You're missing the entire point. It's not about profiting from chips. It's about transparency. I have no problem profiting from chips. But I'm going to be forthright about it (as evidenced by that post). There isn't exactly a price guide, like Beckett, for these chips. Very rarely do we as a community get an opportunity to know what the market price is for a lot of these nicer sets. This information is very valuable to the community, and is beneficial for ALL of us to know about.
When I talk about exploiting the community, I'm talking about people who come in here solely to buy chips and flip them for a profit, who don't participate in the community. There are people here that sell chips below market value because they want to 'pay it forward' so-to-speak. But sometimes, they just get exploited when someone sells a set for $80 because that's what they paid 5 years ago, and the sale goes to the first PM, only to get bought up by someone that doesn't even participate here at all. Then, two days later, those chips are sitting on
eBay at $300. If you don't think that's worth protecting against, then we have different viewpoints.
@BGinGA posted earlier about another chipper who just logged into this thread (almost certainly to post a bid on these as he replied "I don't know what you're talking about") that is well known as a chip flipper. He signed up here in 2014 but has all of 3 posts. You guys can sell to whomever you want, however you want, but this is what I'm talking about when I say that my preference would be to protect against exploitation.
I'm not interested in selling chips to secret bidders that want to keep their intentions hidden and that don't wish to contribute to the community. If I wanted to do that, I'd just post them on
Again, not mad at anyone here. I'm just saying how the chipping world would be if I were king. Which I'm not.
Carry on hating me though if you wish. I'm ok with that.