Video Games? (6 Viewers)

I usually build my own gaming PCs for much less but I have gotten lazy and ended up getting a Corsair One. I wanted something that ran cool, had a small form factor, and was quiet. This thing fits the bill perfectly. The video card and cpu are liquid cooled and the design not over the top. Spec wise it has a 1080 Ti video card, 6 core i7, 16GB ram, and a 480gb m.2 NVME SSD. It has 2 open slots for 2 x 2.5" SSDS but that's about it.

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Right now our PC is a ~10 year old Dell workstation; my son is 9, so by "gaming computer" he's looking for something that can run games like the Jurassic World simulator and Fortnite without smoke coming out of the unit :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:. I'm hoping to get away with something a little less robust for the next few years, he can upgrade to something nicer when he gets older.
I usually build my own gaming PCs for much less....

BTW, I know zero about building systems, but I read an article recently that building a system from scratch by components has very little cost savings in the current market, that graphic cards have gotten so expensive they typically drive the cost of the unit, so it's often better to buy a complete system now. Any thoughts on that?
BTW, I know zero about building systems, but I read an article recently that building a system from scratch by components has very little cost savings in the current market, that graphic cards have gotten so expensive they typically drive the cost of the unit, so it's often better to buy a complete system now. Any thoughts on that?

Prices were jacked up over the past year due to high demand from cryptocurrency miners plus graphics card memory being made from chips that were used in cell phones I believe as well.

This year Nvidia launched their newest set of cards and because people paid the jacked up rates, decided to try to inflate them on their own. So the price of the 2080 card is lined up with what the 2080 Ti should cost, and the 2070 is what the 2080 should be priced at. It'd be like if this year Nissan was trying to get you to pay an Altima price for a Sentra, or a Maxima price for an Altima, it's bullshit. So I'm rooting for AMD this year.

Fortunately the used market for the previous gen cards has dropped down significantly and they are priced very reasonably now. And for the games you're looking to play, you don't really need a super system to accomplish it. Hell, I was playing Battlefield 4 on maxed graphics at 1080p resolution with my aging 2GB graphics card just a couple years ago.
I should also add that RAM prices were jacked up as well due to a shortage of the chips to make them, plus high demand. So prices almost doubled. So it was better to buy prebuilt systems for a time but it appears the market is shifting back.

Still, if you need help asking questions on what to get (prebuilt or custom) drop me a PM and I'd be happy to help
Lots to comment on! Aside from my very first PC, which I bought from a company called (a "custom" PC builder) - I've built every other one of my computers. I'm lucky to have had some friends work at Intel so the last two computers have had top of the line CPUs, my current system is an i7-6700k and GTX 1070. Does the trick for most everything...I'm too old at this point to care about bleeding edge graphics. I also have a 29" Ultrawide monitor which is amazing.

Went through a phase a few years ago where I started PC gaming again. I’m mostly into FPS and open world RPG/FPS games. Haven’t played for a while but am thinking of getting back into the old style top down ISO games such as Fallout, Fallout 2, Baldur’s Gate, Wasteland 2, etc. Learning new menus for a new job and working extra hours is keeping me from it for now. Oh, and an obsession with poker chips keeps me busy too ;)

Love those old BG2 style RPGs. I never seem to finish them though. Wasteland 2 was pretty good. Pillars of Eternity was another good one.

I have been looking for the next game after WoW but so far nothing has caught my eye.

At the moment I have been playing Civ6 and find it quite enjoyable. Also like Age of Wonders III. Both are turn based strategy games.

I've spent countless hours playing in Civ 5 - Civ 6 I couldn't get into quite as much. Civ 5 multiplayer is a blast. I've spent even more hours in WoW, but I haven't played seriously since Catacalysm, and I totally skipped over Lich King. Dabbled in Pandaland and in the last 2 expansions, but I haven't touched the current one.

Waiting eagerly for Fallout 76. I'm not a huge fan of MMORPGs but hey, it's fallout..

Fallout series is great, I'm interested to see what they do with Fallout 76.

League of Legends, Overwatch, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm. But not gaming much these days.

