I like your progressions and the yellow 20. I'd prefer to see 50's in a different shade of blue and save green for optional 25's.
Thanks for your kind words.
I'd be fine with green 25s as long as I could get them blank to use as 50s.
I do think you are going to want to consider adding at least labels for $2, $10, $25, $50, and $5000 and selling blanks. A lot of board games utilize different denoms, so customizable options after the base set is going to make these a lot more desirable. After seeing the fast response over on the Reddit thread, combined with the overall dissatisfaction of the offerings from the Iron Clays Kickstarter (a competitor chip if you aren't familiar), you are going to be able to sell a lot of these if you additionally offer blanks with labels and move further away from the standard poker set appearance.
If they follow raynmanas' suggestion for offering blank chips with denomination label sheets, I'd like to see them offer whites, reds, blues, yellows, greens, blacks, purples, and another color. I'm OK with using gray for twenties, but I would prefer yellow.
I'm fine with the base chip colors offered, but I'm not too fond of most of the edge spots. For me, most of the chips have too many edge spots, the fives and 100s are the exceptions. The edge spots on the gray twenties look nice other than there being too many of them. I dislike the colors of most of the others. If anyone looks to the edge spots for clues as to denomination, they'll be confused. The edge spots jump from 8 stripes in two colors, to 4 triangles each split with a contrasting line, to 8 triangles in two colors, to six sets of two stripes in two colors, to eight two color stripes, to four triangles with four intervening sticks, and back to eight triangles in two colors.
I've got a sample set of Majestics on its way to me. The edge spots on the Majestics aren't really what I want either, but they are much better to me than those on these chips. Since the edge spot patterns on the Majestics are all the same, I can use blank Majestics in any color progression for denominations I want without being confused by the edge spot progression jumping around. Unfortunately, the black Majestics are out of stock.
I do want to say I appreciate Apache considering this project. One of my biggest objectives for a set of chips is that they don't look like something I'd find in a casino. I think the inlays in Apache's initial post convey a lot of what I'm looking for, chips that take their cues from currency. I hope they will tone down the edge spots so they look more like the overall art of the chips following the currency cues also.