An era is really over (7 Viewers)


Nov 7, 2014
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After watching the TCR auctions, and then seeing the ridiculous prices it has resulted in has left me nostalgic for the old days, and with a realization that an era has really, truly passed.

TCR is free to charge whatever they want, but this really truly felt like an experiment to see the maximum that the masses would be willing to pay.

Jim was never the saint that some like to think of him as, but he was a very honest, stand up businessman, that found a niche market and a way to sell to it. Everyone was treated the same, and everyone had the same chance at the chips.

Hearing whispers and rumours of side deals and special access for select members over the last however number of years made me start to wonder, but now it’s pretty evident. Ever wonder how people who didn’t have a “golden ticket” were able to post pics of their sets within hours of the “golden ticket” holders receiving their chips? Makes you wonder…

It doesn’t feel at all as above board as it used to be, and there is an underlying smell of dishonesty about it.

Not to mention the mislabeling of a low denomination tournament set being called a cash set even though it literally says No Cash Value. No one calls it out or questions it though - you don’t want to end up blacklisted.

There’s no way it will ever go back to the way it was. There’s just too much money, and too many people for it now.

Not that necessarily want it to back, just that I miss it.

I sure wish I knew I was in the good old days when they were happening…


• Both my kids have graduated and I’m deep in my feelings
• No offence intended to anyone
• I strongly believe that people can sell their chips for whatever they want
• I’m old and have been around for too long
• These are just my thoughts/opinions, feel free to disregard
Frustrated Clint Eastwood GIF
Just don’t buy ‘em. There were racks of leaded, real cash, hot stamped THC’s for sale for around the same price per rack just yesterday in the classifieds (granted they were solids).

The Harrah’s sets are like $250/rack for spotted, hot stamped THC’s. Seems standard, everything is more expensive than it was pre-Covid.
Just don’t buy ‘em. There were racks of leaded, real cash, hot stamped THC’s for sale for around the same price per rack just yesterday in the classifieds (granted they were solids).

The Harrah’s sets are like $250/rack for spotted, hot stamped THC’s. Seems standard, everything is more expensive than it was pre-Covid.
They r not real cash, its a tourney set, but he did correct it. I think the unleaded chips were fairly priced.
I think TCR’s pricing is fair but no doubt isn’t for the majority of PCF these days. The rise of versatile Tina ceramics has nuked the demand for entry level RHC, harvested, and CPC chips. There is little to no movement in the high end. Too much demand, too little supply, and 5 digit set prices that cater to only a small subset of PCF.
I’m not going to lie and say I was happy to see the prices where they were for this sale, but I’m also most likely not the target audience.

I’m nostalgic in general and seeing the price of pretty much anything now vs the past can be upsetting, so I get it.

This isn’t a “typical” TCR sale though either, where it’s RHC cash chips, primary/secondary, full casino available, etc. This set/these sets are something that don’t come along very often. I absolutely understand how he went about determining fair market value, and getting money back from his investment.

As far as marketing it as a cash set, I just took it more as, “these are denoms which most home game setups can use for a cash game, despite being tournament chips”, but that’s all subjective. I don’t recall them ever being advertised as chips used for cash games or value chips, but I’ve tuned out on a lot of these threads at this point.

It’s still a business. He still puts in the work to bring ANYTHING to the market for us to enjoy. I’m not going to discount him as a person or vendor based on pricing for one sale, it’s just unfortunately one I’ll have to sit out.
Jim's a standup guy, offers a great service to this community for a long time now. Prices go up, I can't afford as much now, no point in crying about it. I still love seeing him bring more goods to the community. As far as side deals go, he can do that if he wants to. I used to be more connected with Jim in the old days and frequently had early access to chips before others. I was smart and never bragged about it. I didn't stay connected and don't get early action anymore, but that's ok. I'm not going to cry about it. Jim can have deals with people that he wants to have deals with. There is nothing dishonest about that behavior. He takes care of his customers and that is one of his great qualities. Still look forward to meeting him someday.
Jim can have deals with people that he wants to have deals with. There is nothing dishonest about that behavior.
But it’s still frustrating for the unconnected or the unwealthy, who view his sales as their lottery ticket to chip glory. So I don’t blame him for selling to whomever, whenever, for any amount, but yeah, it will frustrate people.
As far as this sale goes, I think the chips are probably priced correctly. They’re likely at least partially leaded, but more important is they’re a spotted hot stamp THC tournament from a brand-name casino. I don’t think PCF has ever seen that. No doubt these will sell out quickly.