If you fire up Overwatch or HOTS again, shoot me a PM :) Never was much of a LoL player as I've always been loyal to DoTA since the WC3 days.

Starcraft 1

Really the first PC game I ever got into. In 8th grade we had a teacher who was a PC nerd and we would go into school before class and he would teach us how to play. He also hosted the first LAN party I ever attended. I was addicted from then on lol.

Quake 3 / QuakeLive

Quake 3 was my jam in high school, played the hell out of that game before I had my own PC on my parents old slow MAC. I would literally turn down the graphics as far as possible in the settings, and then turn them down even further via console commands. No weapons on the screen, no textures, haha. Never got really into the competitive scene but I was super into the competitive mods and strafe jumping and such. Good times.

Used to play at lot of Counterstrike, DoD, and LOL prekid. Now I haven't played a PC game in 4 years. Recently my son is digging the Wii so every night we spend about 20-30 minutes playing. Right now it's a mix 80% Mario Kart (he got 3rd place in 150cc, hard computers, over 16 random races the other day:eek:) and 20% Super Smash Brothers.

CS was basically the sole reason I worked at a farm driving combines all summer long between Freshman and Sophomore hear of high buy my own PC (parents have always been MAC folks). Many fond memories going to my friends house in grade school and playing CS beta. We were always a Nintendo family, so Smash Bros (especially for GameCube) got loads of play time between me and my friends in high school.

Long time PC gamer, going back to the TSR-80 from Radio Shack, the Commodore 64/128 and Amiga.

Played a LOT of the Battlefield series up through Battlefield 4. I'm not the best shot and I can't stand all the bunny hopping, but I was consistently in the top 1% of the world for win/loss ratio (primarily played 64-player conquest maps as an Engineer) because I know the ebb and flow of each map, where the enemy will be concentrated, what locations are most important to hold, etc. But one day Punkbuster just up and global banned me. When I appealed it (never used a cheat in my life) they said they didn't know what cheat I was accused of using, just that my account was flagged and I was basically SOL. So I no longer support any games that use Punkbuster.

Played a ton of Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) back in the day. And the Total War series of games.

Still play Rome Total War II with mods. Not a fan of the weakness of the AI in the series though, it's been an issue for a long time.

Played the remake of X:com but haven't gotten the sequel yet.

Was a fan of Sid Meiers Gettysburg back in the day and there's a spiritual successor in Ultimate General: Gettysburg and Ultimate General: Civil War. It doesn't exactly capture the magic of the original, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Same with the new version of Dungeon Keeper (called War for the Overworld). Didn't exactly capture the magic of the original but was a fun jaunt. And same with Carmageddon, played a ton of the first but the most recent "Max Damage" game hasn't grabbed me as much.

Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor was the bees knees, GalCiv III less so. Endless Legends and Endless Space, Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis, etc.

Presently mucking around with Civ V: Gods & Kings a bit, trying to play harder difficulties on huge maps and see how well I can hold up. Giving Emperor difficulty a stab at the moment and keeping up (play on Marathon setting so it's a long game)

Also picked up The Sexy Brutale which is a point n' click adventure/puzzle/story game that has a lot of character and is something my wife enjoys watching me play.

Tried getting into Cities: Skylines but didn't grab me. Elite Dangerous found the controls too wonky. The only Fallout I've finished was New Vegas. Bethesda just fails to make me care about the storyline or characters. So while I at first get invested in the exploration aspect of Fallout 3 or 4, eventually it wanes thin and I get bored (same with Skyrim)

Witcher 3 was fantastic. Game Dev Tycoon was a fun game as well. Guild of Dungeoneering lost my interest fairly quickly. Pillars of Eternity didn't keep me invested either. Dragon Age: Origins was fantastic but I haven't really enjoyed the sequels. Stellaris was fun at first but loses luster in the midgame. Tried getting into Prison Architect but it failed to keep me interested. Darkest Dungeon was fun, challenging and atmospheric, but the end game becomes a depressing grind.

Enjoyed some Indie games in The Age of Decadence and Dead Age. Completed This War of Mine and The Banner Saga, but found both to be utterly depressing (Banner Saga being the worst)

Telltale Games The Walking Dead series has kept me invested in the story and characters (unlike the tv show) although you're only given an illusion of choice and most every outcome is pre-determined, you just get some different dialogue for the most part based on your choices.

