BACK ON! - Imperial Plaza Resort - Official Group Buy Now Open!! (6 Viewers)

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Just have to drop in and say that $2 chip is one sexy MFer.

If only I had a use for ANOTHER limit set.
If you bought another set and alternated it with the others, you’de double the lifespan of both sets. At the current cost of chipping that sounds like a good investment...:whistle: :whistling:
Update Aug. 25th
No pics yet from SunFly. I’d hoped they’de have knocked them out Monday (Sunday night) or last night. Fingers crossed for tonight.
BRpro has the files and the buttons are paid for already. I’m not certain if they’re going to produce proto’s or not but after the previous runs, I’m sure they’ll turn out great.
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The 8's are related to Chinese culture and (I think) lunar new year. Eight is considered by some to be a "lucky number".
Not by "some", but rather by everybody in Chinese culture.
You pay crazy sums to get license plates or phone numbers with 8s in them.
The Beijing Olympic Games started on 08/08/2008 at 8pm :D

On the other hand, I 've heard that you could get fee-free plates or phone numbers with 4s (especially with 4 of them:LOL: :laugh:) and that many hotels or other buildings don't have a 4th floor, or rather name it the 5th floor.
Imagine winning a multi-thousand dollar pot against a Macau whale with four 4s :D
The prototypes they did last time came back really quick. I’m guessing they’re pretty busy, maybe. Fingers crossed for tonight. Otherwise it’ll be Sunday night onward. As soon as I get something, I’ll post them to the OP. I won’t close the GB for several days after they come in though.
I hear you. One frustration after another. Sunfly sent me some pics over night. It took me all morning to download them and I can’t upload them because my internet here in Northern Ontario is less than 1mb/sec. .66 to be exact.
On top of that, they didn’t include tournament pics... :confused :banghead:
I was really hoping to jump in on this set, the $2s and $8s are insane!! Unfortunately with everything going on buying chip and accessories for the meet up in Ohio next month. If there is still time to order I am interested In 2 of every chip (cash/tourney and bounty) if possible Steve.

Thanks Ben and Brie
What happened?

Not enough orders?

Nope. Life took another unexpected turn. If anybody wants the art for their own personal set I can make that happen. I won’t be doing any custom work or alterations. If this interests anybody PM me and I’ll communicate when I return from what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation.
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