Oh boy. Finally home and settled in. Still haven’t unpacked the car.
What was a ridiculous fantasy of
@Josh Kifer and me turned into an amazing
real degen meet-up. What a blast. I don’t think that it could have gone any better. I yubbed and nubbed so hard that I went through 2 socks each day!
Thank you
@Josh Kifer and B for being such great hosts and letting me crash in your guest room again. I didn’t jerk off in the shower, but I may have left an(other) upper decker in the basement toilet.
@Sprouty It was so good to finally meet you in person, though we text each other everyday, so I feel like we were already good friends. God, we had so many good laughs and fun conversations. I hope to one day get up to Michigan with Kifer so that we can continue our bromance. You have to promise: no more dildos. I still don’t know how you smuggled that through TSA.
@natumes You are now one of us. No going back now.
We have so much in common, we could probably chat for hours on any of a dozen topics. You jumped into this ridiculous weekend with both feet, and seemed to relish every moment of it. Congrats on the win at the main event. I don’t think anyone would have enjoyed that victory more than you did.
@moechar I know that it was a complete culture shock leaving the big NYC to come to Idaho. But you embraced it and jumped right into the chaos of a Kifer event. So happy that you got to see your first cow.

And I’m glad that we could get you the extra socks that you needed. And damn, you are one helluva poker player… once you learned what a “low” meant.

Seriously, it was such a pleasure to meet you in person and chat it up. Let’s figure out a way for you to come to grad school in the NW. We have plenty of poker rooms for you to be a successful rounder.
@Alex Lundstrum,
@t3hcardshark and anyone else that I may have missed: I’m so glad to have met and played with you all. I don’t think that any of you could have had as much fun as I did, but it seemed that you all had a good time. And now Kifer has a bigger pool of players for his home games!
I think that covers it. Hope I didn’t miss anything.
See you all next year. I’ll be whiskey sponsor again.