And I have a slew of games I haven't even gotten to because Steam Sales are more frequent than my free time lol.

Loved the BF series and played a lot of it up through BF Bad Company 2. Didn't continue much past that, although I do own Battlefield 3 and played it a fair amount. BFBC2 was the pinnacle of that series IMO. Desert combat mod was just awesome.

Really enjoyed Endless Space and Legend. I still haven't had a chance to play Galactic's in my steam games lol.

Witcher 3 was/is awesome. I got distracted and haven't finished it yet. I have a really tough time with those open world games, I spend way to much time on side quests and then get tired of the game before I ever finish the main stories.

Have you tried RimWorld? It's a streamlined version of Dwarf Fortress that is a hell of a lot of fun. Haven't played it in awhile but I put a lot of hours into it.

Steam games...sigh. I have been a Humble Bundle Monthly member for quite some time. It's $12 a month and you get 1-3 AA or AAA titles plus a handful of other indies and less popular games. This last month for instance was the newest Tomb Raider game (Rise?). Next month is Overwatch. It's well worth the $12 per month, although you never quite know what you are going to get (they tell you the AA-AAA title, but not the rest). That said, it keep my steam library growing WELL beyond what I could ever tackle. I keep it going and tell myself someday my kids will enjoy the large library :ROFL: :ROFLMAO:(y) :thumbsup:.
I'll look into RimWorld

I was more an Unreal Tournament fan than Quake. Lots of fond LAN Party memories

There was a Jedi Knight multiplayer game where you could battle with lightsabers, force push or pull people off ledges, etc that was a ton of fun too
I just got back into console gaming by getting the switch for my kids. Beating Zelda: Breath of the Wild is my most recent achievement. Gotta convince the wife to not freak out if I bring home a PS4 Pro. The original God of War was probably my favorite game of all time.

I was somehow able to convince my wife back in April to allow the purchase of a 65" Samsung curved 4k TV and a few weeks later a PS4 Pro. If you have a 4k TV you gotta get the pro. It's like the Paulsons of consoles
BTW, I know zero about building systems, but I read an article recently that building a system from scratch by components has very little cost savings in the current market, that graphic cards have gotten so expensive they typically drive the cost of the unit, so it's often better to buy a complete system now. Any thoughts on that?

Prices for video cards were just starting to fall around the time I was in the market for a gaming PC. I definitely could have built a similar spec PC for less. I attribute the extra to the case design and form factor. There is a YouTube video from early 2017 that did a cost breakdown of this system (slightly different specs at the time) and building your own. At that time I think the pre-built was just $150 more.
I just got back into console gaming by getting the switch for my kids. Beating Zelda: Breath of the Wild is my most recent achievement. Gotta convince the wife to not freak out if I bring home a PS4 Pro. The original God of War was probably my favorite game of all time.

The new GoW is such an experience and sight to behold, from top to bottom. It justifies the cost of the Pro. One of those rare times a game makes you wish you could play through it again like the first time. Not sure I’ve ever played a better constructed and executed brawler.

I let it go at 80% complete because I was stunned that there was still more to grind after feeling invincible and defeating all enemies. What was left to gather and achieve didn’t drive me to grind anymore. New Game+ doesn’t inspire me, but its there if I get the itch again. Just amazing overall.
Long time PC gamer, going back to the TSR-80 from Radio Shack, the Commodore 64/128 and Amiga.

Played a LOT of the Battlefield series up through Battlefield 4. I'm not the best shot and I can't stand all the bunny hopping, but I was consistently in the top 1% of the world for win/loss ratio (primarily played 64-player conquest maps as an Engineer) because I know the ebb and flow of each map, where the enemy will be concentrated, what locations are most important to hold, etc. But one day Punkbuster just up and global banned me. When I appealed it (never used a cheat in my life) they said they didn't know what cheat I was accused of using, just that my account was flagged and I was basically SOL. So I no longer support any games that use Punkbuster.

Played a ton of Left 4 Dead (1 and 2) back in the day. And the Total War series of games.

