Anyone know for sure where were Paulson Pharoah's were manufactured? (1 Viewer)


3 of a Kind
Aug 5, 2016
Reaction score
Atlanta, Ga
Hey, I'm hoping to find out where exactly Paulson Pharoah's were manufactured. Based on this short history provided on Paul-Son Gaming as well as the locations of GPI's manufacturing facilities shown on the GPI site, I'm guessing that they were probably made in San Luis Rio Colorado in Sonora Mexico.

Can anyone confirm?

I would guess that all the Paulson home chips were likely made in the same factory, as well.
Thanks. Is that posted anywhere, or is it something you've came to learn at some point? I saw the thread on the history of the chips, but I don't think it was stated in that post where they were made.
The Pharaoh's Club chips were first produced in 2005, long after Paul-Son moved manufacturing from Las Vegas to Mexico (just across the border from San Luis, AZ), which was done before the merger in 2002 that created GPI.
Were the ncvs more expensive or the denominated ones? Would it be hard to find chips to top up an existing set?
Iirc, they were all sold for about the same price. First produced on the PAULSON CHIPS mold, around 200,000 chips were purchased in the initial group buy. Later runs included the NCV chip inlays and denominated inlays on the card pips (suits) mold.

Probably over 2 million chips were eventually produced before the line was discontinued and the china clay version was introduced, so it's not like they are a rare commodity. Same goes for the other Paulson home game chip lines..... so many were produced, it's crazy-stupid that they sometimes command prices in excess of of much nicer (and rarer) Paulson casino sets.

It's mostly a matter of new and naive collectors not really understanding the true nature and relative value of the marketplace.
It's mostly a matter of new and naive collectors not really understanding the true nature and relative value of the marketplace.

Is it? I wonder. I'm a new collector and I'm not interested in fantasy chips that cost more than casino chips. I wonder if the price of these sets is driven by experienced collectors who are nostalgic for these chips - chips that were pretty much the best thing available for a long time.
Hey, Dave. I’ll admit to being one of those new and naïve collectors, but I’m genuinely anxious to learn.

So, what are some examples of the much nicer and rarer Paulson casino sets that a newbie, like myself, should be looking to pick up at a price point that is equal to, or lower than, what is being sought for the Paulson fantasy chips? Personally, I’m looking for mint (near-mint) quality, small denominations ($1, $5, $25) with a standard inlay. Except for that last requirement, the Terrible’s secondaries might have fit the bill.

I’ve been watching the Cleveland Horseshoe sale and it looks like pretty good deal if one wants high denom like-new chips, or very used $1 and $5 chips, but if you’re looking for the minty or near-mint $1s and $5s, then you’re pretty much SOL when it comes to the Cleveland’s. And, again, you’re looking at a larger inlay there.

Alternatively, one might look to pick up some $1 chips from a casino, but $500/rack would be a bit steep for the $5s and forget about taking this route to acquire $25s or $100s.

So… back to the original question… what are some more attractive alternatives to the Paulson fantasy chips?
I have owned the Pauslon Pharaoh's and loved them. I still have a large set of the China Clay version. I think they are great for tournament sets. Finding 500, 1000, & 5000 chips from a casino are obviously out there, but the price is very high compared to what it costs for a fantasy Paulson chip.

For my cash games, I go casino chips all day long. There are plenty of options of $1, $5, $25 chips that are all reasonable priced out there.
I've only been collecting chips for the last 10 months so I am barely past the newbie stage (if I'm even that far). Since I've taken up the hobby, I've been pretty active in buying and selling chips. However, I must say that I, along with many newer chippers I'd presume, found this site looking for Paulson fantasy sets (my guilty pleasure was National Poker Series). It's not that I didn't want casino chips, just that I wasn't aware there was a secondary market for playable sets from closed casinos.

