These two statements are pretty much incongruous. The cheapest you're going to find top quality custom ceramics are about $80/rack with shipping included, and that's assuming you're placing an order around 1400-1600 chips through GOCC (I forget where their price break is). You can do OWPS ceramics in lesser quantities for that price, but they use a somewhat lesser-quality blank (IMO). You can do used Paulsons for around $80/rack with relative ease if you stick to $1's - $25's, but fracs or $100's are going to break that price point.
It's not that it can't be done, but you're either going to have to wait and hope you snag good deals here and there to do it OR loosen your standards OR loosen your wallet.
I am starting to understand that you right, especially if I want quality casino chips and not worn or abused chips.
I do know that I do not like the worn/white look of used chipcos
Once I settle on a chip manufacture or style then I can make a better plan.
I agree that I am going to have to spend more money per rack, especially for larger denoms or rarer chips. I think I am ok with that so long as it is a chip that I love.
Also, I think that I will really only need $5 and $25's initially. Maybe 3 racks of the 5's and 1 of the 25's, giving me $40 in chips. I asked around to the folks who typically play in my home game and most say they like a $5 buy in initally, so that's $30 for 6 players and a couple rebuys. Might add 20 $100 or $500 at some point.
Thanks for the perspective.