Hey, I'm no Ritchie Rich. I bought Paulsons after a lot of reading and a bunch of samples and a bunch of incremental budget increases.
I was gonna go with China clays because that's all I could reasonably afford. I couldn't decide between majestics and milanos. Then I decided that for the extra money, ceramics were worth it. But I couldn't decide between Nile clubs or Veneratis. And when I decided that spending the extra on Veneratis was worth it, I figured it might be worth spending a bit more on Scrolls.
While I was debating exactly how much to spend on ceramics, I ordered some Paulson samples. When I got my hands on those, I figured if I was gonna spend 75 or 80 cents apiece on good ceramics, it was definitely worth upping that to a buck apiece on Paulsons.
Then about a month later, I came into an extra grand, and over a period of a few weeks, I spent it on about 450 paulsons, building a small mixed casino cash set. Because I figured if I was gonna spend a buck apiece on Paulsons, I might as well spend $1.50-$2.50 apiece on good paulsons that I really liked.
I didn't spend big money on Paulsons because I have money to waste. I chose to splurge on them after a lot of careful consideration and plenty of silly rationalizations.
Since then, I've probably dropped another grand on a good sized set of Cleveland Horseshoes that includes higher denoms I can use for tournaments. I bought those because Poker chips in general and Paulsons in particular are addicting. But it's not because I have money to burn. I don't. I haven't bought any new clothes in a while, and I haven't gone to any shows or concerts or ball games in a long time either.
This is epic. Loved your post. Brutally honest. It's the sickness!!!!