SOLD $7 Raffle CHEAP! 3/$20 CHEAPER! 600-chip set of Gemaco PCF Promo Chips (1 Viewer)

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People with reserved spots, payment info has been sent.
There are still spots for people who want in.
Now for some freebies. I will include all of these at no charge for the winner.

Who DOESN'T want some RT Plastics bikini chips, right?
50 paid spots will trigger the raffle for the next day that the lotto in the OP occurs.
Random dot org has assigned you 25 28 and 50 pokerpig. When the internet in my home returns I will send you PayPal info.
post 2 updated with payment info so far
we are up to 36 paid, 18 reserved/unpaid, 6 not reserved open spots

Join the raffle if you have not yet, there is still time!
I've got 51 paid entries now. Still 3 people/9 entries unpaid.

We did, however, hit 50+ paid, so whether those people pay or not, Friday the 13th of July's Hoosier Lottery Mid Day Pick 3 will determine the winner. (about 1:10 pm eastern time)

Should the lottery pick 961-000, or a number of somebody unpaid, we will wait until Saturday mid day and try again.

If I get 60 paid entries I'll run a second raffle for some other goodies. Nothing big, but free stuff is free stuff. I'll go update post 2.
I've got 51 paid entries now. Still 3 people/9 entries unpaid.

We did, however, hit 50+ paid, so whether those people pay or not, Friday the 13th of July's Hoosier Lottery Mid Day Pick 3 will determine the winner. (about 1:10 pm eastern time)

Should the lottery pick 961-000, or a number of somebody unpaid, we will wait until Saturday mid day and try again.

If I get 60 paid entries I'll run a second raffle for some other goodies. Nothing big, but free stuff is free stuff. I'll go update post 2.
Friday the 13th calls for number 13 cheeeeee
We are full and all paid up. Yay!

We have a 96% chance of finding a winner tomorrow. I'll box them up and get them ready to go.

I'll work on putting some items together for a 2nd drawing.
My research says 7-8-6 was today's winning number.
If anybody disagrees now is the time.
Looks like @pokerpig is indeed the winner.
Everybody watch tomorrow for a secondary drawing. Still deciding what to put in it. I hereby declare pokerpig ineligible for the secondary drawing, though I do not think he will mind.
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