Giveaway CLOSED - 12 Decks Paulson Diamond Jacks Casino Playing Cards, Winner Takes All! (4 Viewers)

Table E

PREFLOP- some connectors hoping for straights, but not much else.


FLOP- @chippitydoodah is open-ended… @PokerSenpai pairs the 3


TURN- the 9d comes, giving flush dreams to @chippitydoodah , @harrysallout & @cpiaaq@PokerSenpai still has the only made hand better than the board going to the river.


RIVER- The prettiest card in the deck comes along and gives @chippitydoodah the wheel! …Lots of high card hands.
ELIMINATED- @tooth_doc with 10-high. GG
Table D
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PREFLOP- Three A-high hands, three King-high hands, and a suited connector. Pretty dry.

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FLOP- @Juvalien & @Himewad make bottom pair (which just might hold up)… @NotRealNameNoSir is 4-flushed

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TURN- @NotRealNameNoSir adds a gutter to his flush draw and has a ton of outs… @Franzister also has a gutshot… 6 players with no made hand, each at risk of elimination!

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RIVER- a 4 comes along and gives @Franzister the best hand with a straight!… @drdr is also saved with a pair of 4’s… the A-high and Q-high hands hold.
ELIMINATED- @NotRealNameNoSir who missed all his outs. GG
This game is bullshit.

GG thanks for the opportunity!
Table F

PREFLOP- AQo as the best hand is about as dry as you can get. Let’s see what develops on the flop.


FLOP- @PortalMan hits top pair… @mugenpowr hits bottom pair… @brewdawg , @SixSpeedFury , @Geremie & @Dodger all have gutshot draws and have blockers.


TURN- the Ac helps only @raynmanas (top pair) and @1AAACEHOLE (4-flushed)

RIVER- the 8 helps many and spells doom for one. Around the table we have a pair of 7’s, pair of 8’s, straight, pair of J’s, straight, pair of A’s, A-high (playing the board), pair of 8’s.
Table E
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PREFLOP- some connectors hoping for straights, but not much else.

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FLOP- @chippitydoodah is open-ended… @PokerSenpai pairs the 3

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TURN- the 9d comes, giving flush dreams to @chippitydoodah , @harrysallout & @cpiaaq@PokerSenpai still has the only made hand better than the board going to the river.

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RIVER- The prettiest card in the deck comes along and gives @chippitydoodah the wheel! …Lots of high card hands.
ELIMINATED- @tooth_doc with 10-high. GG
Kids Reaction GIF by SHARE NOW
I was hoping for runner, runner. ( I needed 3 runners tho)
Table G

PREFLOP- a whole lotta “nuthin’ much”… @Chanceman ’s ATo is best.


FLOP- wow, small cards rule… @yoke leads all with a pair of 6’s and is open-ended… @ktran has a pair of 4’s… @krafticus , @Timmah , @SwissChip are all open-ended… @EastCoastCali has a gutshot… @Phoe9x has a double gutshot.


TURN- 5h changes nothing… it’s fine to the river


RIVER- the 3 is the action card!… @krafticus, @EastCoastCali , @Phoe9x & @SwissChip all make straights… @ktran holds… @Timmah and @yoke386 hit the river 3 to pair up & survive.
ELIMINATED- @Chanceman who gets sucked out on… from Preflop first to River worst. GG.
Table G
View attachment 1347546
PREFLOP- a whole lotta “nuthin’ much”… @Chanceman ’s ATo is best.

View attachment 1347547
FLOP- wow, small cards rule… @yoke leads all with a pair of 6’s and is open-ended… @ktran has a pair of 4’s… @krafticus , @Timmah , @SwissChip are all open-ended… @EastCoastCali has a gutshot… @Phoe9x has a double gutshot.

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TURN- 5h changes nothing… it’s fine to the river

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RIVER- the 3 is the action card!… @krafticus, @EastCoastCali , @Phoe9x & @SwissChip all make straights… @ktran holds… @Timmah and @yoke386 hit the river 3 to pair up & survive.
ELIMINATED- @Chanceman who gets sucked out on… from Preflop first to River worst. GG.
Alan Rickman Reaction GIF
Table H
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PREFLOP- We have our first pocket pair! @CHIPnD ’s QQ take a commanding lead over a mediocre field.

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FLOP- @Okku & @LowerBama1714 add their pair of 5’s to the mix… @Boother36 has a gutshot

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TURN- @CHIPnD improves to a set of Queens… @Okku adds a gutshot to his pair… 5 players at risk!

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RIVER- the 4 is a blank… @UncleSalty , @moordb , @soccerdadof3 & @Boother36 all survive.
ELIMINATED- @Tonysquander with 2 cards below the board. GG
Thanks for the chance!
Table G
View attachment 1347546
PREFLOP- a whole lotta “nuthin’ much”… @Chanceman ’s ATo is best.

View attachment 1347547
FLOP- wow, small cards rule… @yoke leads all with a pair of 6’s and is open-ended… @ktran has a pair of 4’s… @krafticus , @Timmah , @SwissChip are all open-ended… @EastCoastCali has a gutshot… @Phoe9x has a double gutshot.

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TURN- 5h changes nothing… it’s fine to the river

View attachment 1347549
RIVER- the 3 is the action card!… @krafticus, @EastCoastCali , @Phoe9x & @SwissChip all make straights… @ktran holds… @Timmah and @yoke386 hit the river 3 to pair up & survive.
ELIMINATED- @Chanceman who gets sucked out on… from Preflop first to River worst. GG.
Next time I will 3-bet preflop.
So this should wrap up around the 4th of July, right?
:ROFL: :ROFLMAO: You knew what you were signing up for … a 4-day tourney… and you’re still in, so no complaining. ;)

-2 more hands today… these will have less commentary
-3 hands tomorrow, will get us to 16
-Day 3 will play down to the final table
-Day 4 will get us a winner.
Table B

PREFLOP- some interesting broadway and suited connector offerings


FLOP- @Knoxymoron takes the lead with a pair of T’s… @Barth will take the pair of 2’s and hope


TURN- the Q brings safety and comfort to @Sparkynutz & @Teach42@WedgeRock hopes for a club


RIVER- the 4c gives @WedgeRock a flush for the win but of no help to those at risk.
ELIMINATED- @potatolei with 9-high. GG
Table H
View attachment 1347556
PREFLOP- We have our first pocket pair! @CHIPnD ’s QQ take a commanding lead over a mediocre field.

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FLOP- @Okku & @LowerBama1714 add their pair of 5’s to the mix… @Boother36 has a gutshot

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TURN- @CHIPnD improves to a set of Queens… @Okku adds a gutshot to his pair… 5 players at risk!

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RIVER- the 4 is a blank… @UncleSalty , @moordb , @soccerdadof3 & @Boother36 all survive.
ELIMINATED- @Tonysquander with 2 cards below the board. GG
Table B

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PREFLOP- not much except 2 nut flush draws by @MrBoosh & @Josh Kifer

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FLOP- @Barth jas an open ender… @WedgeRock hits top pair… @Teach42 hits middle pair

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TURN- @MrBoosh improved on the nut flush draw… @potatolei & @Sparkynutz improve to 3rd pair… everyone else is still hoping for the river hit.

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RIVER- it’s a 10!… rescuing @Barth & @Knoxymoron with a pair!
ELIMINATED- @MrBoosh with A-high, worse kicker. GG
Thanks for the opportunity! I am trying to save all my run good for our Season 3 Opener tonight! GG and GL everyone!!!

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