Winter is Coming (11 Viewers)

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First off fuck you all

Just kidding

This took a turn I hadn't expected.

A little from my perspective.

1. As far as I was concerned the sale of my set gave the new owner the right to add on to the set. Nothing more nothing less. If the new owner wanted to add more denoms that would be between J5 and them.

2. I had always stated @Mental Nomad would be taking over the GB because I'm extremely lazy at these things.

3. I have shared the same concerns about sunfly and members throwing these up on eBay. I was going to be quite strict about who and how many were purchased but I have trust in Mental to do all he possibly can to try and make it work.

4. No other clay tournament sets will be produced unless they are from me or Mark. As of this moment only I have any right to a cash version afaik.

5. At the end of the day imo J5 has final say over the artwork useage.

If I'm out of line here so be it.
Thanks for your thoughts on this Stocky. Would LOVE to hear from J5, and I'd love to hear a blessing to move forward from GRRM.
First off fuck you all

Just kidding

This took a turn I hadn't expected.

A little from my perspective.

1. As far as I was concerned the sale of my set gave the new owner the right to add on to the set. Nothing more nothing less. If the new owner wanted to add more denoms that would be between J5 and them.

2. I had always stated @Mental Nomad would be taking over the GB because I'm extremely lazy at these things.

3. I have shared the same concerns about sunfly and members throwing these up on eBay. I was going to be quite strict about who and how many were purchased but I have trust in Mental to do all he possibly can to try and make it work.

4. No other clay tournament sets will be produced unless they are from me or Mark. As of this moment only I have any right to a cash version afaik.

5. At the end of the day imo J5 has final say over the artwork useage.

If I'm out of line here so be it.

You've been missed around here Paul... I hope life is treating you greatly man!!!

Sorry... Carry on... (y) :thumbsup:
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Haven't started the GoT books but I know the feeling. Anyone do The Wheel of Time? Started the fuckers in high school and was nearly 40 by the time I finished... Robert Jordan died before the final three books which were completed by an author chosen by his wife.

Screen Shot 03-07-17 at 05.14 PM.PNG
Haven't started the GoT books but I know the feeling. Anyone do The Wheel of Time? Started the fuckers in high school and was nearly 40 by the time I finished... Robert Jordan died before the final three books which were completed by an author chosen by his wife.

View attachment 85944

I have read that in a few places that people think GRRM is having the same problems Robert Jordan faced with such a large epic. With so many characters and and plot lines that it has become too cumbersome to tie them all back together in a time line that works. Some characters have years go by while others stories/characters seem to have not aged.
If I'm out of line here so be it.

OK, then...

I guess that is part of what bothers me - how did the group buy get this far with no contact at all with the current owner of the set. Regardless of artwork rights or anything else, it is simply the right thing to do.

With all due respect, it didn't occur to me to contact you because I'd been working with Stocky and J5 well before and well after the raffle. The great majority of this Group Buy and planning happened before the raffle.

The Iron Bank Ceramics project/thread started on Feb 18, 2016.
There was no uncertainty there; we were clearly going to produce the Tourneys, right from the start:
This will be for both cash and tournament sets.

There was some surprise in July that they had already been produced in clay, but again, it was clear at the time that Stocky's intent was to produce the Cash set in clay, and to produce the Cash and Tourney sets in ceramic at the same time. There were apparently some delays waiting for J5 to complete the art, but I also delayed because I didn't want to get the ceramics in production before Stocky could get his clays.

Jul 18, 2016
Clay design is almost finished. As soon as its nailed down the ceramics will be worked on :)

Jul 26, 2016, referring specifically to the Tourneys:
They're already done in Clay, but they will be done in ceramics now for the first time, at the same time as the cash set is done in Clay and ceramic.

Sep 5, 2016
Art work is almost finished and as soon as it is an order thread will be opened.

I didn't push Stocky about the ceramics order date/thread, because I didn't want to pressure him to rush his clay purchase. I thought (as he probably did) that he was dealing with a short-term delay. Obviously, things didn't work out that way for Stocky, and he decided to sell all his chips and step out of the poker/chipping scene.

The Raffle for Stocky's Tourney set ran Oct 8th to Oct 15th, 2016.
I was well aware of the raffle, not just out of interest, but because my ticket lost. :(

Seriously, though, I was happy for k9dr for having won a great set. But nothing in that thread led me to believe anything about the Ceramics Group Buy had changed, so I intended to continue on it with Stocky and J5. It just didn't occur to me to cancel the Tourneys or to rope int k9dr or have any impact on the Ceramics GB at all.

So, basically, the Group Buy was planned, the Purchase Thread was put on hold, and then the Raffle happened.

Just then, the BD group buy order thread took off (October 12th). I decided to wait until the hysteria over that GB settled down - which would also give Stocky time to grieve after the sale of all his chips. The Boardwalks landed in mid-December.