Still play Rome Total War II with mods. Not a fan of the weakness of the AI in the series though, it's been an issue for a long time.

Played the remake of X:com but haven't gotten the sequel yet.

Was a fan of Sid Meiers Gettysburg back in the day and there's a spiritual successor in Ultimate General: Gettysburg and Ultimate General: Civil War. It doesn't exactly capture the magic of the original, but it's enjoyable nonetheless.

Same with the new version of Dungeon Keeper (called War for the Overworld). Didn't exactly capture the magic of the original but was a fun jaunt. And same with Carmageddon, played a ton of the first but the most recent "Max Damage" game hasn't grabbed me as much.

Galactic Civilizations II: Twilight of the Arnor was the bees knees, GalCiv III less so. Endless Legends and Endless Space, Crusader Kings II, Europa Universalis, etc.

Presently mucking around with Civ V: Gods & Kings a bit, trying to play harder difficulties on huge maps and see how well I can hold up. Giving Emperor difficulty a stab at the moment and keeping up (play on Marathon setting so it's a long game)

Also picked up The Sexy Brutale which is a point n' click adventure/puzzle/story game that has a lot of character and is something my wife enjoys watching me play.

Tried getting into Cities: Skylines but didn't grab me. Elite Dangerous found the controls too wonky. The only Fallout I've finished was New Vegas. Bethesda just fails to make me care about the storyline or characters. So while I at first get invested in the exploration aspect of Fallout 3 or 4, eventually it wanes thin and I get bored (same with Skyrim)

Witcher 3 was fantastic. Game Dev Tycoon was a fun game as well. Guild of Dungeoneering lost my interest fairly quickly. Pillars of Eternity didn't keep me invested either. Dragon Age: Origins was fantastic but I haven't really enjoyed the sequels. Stellaris was fun at first but loses luster in the midgame. Tried getting into Prison Architect but it failed to keep me interested. Darkest Dungeon was fun, challenging and atmospheric, but the end game becomes a depressing grind.

Enjoyed some Indie games in The Age of Decadence and Dead Age. Completed This War of Mine and The Banner Saga, but found both to be utterly depressing (Banner Saga being the worst)

Telltale Games The Walking Dead series has kept me invested in the story and characters (unlike the tv show) although you're only given an illusion of choice and most every outcome is pre-determined, you just get some different dialogue for the most part based on your choices.

And I have a slew of games I haven't even gotten to because Steam Sales are more frequent than my free time lol.

That BF story is sad and pretty awful on Punkbuster’s part. Yikes.

It still pains me not to have a Left for Dead sequel or remaster on XBone. I loved those games.

Feel the same about Cities, as well as Bethesda games. They’re huge in scale but bore me to death. Telltale games lost me early on for the lack of real choice and consequence. Shame that their licenses of material I love couldn’t remedy this, and now they’re closing due to mismanagement.

Have GBs of free games stored from Xbox Live to try and get through over time. Keeps me from spending on any more than my must-have new releases.

Edited to express my own disappointment in Prison Architect as well. Got sold on a different game than it seems to be. Mehhh.
I was more an Unreal Tournament fan than Quake. Lots of fond LAN Party memories.

Same here. Played Unreal Championship like religion from Day one of the first Xbox. That and then Halo had me and everyone I knew gaming every night, getting off work and surrounding my game lounger with life-sustaining supplies like takeout food and beer, and jumping into Rainbow 6 or a Madden League, throwing weekly LAN marathons on Saturday nights. Lots of the same crew played poker and we all did the same with card games too. Good times, long gone.
Serious WoW player for too long. Had to quit to save my real life sanity. World of Tanks, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm all got some play...but I stopped cold. Nowy wife has a Nintendo Switch and I can't get enough of Dragon Quest Builders.
I played Chrono Trigger on the SNES since Saturday and as yesterday (23 Sept 2018) I have reached the endgame phase (Lavos Outer Shell destroyed). Looking forwards to finish it off today after work.

If you have this game, with all the box and paperwork, it’s worth a fortune. I sold mine years back and made a pretty penny on eBay. The recent SNES all in one mini console that came out would have been a snap-buy had it come with Chrono Trigger, which is hands down the best RPG ever made for the platform.

