Straight Flush
OK - I need to ask if it wasn't detailed earlier. Why 1200? You don't seem like a man who puts poker limits on himself. Is that all the case holds?
All that's needed. If I want to handle larger numbers I have the HP cash set which has over 2000 chips.OK - I need to ask if it wasn't detailed earlier. Why 1200? You don't seem like a man who puts poker limits on himself. Is that all the case holds?
All that's needed. If I want to handle larger numbers I have the HP cash set which has over 2000 chips.
Gdi, you're right and I don't want to pull any from the other denominations. Looks like a 1300 chip set nowI built a spreadsheet for this (as those that know me, I build spreadsheets for everything), so it is based on theory more than practice:
I think you are running thin on $1s. Perhaps it's me, but I make a lot of odd bets in in .50/1. $7 and $12 both utilize twice as many singles as they do 5s, and bets of $8 or $14 burns singles at a 3:1 ratio.
.50 - 100
$1 - 400
$5 - 500
$25 - 100
$100 - 100
Then again, I love the big messy stacks, and hate making change. Also, make the fracs ugly. As Ben found out if you make them awesome, I'll bet with them on every bet.
"I'll raise to $6.50"
3 tables is an emergency number. Possible meat up use mainly
Mine didn't last year!Meet ups almost always incorporate a .25/.50 NL table. Just tossing that out there.
Also, FULL RACKS for the win! My chip OCD can't process partial racks.
Mine didn't last year!
I dunno, I think
120 - .50
400 - $1
600 - $5
120 - $25
60 - $100
Should work really well for 2 tables and meh for 3
Oh and this definitely wouldn't be the main set ever. It's an off night feature
You guys are working on incrementing me up to 2000 aren't you?Obv answer is obv:
160 - .50
400 - $1
600 - $5
140 - $25
100 - $100
1400 chips, 3rd table no prob, circus crowd covered.
You guys are working on incrementing me up to 2000 aren't you?
Finally figured this out.....
25¢ x 200
50¢ x 100
$1s x 400
$5s x 600
$25s x 100
$100 x 100
Does everything, even racks, hits 1500 milestone, yada-yada-yada.
Now, about that $500 chip.....
Paulo, in case you hadn't seen, we talked tree into 1400 (maybe 1500) chips already..
Hahahaha, yeah, I missed that, sorry... MORE $5s THEN!!!![]()
I mean this in the nicest way possible.
You guys suck
Ok. I'll do it because it makes sense and I am an enormous suckerfish. 1500 with multiple fracs but that's it!
I hate you [emoji13]1600 fits very nicely in a 1000 and 600 birdcage, y'know. Just sayin'![]()
3 tables is an emergency number. Possible meat up use mainly
Lol you're fine Tim. I've been more of a donator than a taker the last few months anyway.Gah! Now I am worried to come over tonight, I am going to get grilled and served. I know I am a fish but try and hide it a little