Chips and tables both look awesome.
Amazing set and clear Top 5 of all time.
Why are you re-making the 10k and 25k? Also, really like the tables, the red felt especially. Why round and not octagon?
a) Where's my invite?
b) Who was the girl dating the lead singer of the Strokes at that time? I know a girl that dated a couple of the guys in the band (I think she dated a couple of them, at least one of them)
c) Where is my invitation to the game?
d) The press picture, you didn't share that before, did you? Awesomesauce.
e) Is there an invitation to your game in my spam folder?
f) Chanman will build you an awesome table. And his custom gamesuede material is also amazeballs.
g) Nope, no invitation in spam folder. You must have typo'ed my email, I'll resend to you.
Yes send me that address.a) Where's my invite?
b) Who was the girl dating the lead singer of the Strokes at that time? I know a girl that dated a couple of the guys in the band (I think she dated a couple of them, at least one of them)
c) Where is my invitation to the game?
d) The press picture, you didn't share that before, did you? Awesomesauce.
e) Is there an invitation to your game in my spam folder?
f) Chanman will build you an awesome table. And his custom gamesuede material is also amazeballs.
g) Nope, no invitation in spam folder. You must have typo'ed my email, I'll resend to you.
I just figured my email address got swept into the muck with the AK suited.
I would suggest taking all your chip colors and finding a felt color that allowed your chips to "pop" on the felt. I know on my black table we often "lose" my black T100 chips... Everything looks great Bert!
I would suggest taking all your chip colors and finding a felt color that allowed your chips to "pop" on the felt.
I would suggest taking all your chip colors and finding a felt color that allowed your chips to "pop" on the felt. I know on my black table we often "lose" my black T100 chips... Everything looks great Bert!
This here is why I don't get involved in pots with Sean anymore.Third level design thinking going on here
Was scrolling through your pics and saw photos of the 10k and 25k plaques. What prompted you to replace those with your new 10k and 25k chips?
Yes...yes you can and should! I mean I would if I had that set of yours...just saying....
I can't use my chips EVERY time, right?!