purchases up or down. Just not too far up, please, I only have so much moolah.
My order is locked in. At most I might add on a few misc singles/barrels.
I’m still interested but was waiting to see the tourney prototypes. Is that still a possibility?
It is. They’re making them now and are also going to redo the $20 and bounty chips after some very small modifications:

$20 - better color match from chip to label.
Bounty - “poker room” text has been simplified and will produce a much cleaner, less over-saturated appearance.

As soon as I get the pics I’ll post them.

Thaniks guys.

I had asked for a cash sample set a few days before this was "cancelled", but I'll understand if it's not manageable to add me.
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