CPAP/sleep apnea (1 Viewer)

I use one of those moldable bite guards off Amazon that can advance your lower jaw. Immediately stopped snoring. I had previously been a belly sleeper. I don’t think I’ve gone more than 1-2 nights without it in the last 2 years. Highly recommend for those intimidated by the idea of a cpap machine or surgery. Definitely worth trying first.

I’ve used these before and they help a little with the snoring but do not help with sleep apnea though they claim too. Also I’ve found using them daily alters your jaw and moves your teeth around. It’s like wearing a retainer every night. Dentist told me that they are not good for teeth.
I guess I’m the counter guy here but I got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and could not get used to anything - not the CPAP, not the mouth guard, nothing. I just lie there and never fall asleep.

If I sleep on my side it’s not as bad. Basically can’t sleep on my back anymore which sucks but oh well.

I’ve operated on 5-6 hours sleep a night max for 20+ years and don’t really get tired. Between poker and work I’ve prolly pulled a couple hundred all nighters in the last 25 years, slight headache and tired the next day, but generally OK.

I can’t physically sleep 8 hours. The idea of sleeping 8 hours is actually strange to me. I can’t even lie in bed for 8 hours if I’m sick, I just get bored and get up and sit somewhere. I’m borderline jealous of the people that can just conk out and immediately be asleep. Takes me at least an hour. Hate sleeping.
I guess I’m the counter guy here but I got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and could not get used to anything - not the CPAP, not the mouth guard, nothing. I just lie there and never fall asleep.
Sleep Apnea is really bad for the heart. Have you tried the nasal pillows? That was the only thing that worked for me. I've been using the Resmed Swift mask and Airsense 10.

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Bad for heart holy smokes @Tommy I didn’t know that. I’ve got one too for like 5 years and never could sleep until I found the sleeping pill that works. Many don’t work like gambling…
Bad for heart holy smokes @Tommy I didn’t know that. I’ve got one too for like 5 years and never could sleep until I found the sleeping pill that works. Many don’t work like gambling…

My doctor told me it causes all sorts of problems. Aside from not being as tired all the time, (I still am due to other issues now) I started feeling better after the first few nights using it. That was about 2 years ago.

From the American Heart Association:
Obstructive sleep apnea, in particular, has been linked to higher rates of high blood pressure, stroke, and coronary artery disease. There's also evidence that sleep apnea can cause left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, which increases the risk of heart failure.
I guess I’m the counter guy here but I got diagnosed with severe sleep apnea and could not get used to anything - not the CPAP, not the mouth guard, nothing. I just lie there and never fall asleep.

If I sleep on my side it’s not as bad. Basically can’t sleep on my back anymore which sucks but oh well.

I’ve operated on 5-6 hours sleep a night max for 20+ years and don’t really get tired. Between poker and work I’ve prolly pulled a couple hundred all nighters in the last 25 years, slight headache and tired the next day, but generally OK.

I can’t physically sleep 8 hours. The idea of sleeping 8 hours is actually strange to me. I can’t even lie in bed for 8 hours if I’m sick, I just get bored and get up and sit somewhere. I’m borderline jealous of the people that can just conk out and immediately be asleep. Takes me at least an hour. Hate sleeping.

You may be a good candidate for this:
Mandibular repositioning devices (MRDs) can be an excellent alternative to traditional CPAP therapy, in particular for patients with low to mid-severity OSAS.

One thing to note is that not all MRDs are created equal. In general, the cheap “boil and bite” varieties often cause more issues than they solve.

Products like the Narval CC MRD from ResMed or the SomnoDent MRDs are more costly but result in far fewer side-effects compared to cheap non-custom or semi-custom alternatives.

I’m not sure what options are available in the U.S. market, but here in Switzerland, high end, fully custom MRDs like the two mentioned above are now fully reimbursed as a first line therapy for treatment of OSAS.
My doctor told me it causes all sorts of problems. Aside from not being as tired all the time, (I still am due to other issues) I started feeling better after the first few nights using it. That was about 2 years ago.

