^This.This is one of the best sets posted here on PCF ever. The other "$10,000" sets (looking at you NAGB chips) in any quantity can't hold a light to this set. I've thought about selling 3 or 4 sets to get my hands on it, but I'm too lazy and I have grown somewhat attached to my current lineup to give it a run.
I'm surprised that some of the deeper pockets haven't jumped at this opportunity. I mean a playable ivory set... damn.
People throw the term "grail" around for sets that have dozens of sets exactly like them out there. This is one set that I have no problem with that term being used. I understand that counts for precisely jack shit, but your set really is something special.
TLDR - Great set man, honestly, it's incredible.
I have the cash to consider buying it. Could easily justify it as an antique investment too. But difficulty of getting them to Australia kills the idea for me. If it was already my set I couldn't bear to sell it.
Someone suggested an ivory auction which may work well for OP. Other options? Maybe could be leased to a specialty museum. Get some income from them while they go up in value.