As for my video gaming, as a kid I played pong, Asteroids on the 2600, then DK on my ColecoVision... but then got into PC gaming (and a SNES) years later. I played the usual, CS and Starcraft. I then moved onto a wii (for the kids) and just recently a PS4 Pro.

Been playing (and most enjoy) GOW, Horizon Zero Dawn, Destiny 2 and SW Battlefront 2.

I’ve been playing a lot of console games, but my favorite was hamds down HZD for the story and game play. Currently trying to crush (but failing miserably) SW Starfighter Assault...

Highly recommend the PS4 Pri with an HDR 4K TV. The TV and console start up on regular mode but when the HDR kicks in the difference is stunning.

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Currently playing the Kingdom Hearts series to catch up on the convoluted story before KH III drops. Getting some Spider-Man in as well.
I’ve spent years of my life lost in video games, on both consoles and PCs - though not as much lately. I don’t care much for first-person shooter games.

We just picked up a NES Classic but haven’t opened it yet. I think the first time I ever stayed up all night was to finish the original Legend of Zelda.

I recently snagged an old copy of Warcraft II on CD-ROM. It requires a DOS emulator to run in Windows. Best of luck doing anything with the game speed set above minimum, lest the computer instantly lay waste to your encampment. I think the explanation may have something to do with Moore’s Law.

There was a direct dial P2P multi-player mode (!) that seemed pretty snazzy at the time. I would use the map-building feature to design, test, and play custom instances, and trade them on 3.5” floppies with a friend.

I guess Dan Polk was a big video gamer before becoming teh Headz Up player of evar, and was specifically accomplished at Warcraft III. Go figure.
I'm pretty much an exclusive PC player. Rarely some Sudoku on the go on my smartphone, but that doesn't really count as gaming imo. Consoles got me during my childhood and early youth because of the lack of money, but as soon as I could get away from the closed ecosystem scheme, I went for a PC.

My rig is self-built and will stay this way. Originally pieced it together winter 2014/15; just recently upgraded the graphics card from a GTX 980 ahead of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It was a pretty easy decision to upgrade at this point, given the all-around shitty offering Nvidia has put out this year with the new RTX cards.

Current specs...

be quiet! Silent Base 800 sound insulated case
Intel i7-4790K 4x4.0 GHz, up to 4.4 GHz boost, cooled with be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 3
G.Skill Ares 16 GB (2x8) DDR3-2400
Gigabyte Z97X-UD3H Black Edition
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition
Crucial MX500 500 GB SSD
2x 2 TB 7200rpm hard drives, reused

Input: Apple Wired Keyboard, Logitech G700s, formerly for MMOs also a G600
Display: One of the two Apple LED Cinema Displays (1440p) from my workstation Mac Pro. Sometimes plugging in the 2nd display as well if I need additional space for web browsing, solutions etc. next to the game.

I used to play WoW years ago, but I never really was able or willing to put so much time into it to do all the endgame content. The farm and grind required for that was just way too excessive. Which is also a big part of the reason why I stopped playing it. Later, a fresh MMO called The Secret World came along, which I fell in love with and played excessively over the ~4 years of its effective lifetime. Last year, it was replaced by a new version with pretty much exactly the same content (some was actually cut), but abysmal controls, massively dumbed-down mechanics (challenging mechanics were a hallmark of the old game) and blatant cash grab everywhere. So that game is essentially dead.

Also been playing CS:S for a long time and I would still play it if only there were any good servers left. Had preordered CS:GO but turned out very much meh. Played it only for a short time. Overwatch started out great when it launched, but has quickly become an absolute nightmare. If you're like me and want to have laid-back, but still somewhat serious matches, don't buy Overwatch... Ranked is hardcore, and quickplay is full of idiots doing anything but following the map objective. No middle ground exists. Plus, horrible matchmaking algorithm. Left 4 Dead (+#2) sadly also nearly dead, but at least you can sometimes get a halfway good campaign late at night.