From the American Heart Association:
100%, it’s not just about being tired.

The mortality rate for patients with untreated OSAS is significantly higher than people with no sleep apnea - anywhere from 40% (mild sleep apnea, AHI <15) to 280% (severe apnea, AHI >30)

If you’re a male with untreated OSAS, your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is over 55%.
100%, it’s not just about being tired.

The mortality rate for patients with untreated OSAS is significantly higher than people with no sleep apnea - anywhere from 40% (mild sleep apnea, AHI <15) to 280% (severe apnea, AHI >30)

If you’re a male with untreated OSAS, your risk of developing cardiovascular disease is over 55%.
What’s my risk of cardiovascular disease if I don’t sleep from now until when I’m 75?

Zero percent chance I’m getting something implanted in my body. Absolutely zero.
I've had a uvulopalatoplasty. It's bullshit. No impact whatsoever, delayed by OSA diagnosis by years.

CPAP has been great. Took about 1-2 weeks to adjust. Now hardly notice it anymore.
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I talked to my Dr. about this today. I inquired on getting another study done, as it's been 10 years, and I hate the CPAP. I was told to come into the office next week. Apparently, they give you a kit now that you take home, and it registers everything. This is great, as I was never able to sleep in the hospital program with all of the wires and such all over me. That, and they won't let you sleep on your side. I physically cannot sleep on my back. Never have, never will.
I talked to my Dr. about this today. I inquired on getting another study done, as it's been 10 years, and I hate the CPAP. I was told to come into the office next week. Apparently, they give you a kit now that you take home, and it registers everything. This is great, as I was never able to sleep in the hospital program with all of the wires and such all over me. That, and they won't let you sleep on your side. I physically cannot sleep on my back. Never have, never will.

i got the take home kit which has a monitor and sensor on your finger. The monitor is a watch that you wear. The night i was recording my sleep, one of kids woke up at 1:30am and there was all this clamoring upstairs. I went upstairs to see what was going on and my 6 year old son said he accidentally pooped his pants. When i looked in the bathroom there was poop EVERYWHERE!. I said what happened and he said when he woke up he realized he pooped his pants so he went to the bathroom to try to clean it up but he didnt want to wake anyone up. When he took his pants off it was already filled with poop and since it was mushy it got all over the bath rug. He said he tried to use toilet paper to clean it but he was still kinda asleep and so he fell over into the tub with the pants still around his ankles which flung the poop all over the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and washed him up and rinsed him and sent him back to his room then i had to clean, wipe, and sanitize the entire bathroom down. Then i went to sleep. When i returned the monitoring system I told them "don't mind the 30 minutes of me talking about poop" LOL

Doctor got back to me and said i have severe sleep apnea and now i'm scheduled to do an in-lab study in march.
i got the take home kit which has a monitor and sensor on your finger. The monitor is a watch that you wear. The night i was recording my sleep, one of kids woke up at 1:30am and there was all this clamoring upstairs. I went upstairs to see what was going on and my 6 year old son said he accidentally pooped his pants. When i looked in the bathroom there was poop EVERYWHERE!. I said what happened and he said when he woke up he realized he pooped his pants so he went to the bathroom to try to clean it up but he didnt want to wake anyone up. When he took his pants off it was already filled with poop and since it was mushy it got all over the bath rug. He said he tried to use toilet paper to clean it but he was still kinda asleep and so he fell over into the tub with the pants still around his ankles which flung the poop all over the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and washed him up and rinsed him and sent him back to his room then i had to clean, wipe, and sanitize the entire bathroom down. Then i went to sleep. When i returned the monitoring system I told them "don't mind the 30 minutes of me talking about poop" LOL

Doctor got back to me and said i have severe sleep apnea and now i'm scheduled to do an in-lab study in march.
Well... Shit...

