Makes complete sense to me. I play holdem at a high level. That is the exact thing I would do deep stacked, against multiple opponents out of position with a marginal hand.
With a premium hand however, I would usually pound it preflop, oop, against that many opponents.
I guess my question would be this. Is this not considered a premium hand in omaha, or is it just because you don't think you will be able to sufficiently thin the field to make it profitable to raise?
The problem is that in PLO hand strengths preflop run closer together generally than in Hold Em. So you really want to see a flop to determine if you're going to continue with a hand.
Now there are plenty of pros out there who would raise this hand and try to thin the field. My approach is to rarely raise AT ALL. I'm a puller. I want multi-way pots with most of the hands I play. This is because:
1. Fish want to play hands, it makes them happy. So I try to keep pots small preflop and let them in, the fish should want to stick around
2. Multi-way pots in PLO are much harder to bluff at. So it makes it more difficult for stronger or more aggressive opponents to push me off my equity/draws if they're facing a huge field of opponents
3. The more players in the pot, the greater likelihood that someone will make a 2nd best hand and pay me off when I hit my holding
The majority of my sessions, one or two key hands are going to make or break you. So I'm looking for the knockout blows, the big hits for entire stacks, rather than the small jabs the more aggressive players make where they take down smaller pots with aggression, but usually give it all back and then some in the bigger pots.
As far as my KK65 double suited hand. It's good, but not amazing. King-high flushes can cause you a lot of trouble in this game since so many players are in there with suited Aces and PLO is fairly nutty. In addition, while the 56 are coordinated with one another, aside from their suits they don't work with my Kings. I'd much rather go to war with KKJT where all four cards work in conjunction.
I will even just call with AAxx (I did that this past session with AATJ one suit) because I was OOP and since I rarely raise I don't want to telegraph my hand. When I hit it's much harder for them to put me on the Aces because I didn't raise, and a lot of players just apply their own style of play to everyone they are up against (i.e. so and so did x, and if I did x it would mean y, so therefore they cannot have z)