Giveaway 5k post - BCC giveaway (3 Viewers)

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All right, first table is ready to square off. 1k starting stacks. Cards are dealt:


But what is this, @mattross1313 , the fearless Englishman, openshoves and they ALL call:

Well, let’s just say it was an ambitious shove. Fearless indeed. Some of these calls look a little weird to me, but let’s just see who lady lucks chooses to reward!

The flop smashes @puglia82 with top pair a Q-high FD and backdoor straight draw. But we have people drawing live against him.

@Poker Zombie is looking for that gutshot 9. Too bad two of them are already out there.
@brewdawg has got a measly pair of 3s, but the ace is live and he does have those backdoor hearts that could bail him out.
@harrysallout will have to root for another heart or a king and
@Big Money will have to spike that third ten

The flop smashes @puglia82 with top pair a Q-high FD and backdoor straight draw. But we have people drawing live against him.

@Poker Zombie is looking for that gutshot 9. Too bad two of them are already out there.
@brewdawg has got a measly pair of 3s, but the ace is live and he does have those backdoor hearts that could bail him out.
@harrysallout will have to root for another heart or a king and
@Big Money will have to spike that third ten

View attachment 945067
:2c::2s: :love::sick::ROFL: :ROFLMAO:
Bam! Like out of a Barry Greenstein book @brewdawg comes out of nowhere and spikes that ace on the river to steal the win from @puglia82 . The latter flies out of his seat 4 and hurdles across the table, clearly aiming for the dealer. As the smoke clears, and @puglia82 is dragged off the area screaming ”Baaaarrrrry!!!”, @brewdawg victoriously smiles to the cameras. He has secured at least one barrel of BCC chips and is thirsty for more!

Cards are dealt. Utg, seat 9, the German pro, smirks and flicks his 1k-chip into the pot and would you believe it, they All call again. Must be a lot of nothern europeans in this years line-ups. Let’s see what all those donkeys called with.

Well, I see at least a few legitimate calls this time. But what was the German pro thinking? Let’s see if this unorthodox play can pay off. @BarrieJ3 ’s KK firmly in the lead as we go to the flop.

Well, this is as dry as they come. The camera pans over the crowd and lands on @mattross1313 who looks at the flop in disgust and mumbles something inaudible.
@BarrieJ3 looks at the flop in disbelief, could his overpair actually hold against all these suckers, maybe. Just maybe.
@DZPoker did flop toppair but with all the kings accounted for, he’s gonna have to pray for that miracle seven.
@jbriod ’s kicker is live, plus he has the backdoor diamonds.
Let’s just burn and turn shall we?

Well, this is as dry as they come. The camera pans over the crowd and lands on @mattross1313 who looks at the flop in disgust and mumbles something inaudible.
@BarrieJ3 looks at the flop in disbelief, could his overpair actually hold against all these suckers, maybe. Just maybe.
@DZPoker did flop toppair but with all the kings accounted for, he’s gonna have to pray for that miracle seven.
@jbriod ’s kicker is live, plus he has the backdoor diamonds.
Let’s just burn and turn shall we?

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Not a lot of safe turns for me. Let’s go babeeeee! One time for some Mardi Gras!!!
The turn lands and incredibly @BarrieJ3 is still in the lead. @jbriod does pick up the flushdraw. A quick look over the other all-in hands reveils that a lot of diamonds are still unaccounted for. Could this be the demise of good old @BarrieJ3 ? Can he fade all those outs on the river? Will he be victorious?

The dealer taps the table and gets ready to deal the river. ”Don’t you fucking do it”, @BarrieJ3 lets out. ”Just this one time, lemme hold”. Then, as if in slowmotion, the dealer burns and deals the river…

Let’s not drag this out. An inconsequential Q of spades lands on the river. @BarrieJ3 has done it! Kings hold against Ace jacks, against suited connectors and all the other napkins that donkishly tried to run down our hero. @BarrieJ3 is exhausted but happy, yet he knows that this is far from over. To win the coveted Mardi barrels he must first defeat the Texas legend @brewdawg heads-up in the feared game of Omaha!


Congrats gentlemen @brewdawg @BarrieJ3 ! You have proven yourselves worthy of BCC and shall soon square off against each other to determine how the prices will be awarded.
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