Growing up I played a ton of games, mainly consoles until I went to college and finally got a PC. But the normal stuff, NES, Sega Genesis, PS1 was my trip through the consoles and I kind of stopped there and moved to PC until I got my kids a wii and eventually an xbox. I spent a lot of quarters in the arcades back in Phoenix.
I played tons of different stuff and could probably write pages and pages of the different games I liked best. But to summarize, used to play all the EA sports titles like NBA Live, Madden, NHL 9x, etc. I like RPGs (both single player and MMO - lost too much time to Everquest back in the late 90's), pretty much anything Sid Meier came out with, from simulations like F19 Stealth Fighter, Silent Service, of course the CIV games, and especially Pirates! PC I really enjoyed Rainbox Six, Unreal Tournament, Portal, L4D, etc. But what I've enjoyed the most and am still not happy about is Half Life. I played HL and all its expansions, sequel, episodes... Can't believe that Valve has just left it hanging and will never release the next one.
I loved DoD and DoD:S. I played all the way back when it was just a HL mod all the way through retail and then source. It became my game of choice and was pretty much all I still played until a few years ago and haven't really gamed much at all since.
I've still kind of found joy in games in a different way kind of for the nostalgia. I've restored some old arcade games, a couple pinballs, and made some cabinets of my own. I built a full size MAME cab to play old arcade games, and two bartops, one modeled after Tempest to use a spinner and one to play old Nintendo games using the old Nintendo Advantage joysticks. Funny thing is, I really enjoyed restoring and building them more than I have actually playing them. The process was the fun this time.
Here's my Nintendo bartop build in video:
I built this driving rig to start playing racing sims. It had a triple monitor setup at one time, but pictured here with an old LED tv. Its fun, I just don't spend the time on it I thought I would. Not the greatest picture but you get the idea.
The PGA Tour arcade golf game in my basement is pretty much the only thing I still play. I bought it non working for $100 and fixed it. Someone hacked a homebrew server together and we play tournaments against others around the world which is pretty cool.
I played with my nephews HTC Vive a month back, it was amazing. The experience really blew me away. I'm tempted to get one and start playing again.
My next build project is to make a dual monitor four player Cyberball cabinet for my basement. Anyone ever play that in the arcades? That game was awesome. I'll have it play other four player games like NBA Jam too.