I was banned from an underground game. The host was raking $10/hand, way over tipping his wife that was dealing the game as well. I was still beating the game so I didn’t say anything but after a month when he decided $10 wasn’t enough and went to $15/hand I texted him to ask why he was screwing us over so much lol. I was told the rest of the group felt I wasn’t a good fit and was no longer welcome at the game.
There are people I won’t invite anymore. One player in particular that had been a long time member of our poker/social network is banned for being an asshole to everyone. He begged me for an invite and I finally gave in for a limit night, he no called/no showed. Limit night is only 7 handed to start so losing a player like that really sucks.
Another similar person I won’t invite because he is a pervert stalker and would never want him near my family. Several women in our group have said they feel uncomfortable when he is at a game. More than enough reason for me to ban him.