Poker Zombie
Royal Flush
Glad to hear you are starting to recover. When the doctors fail, naturopaths and chip pron are the way to go.
In fact, chip pron is always the way to go...
In fact, chip pron is always the way to go...
Start slow, eat a little bit more every day, and in a couple more weeks you'll be taking down full rotisserie chickens faster than a carnival geek! Good to see you back
Thanks for all your positive thoughts and kind words. They really make a difference and help keep the positive attitude going.
I learned a very sobering statistic while I was in the hospital. They say we are capable of diagnosing an estimated 35% of the things that afflict us. Great news when you're circling the drain.Awesome to hear.
So, am I reading it right that they still have no clue what is making you feel like this? So crazy to me that on one hand medical science is mind blowing with how far we've came, on the other it terrifies me that there are still soooo many things that make everybody go "lol I dunno". Such a weird thought to me for some reason...