Played Witcher 3 too with all expansions, but I'm not the type of guy that sinks hundreds of hours into this kind of game after story completion. Assassin's Creed was interesting while they still ran with the Desmond Miles backstory. After its conclusion it got pretty much boring, just like the Far Cry series. Always the same concept, just different environments, nearly nonexistent story. The two Metro games were great, and the Tomb Raider reboot was fairly nice as well - it went downhill with the last part though.

Been playing Minecraft for a good while as well after it went into beta, but lost its steam for me.

My most played games right now are Team Fortress 2 (playerbase has become massively cancerous, and the recent move from permanent servers to matchmaking has made it even worse, but sometimes you still get a good game) and a Mafia type game called Town of Salem (developers are a bunch of kids with apparently no idea about solid software development, but the game itself is nice). I know, quite pathetic when you have a 1080 Ti in your system, but well. When I play the very few blockbuster titles that interest me, I don't want to see pixel mud nor stuttering.
I'm pretty much an exclusive PC player. Rarely some Sudoku on the go on my smartphone, but that doesn't really count as gaming imo. Consoles got me during my childhood and early youth because of the lack of money, but as soon as I could get away from the closed ecosystem scheme, I went for a PC.

My rig is self-built and will stay this way. Originally pieced it together winter 2014/15; just recently upgraded the graphics card from a GTX 980 ahead of Shadow of the Tomb Raider. It was a pretty easy decision to upgrade at this point, given the all-around shitty offering Nvidia has put out this year with the new RTX cards.

Current specs...

be quiet! Silent Base 800 sound insulated case
Intel i7-4790K 4x4.0 GHz, up to 4.4 GHz boost, cooled with be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 3
G.Skill Ares 16 GB (2x8) DDR3-2400
Gigabyte Z97X-UD3H Black Edition
Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti Founders Edition
Crucial MX500 500 GB SSD
2x 2 TB 7200rpm hard drives, reused

Input: Apple Wired Keyboard, Logitech G700s, formerly for MMOs also a G600
Display: One of the two Apple LED Cinema Displays (1440p) from my workstation Mac Pro. Sometimes plugging in the 2nd display as well if I need additional space for web browsing, solutions etc. next to the game.

I used to play WoW years ago, but I never really was able or willing to put so much time into it to do all the endgame content. The farm and grind required for that was just way too excessive. Which is also a big part of the reason why I stopped playing it. Later, a fresh MMO called The Secret World came along, which I fell in love with and played excessively over the ~4 years of its effective lifetime. Last year, it was replaced by a new version with pretty much exactly the same content (some was actually cut), but abysmal controls, massively dumbed-down mechanics (challenging mechanics were a hallmark of the old game) and blatant cash grab everywhere. So that game is essentially dead.

Also been playing CS:S for a long time and I would still play it if only there were any good servers left. Had preordered CS:GO but turned out very much meh. Played it only for a short time. Overwatch started out great when it launched, but has quickly become an absolute nightmare. If you're like me and want to have laid-back, but still somewhat serious matches, don't buy Overwatch... Ranked is hardcore, and quickplay is full of idiots doing anything but following the map objective. No middle ground exists. Plus, horrible matchmaking algorithm. Left 4 Dead (+#2) sadly also nearly dead, but at least you can sometimes get a halfway good campaign late at night.

Played Witcher 3 too with all expansions, but I'm not the type of guy that sinks hundreds of hours into this kind of game after story completion. Assassin's Creed was interesting while they still ran with the Desmond Miles backstory. After its conclusion it got pretty much boring, just like the Far Cry series. Always the same concept, just different environments, nearly nonexistent story. The two Metro games were great, and the Tomb Raider reboot was fairly nice as well - it went downhill with the last part though.

Been playing Minecraft for a good while as well after it went into beta, but lost its steam for me.

My most played games right now are Team Fortress 2 (playerbase has become massively cancerous, and the recent move from permanent servers to matchmaking has made it even worse, but sometimes you still get a good game) and a Mafia type game called Town of Salem (developers are a bunch of kids with apparently no idea about solid software development, but the game itself is nice). I know, quite pathetic when you have a 1080 Ti in your system, but well. When I play the very few blockbuster titles that interest me, I don't want to see pixel mud nor stuttering.

