***CLOSED*** Group Buy - Atlantic Club - CPC - Solid Hot Stamp A-Mold Tourney Set (9 Viewers)

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I have received mine and immediate began fonddlation.

I oiled the rolling edge only of a couple barrels and this morning....


Many pics this evening....
I got mine! Well, my mom did, who's bringing them across the pond when she visits for Christmas. So please, let me enjoy these vicariously through all of you I thoroughly hate for already having them at hand and post some pron.
Ok ok guys. I have them at work at my desk. I will take some pics as soon as I get a second and also take some later in the day once that sexy oil seeps into the rim...

That sounds intensely sexual.

And it probably is :D
Here ya go. Pre oil

Ok ok guys. I have them at work at my desk. I will take some pics as soon as I get a second and also take some later in the day once that sexy oil seeps into the rim...

That sounds intensely sexual.

And it probably is :D

I'm not bringing my virgin chips anywhere near this guy! :eek:
So hot. Glad we went with retro lavender after seeing those pics.
I oiled some in our game room at work and will inspect at 5est and show a side by side. :)
Is the 44mm A mold available.....

Would have loved to see 44mm 1k and up chips.
Ftr, will be ordering secondary 5ks if this group buy happens :sneaky: Don't think they can hot stamp oversized chips, but I'll settle for labels.
Mine arrived yesterday! The pic below is just the 20 spares. Initial thoughts:
  1. The face of the black chips darkened up just by wiping off the chip dust with a towel.
  2. Running a towel with a tiny amount of baby oil on the edges made the colors pop.
  3. chips look even better after steps 1 & 2 above
  4. Colors look great together
  5. The day-glo colors (my 500, 1000 & 5000 denoms) dont really seem flourescent under normal lighting, but the colors are nice & saturated, and they look just fine next to the non-day glo colors
  6. I had some 67.7mm racks that were too loose for Paulsons, but they fit these chips snugly.
Cheers all, and thanks again to David for his efforts!

@David O my chips arrived safe and sound today, Great Job!

We are getting geothermal installed and the basement is a wreck so my pron will have to wait
got my sample set in. thanks again and congrats on a job well done! (y) :thumbsup:
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