Many seasoned collectors don't prefer Paulson fantasy sets because the real casino history isn't there (among other reasons). As @BGinGA noted above (and he is an expert), some of these fantasy sets had millions of chips made, so they are not exactly rare. However, many newer hobbyists, along with many international chippers, seek out Paulson home market sets heavily. My personal hypothesis is that the international chip community hoards all the home market sets, Don't believe me? Look for the next 5 large sales of fantasy sets and see where the seller/buyer are from. ;)

As I've gotten more involved with the community, my tastes have changed considerably, as will yours. You initially want fantasy sets, but they are expensive, so you settle for used casino sets. Then you want better casino sets. Then you want some TRKs. Then you want a place to live because you lost your house after buying TRKs (kidding...kinda). Most folks then transition to custom (CPC) sets.

As you'll see, it's a process that involves spare time and money. If you have enough of both, you can move quicker through the degen stages. If not, you'll go at your own pace. Either way, you'll probably spend more than you want and piss off your significant other considerably. :D
For my cash games, I go casino chips all day long. There are plenty of options of $1, $5, $25 chips that are all reasonable priced out there.

That's great, I guess I just don't know what I'm suppose to be looking for. Can you give me some examples of some nice looking, and not heavily used, small denom Paulsons that are out there for the taking?
Then you want better casino sets. Then you want some TRKs. Then you want a place to live because you lost your house after buying TRKs (kidding...kinda). Most folks then transition to custom (CPC) sets.

Not sure I'm into TRKs and not ready for customs, but I'd like to skip the heavily used small denom casino chips (like the Clevelands)... so what are some of the better casino sets that one might look to acquire over the Paulson fantasies for cash games?
That's great, I guess I just don't know what I'm suppose to be looking for. Can you give me some examples of some nice looking, and not heavily used, small denom Paulsons that are out there for the taking?

What is your budget per chip? How many chips are you wanting for the set? Does it need to be the same casino, or are you okay with a mixed set?

It sounds like you are looking for just a THC set with 7/8" inlays? A lot of casinos mix molds with the set. Like the PCA used the RHC for the $1 but THC for the rest of the set.

If you are happy with the Pharaoh's set of chips, don't let anyone talk you out of them.

The main reason I switched from them was I wanted more diversity in edge spots. I loved the inlays when I first saw the set and had to have them.

At that time TRK Deadwoods were equally available and I had a hard time choosing, but went with the Pharaoh's because I felt the inlay was superior to the Deadwoods. Maybe others would call me crazy because of the price of Deadwoods now, but I think a lot of other people made a similar decision and that is why there may be upwards of 2M of them made.
What is your budget per chip? How many chips are you wanting for the set? Does it need to be the same casino, or are you okay with a mixed set?

It sounds like you are looking for just a THC set with 7/8" inlays? A lot of casinos mix molds with the set. Like the PCA used the RHC for the $1 but THC for the rest of the set.

As an original Pharaoh's owner I still have my chips from 2006. I think they're great, hardly worn sharp edges on most of my chips, all stand on edge. I'm a fan of the 7/8" inlay, these are the advantages. Along with the fact that I paid the same per chip for my $5s and $1000s

BGinGA is right (as usual) the minimum order during that limited custom home window was 250,000 and that was exceeded (and promptly raised by PGI).

I got in on the horseshoe Cleveland sale. The secondaries are mint, but it reaffirms my like of the 7/8" inlay as my tri moons and $1s are my fav.

To get the most from the advice here set as many parameters as you can, you'll get tons of help.
What is your budget per chip? How many chips are you wanting for the set? Does it need to be the same casino, or are you okay with a mixed set?

It sounds like you are looking for just a THC set with 7/8" inlays? A lot of casinos mix molds with the set. Like the PCA used the RHC for the $1 but THC for the rest of the set.

If you are happy with the Pharaoh's set of chips, don't let anyone talk you out of them.

The main reason I switched from them was I wanted more diversity in edge spots. I loved the inlays when I first saw the set and had to have them.

At that time TRK Deadwoods were equally available and I had a hard time choosing, but went with the Pharaoh's because I felt the inlay was superior to the Deadwoods. Maybe others would call me crazy because of the price of Deadwoods now, but I think a lot of other people made a similar decision and that is why there may be upwards of 2M of them made.

Great questions!

