GB Completed 8-Table Seating Chips and Dealer Buttons (6 Viewers)

Would you buy a set?

  • Yes

    Votes: 25 59.5%
  • No, thank you

    Votes: 11 26.2%
  • I am in for a set of SUITS seating chips

    Votes: 10 23.8%
  • I am in for a set of SUITS DEALER buttons

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • I am in for a set of ROYALS seating chips

    Votes: 4 9.5%
  • I am in for a set of ROYALS DEALER buttons

    Votes: 3 7.1%

  • Total voters
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This has not shipped from BR Pro yet (at least I have not been notified). They advise 3 weeks from the date of order but also that there may be delays over the holidays. Order was placed Dec 11, so 3 weeks would be Jan 1. This is got to be the worst timing for a family run business and I've avoided hassling them. On Jan 2 I will ping them for a status update and I will let you all know.

Have a Happy New Year!
This has not shipped from BR Pro yet (at least I have not been notified). They advise 3 weeks from the date of order but also that there may be delays over the holidays. Order was placed Dec 11, so 3 weeks would be Jan 1. This is got to be the worst timing for a family run business and I've avoided hassling them. On Jan 2 I will ping them for a status update and I will let you all know.

Have a Happy New Year!
Thanks for the update. We'll get them when we get them. ;)
Happy New Year.
If anyone out there ordered a set of the Seating Chips, and would be willing to part with the set, I would love to have it. PM me if you would be willing to sell? Thanks...!!
If anyone out there ordered a set of the Seating Chips, and would be willing to part with the set, I would love to have it. PM me if you would be willing to sell? Thanks...!!
Replying in thread for transparency.

We are still waiting on delivery (any day now!). I ordered myself a second set (out of my own pocket) expecting someone may come along and ask to buy a set after orders closed. I can sell it to you at the original rate. Send me a PM and let me know if you want all 8 tables or just want a 4 table Suits or 4 table Royals.

Note the 15% contingency is to cover the cost of prototypes, packing supplies, ancillary expenses, and an extra complete set I will use to infill any lost chips or misprints. Whatever remains of the extra set (once all orders are delivered) will be a PCF Member give away.
There is also a contingency set to cover any lost, misprinted, mis-ordered sets. After all orders are delivered, the plan is to give what remains of that set as a Member giveaway. But this is may be a good time to ask the group who participated in this buy: do you guys want to give it away or put it up for a charity auction instead?
Replying in thread for transparency.

We are still waiting on delivery (any day now!). I ordered myself a second set (out of my own pocket) expecting someone may come along and ask to buy a set after orders closed. I can sell it to you at the original rate. Send me a PM and let me know if you want all 8 tables or just want a 4 table Suits or 4 table Royals.

There is also a contingency set to cover any lost, misprinted, mis-ordered sets. After all orders are delivered, the plan is to give what remains of that set as a Member giveaway. But this is may be a good time to ask the group who participated in this buy: do you guys want to give it away or put it up for a charity auction instead?
I think saving it for a future charitable purpose would be a fantastic idea. This community is so thoughtful and caring that I think it would represent PCF and what it's about in the best way possible. Whatever you decide is very cool and thanks for putting in the work to make this possible.
Love this and sorry I missed it. If anyone ordered a set to many (preferably royals), I’ll buy it.
Replying in thread for transparency.

We are still waiting on delivery (any day now!). I ordered myself a second set (out of my own pocket) expecting someone may come along and ask to buy a set after orders closed. I can sell it to you at the original rate. Send me a PM and let me know if you want all 8 tables or just want a 4 table Suits or 4 table Royals.

There is also a contingency set to cover any lost, misprinted, mis-ordered sets. After all orders are delivered, the plan is to give what remains of that set as a Member giveaway. But this is may be a good time to ask the group who participated in this buy: do you guys want to give it away or put it up for a charity auction instead?
PM sent
Late to the party but trying to be proper. :)

0 - Suits DB
0 - Suits SC
1 - Royals DB
1 - Royals SC
1- Rainbow Joker DB (if avail) ?
If there are seating chips still available I'll

If there is seating chips still available I will buy them.
I do not have any more. I ordered one extra of each and those are now spoken for. Maybe someone else ordered a set they do not need and are willing to sell it? If anyone works out at deal with @fredo please let me know if you want me to ship directly to him.
UPDATE: I was just notified by BR Pro that the chips are shipping today. I have tracking numbers but no expected ETA yet. I will need a weekend to sort and pack chips. So if I do not get them by this weekend, realistically I will not be able to ship these out until January 16. I'll keep you all posted.

I expect to receive these on January 10. I expect to start shipping these out on January 16.
I have not inventoried nor checked every chip, but the selection I pulled out looks good! I will inventory and pack into boxes this weekend and start sending them out soon thereafter.


And here I have a set of 8 tables in an Apache 2800. The royals are under the suits.
Anyone with one or more (4?) Joker DB’s they want to sell..?
I bought 2 sets of the suits DBs (see the table in Post 1). I can sell you one set for the original price of $28. I can put them in your order box, so no extra shipping charge. But you have to let me know today.
@GreekRedEye these look amazing. Thanks for taking the time to share with us and manage this group buy.

You are welcome! Really, I need to say thank you to all of you. Particularly @Forty4 who spent a lot of time in PM helping me improve the design and @Himewad who gave me good advice on pricing and shipping hacks. I wanted these chips but could never have met minimums without this group buy. All of you buying in (and helping me improve and proof the design) allowed me to get a set for myself.

I really love how these came out! I hope everyone else in the group feels the same once you get your hands on them.
Thanks - but looking for the joker / multi-color DB... Thanks...!!

I have had a couple inquiries about the rainbow joker button. Maybe, once this group buy is all mailed out and settled, we can do a small run of those. Minimum order is only 10. But I'd ask someone else to act as reshipper.
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