Giveaway 5k post - BCC giveaway (3 Viewers)

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Since we are doing bands, I just realized my favorite Prog / Death Metal band is also from Sweden - Opeth!

Mikael Åkerfeldt can growl like the devil himself, and yet his clean vocals are as sweet and wonderful as can be. A truly talented vocalist!


My only interaction with anyone/anything Swedish is walking through IKEA and I LOVE it! Great place to shop!

IN! My only interaction was during my childhood with the muppets Swedish Chef? Lol
IN. Headed to IKEA this weekend for a shelf my son won't stop asking me about. It's so he can display all his action figures. Wonder where he gets that from.

You know I live in Sweden and I hope that will qualify me for the giveaway ;)
I’m very thankful I met you here Erik, it’s not easy to find a Swede with the same interest in chips!
Congratulations to 5k messages Erik! I bet most of them were very nice and beautiful to look at. It's the swedish way.

Since I don't want to post another Ikea story and interactions with yourself don't count...
I saw your wife walk through the frame in the background once when we were playing online. :ninja:

In! ;)
Congratulations to 5k messages Erik! I bet most of them were very nice and beautiful to look at. It's the swedish way.

Since I don't want to post another Ikea story and interactions with yourself don't count...
I saw your wife walk through the frame in the background once when we were playing online. :ninja:

In! ;)
Haha thank you, Angelo! Though I bet most of them actually were me bumping my wanted ads :D
That's so generous! Well done, and congrats on the 5K posts. You are truly a nerd and a degenerate!
Those chips are beautiful, and probably the most pleasant to shuffle I've experienced... I'm not in for the giveaway though, I'm pretty sure there are folks out there who needs them more than I do.

I will join the old men trying to run thread when you start it though! I used to run regularly, and really got into town races (even did the Stockholm Marathon once, I should do it again. So much fun!), but now I've gone terribly out of shape.
IN. I loved The Bridge - Saga Noren FTW! Got me into Scandi drama in a big way. That and Stieg Larsson, not just his famous books but some of his political research, that's probably for another thread or a over a whisky at the meetup though.
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Congrats on 5k! I'd love to be in, thanks!

Was a big fan of the National soccer team during USA World Cup 94

And of that man, wearing PSG jersey :)
Thank you everyone for participating! I loved reading everyone’s little swede anecdote. A couple of you sorta cheated but I’m in a good mood today and will not exclude anyone.

I said in the OP I wasn’t gonna name any names but there is one obvious exception. The one and only @Tommy making all of this possible. Thank you for all your time and effort with managing PCF! You’re the man! :love:

Here are all of the contestants. I surely hope I didn’t miss anyone. Gonna leave this for an hour or so before drawing the 20 seats.

  1. @davislane
  2. @TheJack
  3. @arch3r
  4. @MyLastChip
  5. @BearMetal
  6. @BillyBluff
  7. @WedgeRock
  8. @mattross1313
  9. @pepelewpewpew
  10. @Pinkdan
  11. @200 Motels
  12. @LeLe
  13. @surfik
  14. @Grimace
  15. @Tonysquander
  16. @inapinch
  17. @apocalypse2312
  18. @khp
  19. @TheOffalo
  20. @Suited Connector
  21. @dkellerd
  22. @BarrieJ3
  23. @Okku
  24. @cmbird23
  25. @ekricket
  26. @puglia82
  27. @DZPoker
  28. @Glacier
  29. @Poker Zombie
  30. @warewulf
  31. @Colquhoun
  32. @TX_Golf_N_Poker
  33. @Poseidon
  34. @ktran
  35. @natumes
  36. @judgeanjury
  37. @VivasTable
  38. @Himewad
  39. @brewdawg
  40. @mugenpowr
  41. @Sicembears
  42. @FordPickup92
  43. @Geremie
  44. @Godzilla28
  45. @timinater
  46. @ChipFinderSK
  47. @DRG
  48. @DrBill
  49. @jbriod
  50. @trever
  51. @harrysallout
  52. @Ainton
  53. @OfficerLovejoy
  54. @Big Money
  55. @Mr Winberg
  56. @JP1984
  57. @MilouPilou1
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