Budget per chip? - Max would probably be $3, but if there was something that cost more that I loved, and it made sense from a value perspective, then I'd consider spending more.

How many? - 600ish $1 (300), $5 (200), $25 (40-60) and if a matched set, maybe a barrel of $100s just for kicks. (I prefer a cash game that varies between NL Hold'em with $100 buy-in, or dealer's choice hi/lo split games, dealer antes $5 for everyone with $5 max bet and max of 3 raises, so a $1500 to $2000 bank is enough.)

Same Casino? - That would certainly be ideal, but I may end up considering a mixed set in order to get $5s / $25s / $100s that are mint, while hopefully getting $1s at a lower price point. The designs/colors would just need to work together though, if I went that route.

THC 7/8" inlays - Yep, that's it. I'm in the more clay showing is better with clay chips camp... if there is such a camp. I might even eventually consider some hot stamps with attractive edge spots. I also like Chipco ceramics. Gasp! I'm just not into larger plastic inlays.

Funny, I love the edge spots on the Pharoah's, at least the colors. I'm with you on the Deadwoods, I'm just not found of the inlay. I got a sample of the TRK Kings Crown before settling on the Pharoah's. I thought the TRK mold was too shiny, but that may have just been because it was new or something that I would have eventually gotten over.

I think the inlays on the Pharoah's are excellent but, admittedly, the fact that it's an Egyptian them never excited me much, but it's grown on me over time. I think the designers did a fantastic job with the theme, I'm just not sure it's my favorite theme. I think I may like the Le Noir design better, but I haven't seen them in person.

Your last point about the 2 million being made is well taken and I think that actually works in their favor. Given that they are in fact Paulsons and can be found in all denominations in excellent condition means that a newbie, like myself, can actually pull a set of them together, though I bought my new about 11 years ago. Longer term, I'll hopefully be able to acquire a low denom casino set of similar quality, but until then.... I'll just keep digg'n my Pharoah's.
As an original Pharaoh's owner I still have my chips from 2006. I think they're great, hardly worn sharp edges on most of my chips, all stand on edge. I'm a fan of the 7/8" inlay, these are the advantages. Along with the fact that I paid the same per chip for my $5s and $1000s

BGinGA is right (as usual) the minimum order during that limited custom home window was 250,000 and that was exceeded (and promptly raised by PGI).

I got in on the horseshoe Cleveland sale. The secondaries are mint, but it reaffirms my like of the 7/8" inlay as my tri moons and $1s are my fav.

To get the most from the advice here set as many parameters as you can, you'll get tons of help.

Thanks for sharing and that's a great suggestion 'to set some parameters'. I'm still feeling my way. I know what I like based on what I know, but I just don't know much yet! (n) :thumbsdown:

But, yeah, I think I'm just going to go read a bunch of BGinGA's posts (and others) and see how much I can absorb.
For $3 a chip you have a lot of options. The sets I can think of off the top of my head that are THC with mint chips are:

President Casino Admiral (PCA)
Empress (some denominations)

There are some mint Empress $5's in the classifieds right now for $250/rack.

Others will be able to add more set/chips as well.
Great questions!

Budget per chip? - Max would probably be $3, but if there was something that cost more that I loved, and it made sense from a value perspective, then I'd consider spending more.

How many? - 600ish $1 (300), $5 (200), $25 (40-60) and if a matched set, maybe a barrel of $100s just for kicks. (I prefer a cash game that varies between NL Hold'em with $100 buy-in, or dealer's choice hi/lo split games, dealer antes $5 for everyone with $5 max bet and max of 3 raises, so a $1500 to $2000 bank is enough.)

Same Casino? - That would certainly be ideal, but I may end up considering a mixed set in order to get $5s / $25s / $100s that are mint, while hopefully getting $1s at a lower price point. The designs/colors would just need to work together though, if I went that route.

THC 7/8" inlays - Yep, that's it. I'm in the more clay showing is better with clay chips camp... if there is such a camp. I might even eventually consider some hot stamps with attractive edge spots. I also like Chipco ceramics. Gasp! I'm just not into larger plastic inlays.

