Auction 1,900+ Paulson Horseshoe Gardena Chips (4 Viewers)

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Great idea!!!

Just finishied reading this thread as I crush an online tournament and read my 3 year old grandson a night time story..and the best part was reading about Changsters friend from his home game in the WSOP.

Changster, thanks for sharing. Hope you win this auction.
Just finishied reading this thread as I crush an online tournament and read my 3 year old grandson a night time story..and the best part was reading about Changsters friend from his home game in the WSOP.

Changster, thanks for sharing. Hope you win this auction.
I don't think he's gonna win. From the banning. You know ... Just a hunch.
I don't think he's gonna win. From the banning. You know ... Just a hunch.

There is no "banning", Josh. You might take the time to learn how PCF works before shooting off your mouth.

When someone is on "Ignore", their posts are still there for everyone to see. Even the person doing the ignoring sees a link which allows him to read the content posted by the person being ignored.
There is no "banning", Josh. You might take the time to learn how PCF works before shooting off your mouth.

When someone is on "Ignore", their posts are still there for every one to see. Even the person doing the ignoring sees a link which allows him to read the content posted by the person being ignored.
Heh, I didn't think I was shooting off my mouth, you said his bids were not valid. I didn't think "banning" was quite the wrong word since he's not allowed to bid on your auction. But hey, being hypercritical on words is fun!

Thanks for the lesson on ignoring, I've never ignored anyone, so it's valuable information that I'll keep for the rest of my life.

Where is the chip porn?
A vast majority of the confusion/angst in this post could be cleared up with a simple Yes or No answer to one question:

@pltrgyst, if @Changster wins this auction, do you intend to complete the transaction with him as you would with any other buyer?

People are seeing you asking him not to bid and assuming that means you don’t intend to honor his bids. I’m not sure that’s the case...
A vast majority of the confusion/angst in this post could be cleared up with a simple Yes or No answer to one question:

@pltrgyst, if @Changster wins this auction, do you intend to complete the transaction with him as you would with any other buyer?

People are seeing you asking him not to bid and assuming that means you don’t intend to honor his bids. I’m not sure that’s the case...

All that doesn’t matter because I’m gonna win. Nobody besides me is going to be bidding...

Your comment says that you are undecided on what you will do after your auction. If you didn’t mean to say that, write better. Don’t blame me.
I’m pretty sure he didn’t quote it properly to avoid people actually looking at what he initially wrote - since quoting consists solely of hitting a single button - but hey I could be misinterpreting his quoting methods.
Auction meant to end at 9:00 EST or 9:00 EDT?
Either done in 18 mins or 1:18. o_O
Buy them, man, for God's sake! :DYou 're among the very few people here or anywhere who can justify that kind of purchase:)

If the $5 was just about any other spot pattern I would be in for these. I don’t like the 312 spot pattern very much, especially on the workhorse chip.
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