When I felt it was time to resume the project, earlier this year, that's what I did - I just got back in touch with Stocky and J5 and continued. I did my best not to rush them, and posted this order thread very soon after J5 finished the ceramic cash set art featured in the OP. I'm just trying to make good on my commitments. (And score some great chips.) It simply didn't occur to me to check in with k9dr. Given everything I've said above, @k9dr, I hope you understand why it didn't occur to me check in with you. If I'd even thought about it, I'd have done so as a courtesy, even if I thought you'd be totally fine with the Group Buy. But it didn't occur to me, and instead, I just picked up where we'd left off.

I would not like to continue this Group Buy knowing it disappoints respected members of the forum - @bergs, @jbutler, @detroitdad, and others, but especially @k9dr.

I would also not like to abandon this Group Buy knowing it disappoints other respected members of the forum who've been looking forward to these for a long time, including a number of people who wanted to buy Tourney ceramics before the Raffle happened... I just checked my old notes, and those include k9dr. Dunno if you remember, but last March, you were down for 700-800 of the Ceramics in the Tourney design.

I'd like to make good for everyone involved, but I don't see how I can make everyone happy.

One thing I thought of, in hopes of offering k9dr some concession, is to promise that this will be a one-time Group Buy for Iron Banks. Unfortunately, that's not mine to offer. From my perspective, the set design belongs to Stocky, the artwork belongs to J5, and the clay chips belong to k9dr... and Stocky just made clear how he feels above.

One thing I can offer, if it'll bring k9dr's blessing for this Group Buy - it's certainly the only time I'll be running a Group Buy on this theme, so it's a one-time thing for me. And I strongly suspect that if anyone approaches Stocky about doing it again, he won't be very interested.

C'mon, @k9dr, whaddya say?
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While we wait to decide how to proceed, I've edited the OP so that people joining the forums after I made the OP are not eligible to get in on the GB:

This group buy is open to any forum member in good standing as of Mar 6, 2017 at 8:57 PM who is off the Waiting List (so, High Hand or better under your forum name.) This is not open to the public, nor to anyone who is purchasing to resell for profit.
OK, then...

With all due respect, it didn't occur to me to contact you because I'd been working with Stocky and J5 well before and well after the raffle. The great majority of this Group Buy and planning happened before the raffle.

The Iron Bank Ceramics project/thread started on Feb 18, 2016.
There was no uncertainty there; we were clearly going to produce the Tourneys, right from the start:

There was some surprise in July that they had already been produced in clay, but again, it was clear at the time that Stocky's intent was to produce the Cash set in clay, and to produce the Cash and Tourney sets in ceramic at the same time. There were apparently some delays waiting for J5 to complete the art, but I also delayed because I didn't want to get the ceramics in production before Stocky could get his clays.

Jul 18, 2016

Jul 26, 2016, referring specifically to the Tourneys:

Sep 5, 2016

I didn't push Stocky about the ceramics order date/thread, because I didn't want to pressure him to rush his clay purchase. I thought (as he probably did) that he was dealing with a short-term delay. Obviously, things didn't work out that way for Stocky, and he decided to sell all his chips and step out of the poker/chipping scene.

The Raffle for Stocky's Tourney set ran Oct 8th to Oct 15th, 2016.
I was well aware of the raffle, not just out of interest, but because my ticket lost. :(

Seriously, though, I was happy for k9dr for having won a great set. But nothing in that thread led me to believe anything about the Ceramics Group Buy had changed, so I intended to continue on it with Stocky and J5. It just didn't occur to me to cancel the Tourneys or to rope int k9dr or have any impact on the Ceramics GB at all.

So, basically, the Group Buy was planned, the Purchase Thread was put on hold, and then the Raffle happened.

Just then, the Boardwalk group buy order thread took off (October 12th). I decided to wait until the hysteria over that GB settled down - which would also give Stocky time to grieve after the sale of all his chips. The Boardwalks landed in mid-December.

When I felt it was time to resume the project, earlier this year, that's what I did - I just got back in touch with Stocky and J5 and continued. I did my best not to rush them, and posted this order thread very soon after J5 finished the ceramic cash set art featured in the OP. I'm just trying to make good on my commitments. (And score some great chips.) It simply didn't occur to me to check in with k9dr. Given everything I've said above, @k9dr, I hope you understand why it didn't occur to me check in with you. If I'd even thought about it, I'd have done so as a courtesy, even if I thought you'd be totally fine with the Group Buy. But it didn't occur to me, and instead, I just picked up where we'd left off.

I would not like to continue this Group Buy knowing it disappoints respected members of the forum - @bergs, @jbutler, @detroitdad, and others, but especially @k9dr.