Funny, I love the edge spots on the Pharoah's, at least the colors. I'm with you on the Deadwoods, I'm just not found of the inlay. I got a sample of the TRK Kings Crown before settling on the Pharoah's. I thought the TRK mold was too shiny, but that may have just been because it was new or something that I would have eventually gotten over.

I think the inlays on the Pharoah's are excellent but, admittedly, the fact that it's an Egyptian them never excited me much, but it's grown on me over time. I think the designers did a fantastic job with the theme, I'm just not sure it's my favorite theme. I think I may like the Le Noir design better, but I haven't seen them in person.

Your last point about the 2 million being made is well taken and I think that actually works in their favor. Given that they are in fact Paulsons and can be found in all denominations in excellent condition means that a newbie, like myself, can actually pull a set of them together, though I bought my new about 11 years ago. Longer term, I'll hopefully be able to acquire a low denom casino set of similar quality, but until then.... I'll just keep digg'n my Pharoah's.
Your tastes mirror mine pretty closely, I approve. As far as casino sets, it is getting harder to find full THC mold sets throughout in excellent shape, I just found my perfect playable THC set in some Casablancas, probably your best affordable option (had to relabel for nonexistent $1s)

Empresses are out there, but finding racks of mint $1s and $5s expensive endeavor.
PCAs are great, except the $1s are on the RHC mold.
Aztar, MO chips fit the bill (minus the RHC $5 but are more rare than the Indiana RHC sets.
Aruba Palm Beaches and Ambassador plazas are good choices if you can find other $1s to relabel.
Point Defiances are a gorgeous set with hotstamp vs inlays
Dunes $5, $25 and $100s are available if you're ok relabeling a $1
There's also some cruise line chips like the Chandris set the Chipvault has for sale.

I think that's most of the more readily available sets out there. Good luck!
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where exactly Paulson Pharoah's were manufactured

Eqypt, I assume...

Your tastes mirror mine pretty closely, I approve. As far as casino sets, it is getting harder to find full THC mold sets throughout in excellent shape, I just found my perfect playable THC set in some Casablancas, probably your best affordable option (had to relabel for nonexistent $1s)

Empresses are out there, but finding racks of mint $1s and $5s expensive endeavor.
PCAs are great, except the $1s are on the RHC mold.
Aztar, MO chips fit the bill (minus the RHC $5 but are more rare than the Indiana RHC sets.
Aruba Palm Beaches and Ambassador plazas are good choices if you can find other $1s to relabel.
Point Defiances are a gorgeous set with hotstamp vs inlays
Dunes $5, $25 and $100s are available if you're ok relabeling a $1

I think that's most of the more readily available sets out there. Good luck!

If you like hot stamps, you could build a pretty pretty set of Crystal Palace's from Spinetti's - $.25, $1.00, $5.00, $25.00 - very easily and fairly reasonably.
Your tastes mirror mine pretty closely, I approve. As far as casino sets, it is getting harder to find full THC mold sets throughout in excellent shape, I just found my perfect playable THC set in some Casablancas, probably your best affordable option (had to relabel for nonexistent $1s)

Empresses are out there, but finding racks of mint $1s and $5s expensive endeavor.
PCAs are great, except the $1s are on the RHC mold.
Aztar, MO chips fit the bill (minus the RHC $5 but are more rare than the Indiana RHC sets.
Aruba Palm Beaches and Ambassador plazas are good choices if you can find other $1s to relabel.
Point Defiances are a gorgeous set with hotstamp vs inlays
Dunes $5, $25 and $100s are available if you're ok relabeling a $1
There's also some cruise line chips like the Chandris set the Chipvault has for sale.

I think that's most of the more readily available sets out there. Good luck!
That's some great feedback and information and much appreciated. Thank you. I had not considered the idea of doing a relabel of some $1s, if I can find mint $5s and up.
Same goes for the other Paulson home game chip lines..... so many were produced, it's crazy-stupid that they sometimes command prices in excess of of much nicer (and rarer) Paulson casino sets.