I bought Overwatch early on, but it wasn't really until recently that I started playing it a lot more. I can't really agree with you on the quickplay...although very often there are a few idiots on the team and sometimes it's a very quick (losing) match I still manage to have a good time and generally find decent teamwork occurring. I would like more friends to play with though, as a team queue ought to improve that (matched against other teams who are presumably communicating). I've only played a few matches of ranked, I'm always concerned about being interrupted by one of the kids and failing to hold up my responsibility to the team.

BTW my battle tag is v1pe#1721 and steam name is v1pe as well, if anyone wants to friend request me.
Things might be radically different in the US realm vs the EU realm.

Your big advantage for example is that you all have one common language. Here in the EU realm I often see small groups of players joining matches speaking exclusively some random foreign language noone but them understands. There even are a ton or russians. This makes general communication a lot harder already.
Nobody has mentioned being excited for Red Dead Redemption 2 and that is blasphemy.

Loved the Uncharted games, Last of Us, GTA1-5, Metal Gear Solid, MGS2,3 +4. Oh and Gran Turismo... Wasted many an hour on endurance races back in the day, or shaving second off my lap times.

I recently built a retropie for about $100 CAD. Love going back and playing those classic SNES games from when I really had the time to play video games.

I don't play much anymore - but may get back into it at some point over the winter. RDR 2 is enough to bring me out of retirement.
Nobody has mentioned being excited for Red Dead Redemption 2 and that is blasphemy.

Loved the Uncharted games, Last of Us, GTA1-5, Metal Gear Solid, MGS2,3 +4. Oh and Gran Turismo... Wasted many an hour on endurance races back in the day, or shaving second off my lap times.

I recently built a retropie for about $100 CAD. Love going back and playing those classic SNES games from when I really had the time to play video games.

I don't play much anymore - but may get back into it at some point over the winter. RDR 2 is enough to bring me out of retirement.

Never owned a PS system so I haven't played most of those! RDR2 looks cool though. Never played the original.
Currently enjoying Dragon Quest XI and Monster Hunter: World on my PS4. Also playing Mario Kart 8 on my Switch, mainly when my 2 year old daughter asks me, "Play Racing!"

On the horizon there's the aforementioned Red Dead Redemption 2, Kingdom Hearts 3, and the glut of samurai games soon to come: Nioh 2, Ghost, and Sekiro!
Growing up I played a ton of games, mainly consoles until I went to college and finally got a PC. But the normal stuff, NES, Sega Genesis, PS1 was my trip through the consoles and I kind of stopped there and moved to PC until I got my kids a wii and eventually an xbox. I spent a lot of quarters in the arcades back in Phoenix.

I played tons of different stuff and could probably write pages and pages of the different games I liked best. But to summarize, used to play all the EA sports titles like NBA Live, Madden, NHL 9x, etc. I like RPGs (both single player and MMO - lost too much time to Everquest back in the late 90's), pretty much anything Sid Meier came out with, from simulations like F19 Stealth Fighter, Silent Service, of course the CIV games, and especially Pirates! PC I really enjoyed Rainbox Six, Unreal Tournament, Portal, L4D, etc. But what I've enjoyed the most and am still not happy about is Half Life. I played HL and all its expansions, sequel, episodes... Can't believe that Valve has just left it hanging and will never release the next one.

Used to play at lot of... DoD.

I loved DoD and DoD:S. I played all the way back when it was just a HL mod all the way through retail and then source. It became my game of choice and was pretty much all I still played until a few years ago and haven't really gamed much at all since.

I've still kind of found joy in games in a different way kind of for the nostalgia. I've restored some old arcade games, a couple pinballs, and made some cabinets of my own. I built a full size MAME cab to play old arcade games, and two bartops, one modeled after Tempest to use a spinner and one to play old Nintendo games using the old Nintendo Advantage joysticks. Funny thing is, I really enjoyed restoring and building them more than I have actually playing them. The process was the fun this time.

Here's my Nintendo bartop build in video:

I built this driving rig to start playing racing sims. It had a triple monitor setup at one time, but pictured here with an old LED tv. Its fun, I just don't spend the time on it I thought I would. Not the greatest picture but you get the idea.