I would also not like to abandon this Group Buy knowing it disappoints other respected members of the forum who've been looking forward to these for a long time, including a number of people who wanted to buy Tourney ceramics before the Raffle happened... I just checked my old notes, and those include k9dr. Dunno if you remember, but last March, you were down for 700-800 of the Ceramics in the Tourney design.

I'd like to make good for everyone involved, but I don't see how I can make everyone happy.

One thing I thought of, in hopes of offering k9dr some concession, is to promise that this will be a one-time Group Buy for Iron Banks. Unfortunately, that's not mine to offer. From my perspective, the set design belongs to Stocky, the artwork belongs to J5, and the clay chips belong to k9dr... and Stocky just made clear how he feels above.

One thing I can offer, if it'll bring k9dr's blessing for this Group Buy - it's certainly the only time I'll be running a Group Buy on this theme, so it's a one-time thing for me. And I strongly suspect that if anyone approaches Stocky about doing it again, he won't be very interested.

C'mon, @k9dr, whaddya say?

As long as the group buy is limited to ceramic replica sets only, I am OK with moving forward. Only Stocky and I retain rights to use the artwork to order clay tournament chips from CPC. I truly hope the chips turn out great.

Thanks to everyone who PM'd me to show support. If you wish to order an Iron Bank ceramic set, please do not hold off on my account.
Don't hold off on my account. I was weighing in in support of K9 and what I perceived was a forum member not caring about the wishes of another forum member, but I'm not ordering any of these so if K9 is happy, I'm happy (until K9 scoops me with the steel wheel and I have to turn to Jbutler and ask him for the 45th time that night if I'm playing bad or just running bad. Then fuck K9)
Ok, so after like scrolling through a gazillion posts, am I reading this correctly in that we are going to have ceramic sunfly chips on both cash and tourney sets, and not just cash?

I'm in for a significant quantity. Will let you know how many rolls of each once I get a response regarding cash and/or tourney availability.

Ok, so after like scrolling through a gazillion posts, am I reading this correctly in that we are going to have ceramic sunfly chips on both cash and tourney sets, and not just cash?

That is correct; there will be both Cash and Tourney chips available. Each denom will be available in any size for which we hit the minimum (which is not yet firm.) J5 is prepping the art in oversize for all versions (which is not that tough to do, since the labels stay the same.)
After all of this, I feel like I need to buy some.
Don't hold off on my account. I was weighing in in support of K9 and what I perceived was a forum member not caring about the wishes of another forum member, but I'm not ordering any of these so if K9 is happy, I'm happy (until K9 scoops me with the steel wheel and I have to turn to Jbutler and ask him for the 45th time that night if I'm playing bad or just running bad. Then fuck K9)
I was also advocating for Mark's interest and I think your perception regarding people not honoring his wishes was spot on, which really rubbed me the wrong way. I think Mark's being a nice guy here, which isn't surprising.
Don't hold off on my account. I was weighing in in support of K9 and what I perceived was a forum member not caring about the wishes of another forum member, but I'm not ordering any of these so if K9 is happy, I'm happy (until K9 scoops me with the steel wheel and I have to turn to Jbutler and ask him for the 45th time that night if I'm playing bad or just running bad. Then fuck K9)
I was also advocating for Mark's interest and I think your perception regarding people not honoring his wishes was spot on, which really rubbed me the wrong way. I think Mark's being a nice guy here, which isn't surprising.

I hope people understand that I was not uncaring about Mark's concerns, nor trying to act against them.

I was just continuing an ongoing project, and failed to consider that the auction would have changed the dynamic from many people's perspectives.

I took Mark's concerns very seriously from the moment he raised them, although I wasn't immediately talking about it in this public thread.

My apologies for all the ire that was raised by my oversight.
  1. Mental Nomad/Stocky: Thanks for organizing something like this and putting the time and energy to give it a chance to take flight. No matter what, pulling something like this off, given the quality, and quantity, and people you have to communicate with a constant basis is something to be applauded for. Even if this doesn't take off the ground, I appreciate the effort and thought that went into this. I know I could never have the energy (or patience) to do something so enormous and in depth for no personal profit.
  2. K9DR: Thanks for letting us know you have no issues regarding a ceramic version of the GoT tourney and cash set. I echo Bergs' sentiment in that I most likely would not have purchased any if that agitated you in an actionable way. Having the uniqueness of an awesome set such as GoT is a rare quality, and its even more rare that you'd be willing to share some of that uniqueness with our community. Appreciate it!
So with all that out of the way, here's my initial purchase order; I may need to adjust it depending on my wife, but given the cost, I don't think it should be an issue...

These would all be in the 43mm version, having played with the Boardwalks, I think that is the size I am most happy with.

Cash set:
150 x $0.25
150 x $1.00
100 x $5.00
50 x $20
25 x $100
25 x (X) <-- House Mormont

Tourney Set:
150 x T25
150 x T100
100 x T500
50 x T1000
50 x T5000
25 x Bounty
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