Seller wants $125 bid and $150 BIN for this chip. In the past, I have bought them for $10-12 each, so I sent seller a message saying this and that if he decided to sell at something close to this, let me know. He responded back
GOOD LUCK. These are worth much more in catalog. I will buy them all off you.
- juniorgoose
I replied with a picture of my set and said I guess if he want to buy them for $100 each, I think I was up to 10-12 of them and would tender an offer at that price.
Am I way outta line, and these are worth that much, or is the seller extremely optimistic?
my set, I think I added more $1000s since this pic.
Seller wants $125 bid and $150 BIN for this chip. In the past, I have bought them for $10-12 each, so I sent seller a message saying this and that if he decided to sell at something close to this, let me know. He responded back
GOOD LUCK. These are worth much more in catalog. I will buy them all off you.
- juniorgoose
I replied with a picture of my set and said I guess if he want to buy them for $100 each, I think I was up to 10-12 of them and would tender an offer at that price.
Am I way outta line, and these are worth that much, or is the seller extremely optimistic?
my set, I think I added more $1000s since this pic.