As far as the cash chips vs no cash value issue, I’d never felt tournament chips for a cash game. But some people do, and that’s fine for them. I don’t think Jim is trying to fool anybody by marketing cash-game appropriate breakdowns as “cash sets.” No foul there. (The only foul is the people who actually play them as cash chips. BOOM! THAT JUST HAPPENED!!)
I've witnessed TCR original sales turn into Black Friday hoarding where the only intent is to turn a profit. Perhaps we could use "Jim Pricing" for resale. If "Ken Pricing" can be used to try and sell Tiger Palace chips at the same price they were originally sold for, couldn't we use "Jim Pricing" to help not pay inflated flip pricing? I can't blame Jim for going the route he chose with this particular stash of chips. I only hope the next full casino secondary mint chips don't sell at pricing I can't afford from TCR because I certainly wouldn't be able to afford the flip prices.
This is the first time that I've seen tournament chips used/sold in a cash configuration, because it's usually cash chips used/sold in a tournament configuration.

The prices themselves aren't too bad for what you're getting. If people are buying Tigers, this is bargain basement in comparison.
Where one door closes, another opens. There enough people in this hobby now, if TCR starts routinely making bank then somebody else will step in as well. In addition, casinos aren’t stupid entirely. Once they see tens of thousands being made off their wares they will just start selling them themselves - Southpoint did this a few years back, sold their tournament chips off the tables in the casino during regular hours.
This is the first time that I've seen tournament chips used/sold in a cash configuration, because it's usually cash chips used/sold in a tournament configuration.
Chiproom has been doing it for years. Drives me crazy every time. Then I remind myself that it’s okay, and it usually is.
Unfortunately the chip hobby has become financially difficult for me to continue buying sets, but that was bound to happen with more people entering the hobby while supply is shrinking. Personally why should Jim leave profit on the table for flippers when he does all the procurement work? Good for him. He has been good to us, and to me personally has given me some favors because of my handicap making it very difficult to make a speedy purchase during regular sales. I Thank him for his consideration and hope he and everyone he does business with does well in all future endeavors.
This is the first time that I've seen tournament chips used/sold in a cash configuration, because it's usually cash chips used/sold in a tournament configuration.

I think the obvious driver here is the oddity of Harrah’s having commissioned 1s for a tournament set.

I’m not an oldschool chipper, but I’ve had a lot of tournament sets. And I just don’t recall ever seeing T1s before.

I also can’t say that I’ve seen T1 breakdowns discussed (but I’m sure someone will find a link to one). Probably someone out there has even used a 1/2 cash set as a basis for a tourney set, treating the 1s like 100s… But this isn’t common at all in my

Long story short: Given that virtually no one runs tourneys with 1s as the smallest denom here, I totally agree with Jim’s decision to adapt those as part of a “cash” set.

If I buy a set, that’s how I’d use them anyway. No matter what the fine hotstamped print on the chip says.
I don't know Jim, and really it doesn't matter who it is, the argument, can't hold much water.

if I was on ceramics or dice chips and looking for clay / upgrades, for the value buyer / avg guy looking for an upgrade these have a ton of value, how many chippers want a T1 tournament set? 0

Everyone that would have these chips would use them for a cash set over a tournament set. Even if you want to use them as a tourney set, the players would bitch and moan, they too want sexy high value denoms on the set. I'm at poker game and these are the chips they sell me for the game NCV or w/e, they are going to cash them out.

I'm all for being a prescriptivist, but reality comes first. There is no value in these chips sold or said to be tournament chips. A rose by any other name ... You want to devalue these by calling them tourney chips, cool, buy them, call them tournament chips and resell them for a lower price, otherwise I thank you to stay in your lane.

I could give these chips to any host in the mid west and 99.999999999999999999% of them would use them for cash games, the one odd ball out of 10000 would try to find a way to use the 25s and up for a tournament.
how many chippers want a T1 tournament set? 0

Everyone that would have these chips would use them for a cash set over a tournament set. Even if you want to use them as a tourney set, the players would bitch and moan, they too want sexy high value denoms on the set.
Your point is fair, but you’re definitely exaggerating with the 0 and the 99.9999% stuff.

I give zero effs about the denominations on my tournament chips. I think “sexy high denoms” just for the sake of pretending we’re high rollers is stuff for kids. And I can’t be alone in those opinions.

Play it how you want, but to me the only difference between a T1 tournament and a T1,000 tournament is the amount of syllables I have to say when announcing my bets.
Your point is fair, but you’re definitely exaggerating with the 0 and the 99.9999% stuff.

I give zero effs about the denominations on my tournament chips. I think “sexy high denoms” just for the sake of pretending we’re high rollers is stuff for kids. And I can’t be alone in those opinions.

Play it how you want, but to me the only difference between a T1 tournament and a T1,000 tournament is the amount of syllables I have to say when announcing my bets.
Says the above avg chipper ;)

Let me see your T1 sets :wtf:

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