Building a cash set from casino chips. (2 Viewers)

These two statements are pretty much incongruous. The cheapest you're going to find top quality custom ceramics are about $80/rack with shipping included, and that's assuming you're placing an order around 1400-1600 chips through GOCC (I forget where their price break is). You can do OWPS ceramics in lesser quantities for that price, but they use a somewhat lesser-quality blank (IMO). You can do used Paulsons for around $80/rack with relative ease if you stick to $1's - $25's, but fracs or $100's are going to break that price point.

It's not that it can't be done, but you're either going to have to wait and hope you snag good deals here and there to do it OR loosen your standards OR loosen your wallet.

I am starting to understand that you right, especially if I want quality casino chips and not worn or abused chips.

I do know that I do not like the worn/white look of used chipcos

Once I settle on a chip manufacture or style then I can make a better plan.

I agree that I am going to have to spend more money per rack, especially for larger denoms or rarer chips. I think I am ok with that so long as it is a chip that I love.

Also, I think that I will really only need $5 and $25's initially. Maybe 3 racks of the 5's and 1 of the 25's, giving me $40 in chips. I asked around to the folks who typically play in my home game and most say they like a $5 buy in initally, so that's $30 for 6 players and a couple rebuys. Might add 20 $100 or $500 at some point.

Thanks for the perspective.
This has been a great thread so I'm tagging along. I have thought about putting together a mixed high end set for the future...which is disturbing since I don't even have my new Majestic set assembled yet. :rolleyes:

I wouldn't need a 5 cent chip...but I do need a lot of $0.25 chips for my current game. I chose Majestics because they are in my budget and all I have to do is order them. I'm not sure if you have bought a sample set yet, but they are pretty nice chips and a great upgrade from my dice chips. I had the question too of how I would find high end $0.25 chips for my set. This thread has answered this question and more.

That being said, I personally would rather have a full set of Majestics with the correct denomination on them than to be a factor of 10 or 100 off with high end set of chips. That's just my opinion. I always have to explain the value of my dice chips and one of my goals with my new set of chips is to never have to explain the denominations again!

I will probably get a sample set of the Mejestics.

I also struggle with the idea of chips being denominated 100x their worth, but I think I can deal with that if the chips are better quality...

This is complicated.
You may want to reconsider a ceramic set to start out.

I have purchased a cash game set of Veneratis from Sidepot (.25 chips are out of stock, and no .05 or .50 chips. Three non-denom options). Cost is .39/chip.
Also have a cash game set of Bold Class Ceramics (this set offers both .25 and .50 chips) from Palm Gaming. Cost was roughly .55-.59 per chip.

Both are very playable and no issues with the sound of chips splashing in the pot.

Another consideration..... BOARDWALK chips. Ceramic Hybrids.
There's a Group Buy brewing now and the Boardwalk set offers both nickels and quarters. Cost is approx .55/chip.

I like both of those sets and they are certainly in the running of I decide not to get casino chips
These have been relisted.

$135 plus shipping.

Are these actually casino chips.

How is their quality.

Thinking about getting these for nickels.

I have asked the seller how many total and how many yellows. I figure about 175 yellow, but we will see.

How often does this chip mold and color combo show up for sale? I might want a few more racks down the road.

Any opinions?

My goal is to build a casino used set of quality chips (defined as Paulson, ASM, Key West quality)

Thanks for the input so far, lots of help!
Thinking about getting these for nickels.

I have asked the seller how many total and how many yellows. I figure about 175 yellow, but we will see.

How often does this chip mold and color combo show up for sale? I might want a few more racks down the road.

Any opinions?

My goal is to build a casino used set of quality chips (defined as Paulson, ASM, Key West quality)

Thanks for the input so far, lots of help!
I really like those chips for Nickels! Is your plan to leave them as is or label them? They don't look like they have a recess, that's why I ask. I'm curious to of their value.
I really like those chips for Nickels! Is your plan to leave them as is or label them? They don't look like they have a recess, that's why I ask. I'm curious to of their value.

I plan on leaving them as is. I hope to save up some cash and get casino 25¢ chips, but know that they are gonna be pricey. Then a rack of Paulson casino $1 and $5 each.

I read somewhere that they are worth about .55 to .60 a chip.
I read somewhere that they are worth about .55 to .60 a chip.
One thing I've learned rather quickly is that when you want chips, they're worth whatever you're willing to pay. And when you're selling chips, they're worth whatever somebody else is willing to pay. You can look at market trends, and often that information is accurate, but at the end of the day, it's really as simple as what you (or somebody else) want to pay for them.
So the plan so far is to have blue $1 chips (I love the Aria and Bellaigo dollar chips), an edgespotted (if that is a word) quarter and a roulette stand in for nickles.