The PGA Tour arcade golf game in my basement is pretty much the only thing I still play. I bought it non working for $100 and fixed it. Someone hacked a homebrew server together and we play tournaments against others around the world which is pretty cool.


I played with my nephews HTC Vive a month back, it was amazing. The experience really blew me away. I'm tempted to get one and start playing again.

My next build project is to make a dual monitor four player Cyberball cabinet for my basement. Anyone ever play that in the arcades? That game was awesome. I'll have it play other four player games like NBA Jam too.
Growing up I played a ton of games, mainly consoles until I went to college and finally got a PC. But the normal stuff, NES, Sega Genesis, PS1 was my trip through the consoles and I kind of stopped there and moved to PC until I got my kids a wii and eventually an xbox. I spent a lot of quarters in the arcades back in Phoenix.

I played tons of different stuff and could probably write pages and pages of the different games I liked best. But to summarize, used to play all the EA sports titles like NBA Live, Madden, NHL 9x, etc. I like RPGs (both single player and MMO - lost too much time to Everquest back in the late 90's), pretty much anything Sid Meier came out with, from simulations like F19 Stealth Fighter, Silent Service, of course the CIV games, and especially Pirates! PC I really enjoyed Rainbox Six, Unreal Tournament, Portal, L4D, etc. But what I've enjoyed the most and am still not happy about is Half Life. I played HL and all its expansions, sequel, episodes... Can't believe that Valve has just left it hanging and will never release the next one.

I loved DoD and DoD:S. I played all the way back when it was just a HL mod all the way through retail and then source. It became my game of choice and was pretty much all I still played until a few years ago and haven't really gamed much at all since.

I've still kind of found joy in games in a different way kind of for the nostalgia. I've restored some old arcade games, a couple pinballs, and made some cabinets of my own. I built a full size MAME cab to play old arcade games, and two bartops, one modeled after Tempest to use a spinner and one to play old Nintendo games using the old Nintendo Advantage joysticks. Funny thing is, I really enjoyed restoring and building them more than I have actually playing them. The process was the fun this time.

Here's my Nintendo bartop build in video:

I built this driving rig to start playing racing sims. It had a triple monitor setup at one time, but pictured here with an old LED tv. Its fun, I just don't spend the time on it I thought I would. Not the greatest picture but you get the idea.


The PGA Tour arcade golf game in my basement is pretty much the only thing I still play. I bought it non working for $100 and fixed it. Someone hacked a homebrew server together and we play tournaments against others around the world which is pretty cool.


I played with my nephews HTC Vive a month back, it was amazing. The experience really blew me away. I'm tempted to get one and start playing again.

My next build project is to make a dual monitor four player Cyberball cabinet for my basement. Anyone ever play that in the arcades? That game was awesome. I'll have it play other four player games like NBA Jam too.
My favourite arcade genre are Puzzle and Shoot'em Up. Played (and furthest progress):
1. Raiden (Stage 6)
2. Raiden II (Stage 5 - Nuke Factory, failed at Blackbird boss)
3. Raiden DX (Expert/Charlie, Stage 5)
4. Raiden III (Stage 6)
5. Raiden IV (Arcade, Stage 8 (Stage 3 Loop 2))
6. DonPachi (Stage 5)
7. DoDonPachi (Stage 5)
8. DoDonPachi DaiOuJou (Stage 4)
9. DoDonPachi DaiFukkatsu Black Label (Stage 3 Boss)
10. Parodius Da - Non Sense Fantasy (Stage 6)
11. Gokujou Parodius - (Often failed at "Captain Kebab Battleship", normal Stage 3)
12. Gradius/Nemesis (Stage 4)
13. Gradius II/Vulcan Venture (Stage 4)
14. Gradius III (Arcade, Stage 3)
15. Air Assault (3-ALL)
16. Twin Cobra/Kyukyoku Tiger (Stage 7)
17. Twin Cobra II/Kyukyoku Tiger II (All Clear)
18. Truxton/Tatsujin (Stage 3)
19. Truxton II/Tatsujin Oh (Stage 4)
20. Batsugun (Stage 4)
21. Viper Plase 1 (Stage 3)

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