Chippy McChiperson
Straight Flush
second season of silicon valley also starts that sunday. you still have to knock out the first season, though.
As does Veep, another good show.
second season of silicon valley also starts that sunday. you still have to knock out the first season, though.
just watched this week's ep. wow. fucking brutal. absolutely wonderful work by both michael mckean and odenkirk in that last scene, though. this is another contender for best episode of the season for me.
not the cliffhanger that Breaking Bad used to leave us with.
i think a breaking bad-style cliffhanger would reek of desperation.
I don't see the true correlation between a cliffhanger and desperation, all a cliffhanger does is it attempts to get the existing viewing audience to tune in next season.
So as a non-BB fan who has not and has no intention of watching the vast majority of that show, is it even possible to attempt to watch this one? It sounds much better (from my perspective) but is watching BB really a prerequisite to "getting" this show?
You really kinda lost me hereSo as a non-BB fan who has not and has no intention of watching the vast majority of that show
So as a non-BB fan who has not and has no intention of watching the vast majority of that show, is it even possible to attempt to watch this one? It sounds much better (from my perspective) but is watching BB really a prerequisite to "getting" this show?
but i think they've chosen to simply follow jimmy/saul and allow the natural shorter storylines and longer arcs to exist within the broader structure.
Second, I agree, BCS is certainly a stand alone entity. There are little crumbs for the BB fanatics, but they are just that, tiny little extras, not essential in any way.
Re: BB - I don't doubt that it's an amazing show; I watched 3 episodes and could see why many (most?) would really enjoy it. It just pushed my personal "I hate it when they do that sh*t" buttons WAY too many times in those 3 episodes. Nothing but personal preference.
Burgers are good, and you could offer me the best burger ever in the world, but if you put mayonnaise on it, I'm still not going to eat it.
Ben, first of all, I used to like you. This post makes me very sad. BB is amazing.
Second, I agree, BCS is certainly a stand alone entity. There are little crumbs for the BB fanatics, but they are just that, tiny little extras, not essential in any way.
Re: BB - I don't doubt that it's an amazing show; I watched 3 episodes and could see why many (most?) would really enjoy it. It just pushed my personal "I hate it when they do that sh*t" buttons WAY too many times in those 3 episodes. Nothing but personal preference.
Burgers are good, and you could offer me the best burger ever in the world, but if you put mayonnaise on it, I'm still not going to eat it.
All you need is the first episode of BB. You are either hooked or you hate it. IMO it was the best pilot I had ever seen and I was on the edge of my seat the rest of the way.