It's mostly a matter of new and naive collectors not really understanding the true nature and relative value of the marketplace.

Many seasoned collectors don't prefer Paulson fantasy sets because the real casino history isn't there (among other reasons). As @BGinGA noted above (and he is an expert), some of these fantasy sets had millions of chips made, so they are not exactly rare. However, many newer hobbyists, along with many international chippers, seek out Paulson home market sets heavily. My personal hypothesis is that the international chip community hoards all the home market sets, Don't believe me? Look for the next 5 large sales of fantasy sets and see where the seller/buyer are from. ;)

As I've gotten more involved with the community, my tastes have changed considerably, as will yours. You initially want fantasy sets, but they are expensive, so you settle for used casino sets. Then you want better casino sets. Then you want some TRKs. Then you want a place to live because you lost your house after buying TRKs (kidding...kinda). Most folks then transition to custom (CPC) sets.

I feel like I need to chime in here, because there are other factors that are being completely ignored in this discussion, and that is chip "quality"/condition, and the fact that we're dealing with two very different personalities in the chipper world: A) "the collector" (who will pay any price for almost any type of chip), and B) "the host" (the guy/gal who wants to put on a quality game, and isn't always concerned with casino/chip nostalgia). Sometimes these people can overlap, which gives us a third, A+B, collector. These folks will spend $10,000 on a rare set, and have no qualms about putting them in play with nacho cheese dip being passed around the table at the same time.

I'm mainly a "host" collector. I want to put on a solid game and I take pride in doing so. I consider many things when looking at sets to buy, but I've found that "chip quality" - at least for me - is a significant factor, and I like putting high quality chips in play at my games. Personally, I'm willing to spend more on minty (or near mint) Paulson chips (real or fantasy), than used/worn casino chips. Now, this isn't a hard and fast rule, but it can apply for the "typical" casino chip set. For example, the Cleveland Horseshoes really didn't appeal much to me (even though they were incredibly affordable), mainly because 1) the low denoms were well worn (flea bites and rounded edges abound!), 2) the casino isn't really a famous one, 3) it was not a Vegas casino (not always a factor - but it came into play for me because the chips were so worn). These are factors that work into my personal pricing algo. On the other hand, the Grand Cardroom fantasy HS set I just obtained is minty fresh (although slightly warped), has sharp edges, and the Paulson surface texture is still incredibly intact. These things can have a major impact on my in-head pricing exercise.

The kind of "perfect storm" for me was the Stardust Mansion chips... not only were they from a real casino, but all denoms were in minty/sharp-edge condition (aside from very mild surface dirt), and the pricing was (originally) reasonable, which was a win-win-win for me. The Canadian (non-Vegas) location wasn't a huge factor for me because the chips were so pristine, and that weighed a lot on my personal desire for those chips. Of course, as many of us know, the SDPMs quickly skyrocketed as certain denoms disappeared from the market.

Now... all of this being said, I can understand where quality is put to the back burner, especially where real casino chips can have their pricing affected by the nostalgia/rare-ness factor. This is common with old Stardust, Tropicana, Dunes, Mapes, etc. type chips. The history can make people ignore quality entirely - and I see that side as well. And for chips from some of those listed casinos, prices usually go well beyond what the "average collector" can afford due to the nostalgia/history and overall rarity of the chip(s).

But in general, I think the quality/condition of the chip needs to be factored in to whatever type of pricing algo you work with. It's not always casino vs. fantasy, total quantity of chips on the market, or chip/casino history... rounded edges vs. sharp edges can have a real impact on price to some collectors, flea bites can be factored in, some people weigh standard sized inlays vs. oversized inlays... and when it comes down to it, each collector prioritizes all of these things differently. So, before we go around calling people "naive" for investing in a certain collection, we need to realize that everyone's priorities (and personal tastes) in this unique hobby can vary significantly from one person to the next.
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Well said, Andrew. I'm hoping that I can eventually land some near mint casino chips that suit my tastes that I can host with (or just enjoy gazing upon), but it's hard to see myself ever turning my nose up at the fantasy chips. I expect that I'll eventually enjoy having both.

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