AKo in mid possition. (1 Viewer)

*** Results ***

Hero decides that poker logic > live reads and goes for a small value bet. Hero bets $65, villain calls.

Hero tables his hand. Villain says, 'Though you had kings' and shows :kh: :8h:

Go figure. Top two pair and he never takes an aggressive action. And yes villain did tell the truth.

I posted this mainly to talk about reads vs poker logic. Hero normally is getting stacked with this hand vs a villain who could easily stack off with KQ/KJ type hands.

I also remind everyone that Hero's on-going objective is to bet the river for value more often. It is a big leak that is not proving easy to plug.

Got off cheap, but I can't recommend the play -=- DrStrange
As a rule, I often believe players who warn that they might hold a certain strong hand. I have seen on countless occasions a villain telling the truth here. The basic level one logic is that he's lying to get a free card, which is why telling the truth works. The second he says that I am check calling the river.
Interesting line by villain.. and funny that he put you on KK, one of your least likely holdings given action and that there is only one possible combination of KK. Agree with your decision to valuebet the river, hard to put him on a better hand when he checks the river.

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