Understanding that I am going to pay $200 or more for a rack of used quarters, what casino's used quarters with edge spots that are not blue that are either Paulsons or similar composition (i.e not ceramic, plastic or CIC chips). The only ones that I can come up with are the MGM detroit chips and the Outpost Casino chips. I have seen PNY quarters, but my understand is that those were customs made to go with the actual PNY casino chips rather than chips used in the casino. I have also seen Avalon quarters, but am not sure of they are customs or casino used chips.

Lastly, for roulette chips who aside from Terriables St. Jo's and Par-a-dice made significant numbers of roulette that can still be had. If all else fails I plan on getting Paulson starburst,

I figure the quarters will be the hardest part, then I can get roulette chips to match the dollar and the quarter chips, color wise.

Thanks for everyone's input.
So the plan so far is to have blue $1 chips (I love the Aria and Bellaigo dollar chips), an edgespotted (if that is a word) quarter and a roulette stand in for nickles.

Understanding that I am going to pay $200 or more for a rack of used quarters, what casino's used quarters with edge spots that are not blue that are either Paulsons or similar composition (i.e not ceramic, plastic or CIC chips). The only ones that I can come up with are the MGM detroit chips and the Outpost Casino chips. I have seen PNY quarters, but my understand is that those were customs made to go with the actual PNY casino chips rather than chips used in the casino. I have also seen Avalon quarters, but am not sure of they are customs or casino used chips.

Lastly, for roulette chips who aside from Terriables St. Jo's and Par-a-dice made significant numbers of roulette that can still be had. If all else fails I plan on getting Paulson starburst,

I figure the quarters will be the hardest part, then I can get roulette chips to match the dollar and the quarter chips, color wise.

Thanks for everyone's input.
If you're looking for quarters with edge spots and inlays, there's not a lot out there. Most people go with hot stamped solid quarters, and even those approach $200 per rack or more depending on condition. The MGM and outpost chips you mention never seem to go on sale except as entire sets. You do see Motor City quarters and Blue Chip quarters for sale from time to time - and yes, you're looking at $200 - $250 per rack - I haven't seen a rack of either listed for sale in a couple of months. That's about it - I can think of a couple others, but I've never seen any of them for sale in quantities.
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what casino's used quarters with edge spots that are not blue that are either Paulsons or similar composition (i.e not ceramic, plastic or CIC chips).
Greektown. Motor City. MGM Detroit. Rivers Casino (Des Plains, IL). Oceanside Card Club (hard to find in quantity). Outpost Casino. Seminole Bingo. Micosukkee Bingo/Indian Gaming (hard to find in quantity). Blue Chip casino. Sams town Tunica. Kenmore Lanes, WA.

who aside from Terriables St. Jo's and Par-a-dice made significant numbers of roulette that can still be ha
Plenty. Fitzgeralds. Riviera. Empress. Grand Victoria (I think). A number of others. These should be relatively easy to acquire.
If you're looking for quarters with edge spots and inlays, there's not a lot out there. Most people go with hot stamped solid quarters, and even those approach $200 per rack or more depending on condition. The MGM and outpost chips you mention never seem to go on sale except as entire sets. You do see Motor City quarters and Blue Chip quarters for sale from time to time - and yes, you're looking at $200 - $250 per rack - I haven't seen a rack of either listed for sale in a couple of months. That's about it - I can think of a couple others, but I've never seen any of them for sale in quantities.

I'm fine with hot stamps, just want edgespots.

I really like the MGM and motor City chips and may just wait to buy a rack of those, or build a rack if ppl sell barrels.

Or I may just settle for hotstamppeed solids, which makes this all easier.

Thanks for the reply.
Greektown. Motor City. MGM Detroit. Rivers Casino (Des Plains, IL). Oceanside Card Club (hard to find in quantity). Outpost Casino. Seminole Bingo. Micosukkee Bingo/Indian Gaming (hard to find in quantity). Blue Chip casino. Sams town Tunica. Kenmore Lanes, WA.

Plenty. Fitzgeralds. Riviera. Empress. Grand Victoria (I think). A number of others. These should be relatively easy to acquire.

Thanks for the list!

I agree that the roulettes are the easier of the two and plan on getting the quarters first then buy roulettes that match the blue dollars and the quarters.

I'd like to get brighter colors for the fractional chips, especially like the pinks and oranges that are typically seen on the quarters.

Thank you again for the lists!

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