Little premature for banning, imo. Only one side of the story being told here, just sayin'.
I’m all for the banning. Hey, @BGinGA, are you kidding?! Do you not think he’s had more than ample time to tell his side??????? I’m guessing there’s a reason he has been hiding from it, don’t you think??
I dont know the backstory but I suggest going direct to him and the admins. Creating a drama shit storm in threads wont accomplish anything.
Good Luck.
You wouldn’t want to know about his antics if you were going to do a deal with him? Also, it’s easy for you to say when you weren’t the one involved. I actually had several people PM to thank me for outing him for what he did. I would want you to do the same if someone screwed you.
Always two sides to every story. I'm not assuming anything.... including any reasons -- valid or not -- for him not posting.I’m all for the banning. Hey, @BGinGA, are you kidding?! Do you not think he’s had more than ample time to tell his side??????? I’m guessing there’s a reason he has been hiding from it, don’t you think??
Always two sides to every story. I'm not assuming anything.... including any reasons -- valid or not -- for him not posting.
Best approach would be to take it offline, then post when you have the complete facts rather than assumptions.
@Lemonzest, this is a totally different situation. You know that.
I honestly dont know your sitch. I didnt read this whole thread.
This is not a reneg situation... he sold them to Dmack, kept him in the loop while auctioning the same chips.
So if they sell low, then he takes the first offer and if auctions goes higher then Dmack is getting stuffed.
Not sure about you all but for me that is scamming the place.
But feel free to post you POV, it helps me weed out the people I don't do trades/sales with.
There was a time that members got more credit but after recent events i'm playing it safe.
Thank god there are still great members like @liftapint (I trust her like I trust my sister) that are willing to help out (international) chippers.
In that case please refrain from posting unnecessary content in a sensitive topic like this.
It's not about not receiving's about trust in the community.
So when you get are not waiting on posts like 'take it private' (if the seller is not even logging in) or 'it's just a reneg' (so you can't complain) to restore that trust.
This is my take on it exactly. If he reneged on the sale, he can be called out for it, bashed for it, and people probably don’t want to make deals with him anymore. But if he didn’t take a buck from anybody, I don’t think banning is appropriate.