New Member
Hi everyone,
I got recommended here from r/poker. So right now I have 3 sets of mismatched chips that my friends play home games with, both cash and tournaments.
For christmas my mom gave me a nice 1000 chip rolling case and 150 dollars for new chips. I am looking at buying chips to cover our 25c/50c and also tournament with up to 15 including rebuys. I am hoping to fit all the chips into this 1k case so I can stop bringing multiple to my friends house. I am not worried about using the chips both for cash and for tournament I dont play with any randoms that would poker a chip to try and get it from a cash game later.
We just recently started playing these 25c/50c cash games. So I bought 100 25c and 100 50c chips for it. I would like to have the same style for the rest of the chips and was hoping that you guys could help me get the right amount bought.
If it matters here is the ones I am looking at.
I had something like this but I think the numbers are all wrong:
Honestly I am not stuck on these chips and if you can find me a suggestion on chips with denomations from 25c up to what ever I should use for tournaments.(which I am open too we need to rework how we do tournaments.) and it cost less then 150$ shipped I will consider switching up these chips.
I got recommended here from r/poker. So right now I have 3 sets of mismatched chips that my friends play home games with, both cash and tournaments.
For christmas my mom gave me a nice 1000 chip rolling case and 150 dollars for new chips. I am looking at buying chips to cover our 25c/50c and also tournament with up to 15 including rebuys. I am hoping to fit all the chips into this 1k case so I can stop bringing multiple to my friends house. I am not worried about using the chips both for cash and for tournament I dont play with any randoms that would poker a chip to try and get it from a cash game later.
We just recently started playing these 25c/50c cash games. So I bought 100 25c and 100 50c chips for it. I would like to have the same style for the rest of the chips and was hoping that you guys could help me get the right amount bought.
If it matters here is the ones I am looking at.
I had something like this but I think the numbers are all wrong:
Honestly I am not stuck on these chips and if you can find me a suggestion on chips with denomations from 25c up to what ever I should use for tournaments.(which I am open too we need to rework how we do tournaments.) and it cost less then 150$ shipped I will consider switching up these chips.