Oh really that's great that you are getting properly diagnosed. It took me about a week to use to the CPAP machine.
i was hoping some kind of surgery since i have a few friends that go surgery and they dont snore at all anymore...but after xrays and visiting ENT, they said there wasnt anything that warranted surgery so doctor sent me to inlab study...we'll see what happens....i'm likely getting cpap, but mabye something else ??
i got the take home kit which has a monitor and sensor on your finger. The monitor is a watch that you wear. The night i was recording my sleep, one of kids woke up at 1:30am and there was all this clamoring upstairs. I went upstairs to see what was going on and my 6 year old son said he accidentally pooped his pants. When i looked in the bathroom there was poop EVERYWHERE!. I said what happened and he said when he woke up he realized he pooped his pants so he went to the bathroom to try to clean it up but he didnt want to wake anyone up. When he took his pants off it was already filled with poop and since it was mushy it got all over the bath rug. He said he tried to use toilet paper to clean it but he was still kinda asleep and so he fell over into the tub with the pants still around his ankles which flung the poop all over the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and washed him up and rinsed him and sent him back to his room then i had to clean, wipe, and sanitize the entire bathroom down. Then i went to sleep. When i returned the monitoring system I told them "don't mind the 30 minutes of me talking about poop" LOL

Doctor got back to me and said i have severe sleep apnea and now i'm scheduled to do an in-lab study in march.
my kids are 21, 17. and 14... I hope this doesn't happen to me, or I have bigger issues
I talked to my Dr. about this today. I inquired on getting another study done, as it's been 10 years, and I hate the CPAP. I was told to come into the office next week. Apparently, they give you a kit now that you take home, and it registers everything. This is great, as I was never able to sleep in the hospital program with all of the wires and such all over me. That, and they won't let you sleep on your side. I physically cannot sleep on my back. Never have, never will.
Oh yeah, I actually tried the home kit before I went to the sleep clinic. The home kit didn't record enough so they made me come in a few weeks later.
I talked to my Dr. about this today. I inquired on getting another study done, as it's been 10 years, and I hate the CPAP. I was told to come into the office next week. Apparently, they give you a kit now that you take home, and it registers everything. This is great, as I was never able to sleep in the hospital program with all of the wires and such all over me. That, and they won't let you sleep on your side. I physically cannot sleep on my back. Never have, never will.
That’s awesome, getting the study done at a center is the worst part, I always drew the early time-slot, they wanted me in bed at like 7 and then as I’m finally actually falling asleep at like 4am they wake you up. Brutal.

i got the take home kit which has a monitor and sensor on your finger. The monitor is a watch that you wear. The night i was recording my sleep, one of kids woke up at 1:30am and there was all this clamoring upstairs. I went upstairs to see what was going on and my 6 year old son said he accidentally pooped his pants. When i looked in the bathroom there was poop EVERYWHERE!. I said what happened and he said when he woke up he realized he pooped his pants so he went to the bathroom to try to clean it up but he didnt want to wake anyone up. When he took his pants off it was already filled with poop and since it was mushy it got all over the bath rug. He said he tried to use toilet paper to clean it but he was still kinda asleep and so he fell over into the tub with the pants still around his ankles which flung the poop all over the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and washed him up and rinsed him and sent him back to his room then i had to clean, wipe, and sanitize the entire bathroom down. Then i went to sleep. When i returned the monitoring system I told them "don't mind the 30 minutes of me talking about poop" LOL

Doctor got back to me and said i have severe sleep apnea and now i'm scheduled to do an in-lab study in march.
Oh yeah I don’t miss those days lol.

Good luck with the follow up!
i was hoping some kind of surgery since i have a few friends that go surgery and they dont snore at all anymore...but after xrays and visiting ENT, they said there wasnt anything that warranted surgery so doctor sent me to inlab study...we'll see what happens....i'm likely getting cpap, but mabye something else ??

Avoid surgery at all costs. Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are completely different things. Surgery does not work for the former. I had it done years ago and now I am at future i creased risk of aspiration events because I don't have an uvula anymore.
Avoid surgery at all costs. Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are completely different things. Surgery does not work for the former. I had it done years ago and now I am at future i creased risk of aspiration events because I don't have an uvula anymore.

My friend had sleep apnea but also has polyps. He got surgery and he doesn’t snore anymore. That’s what I was hoping for but.m
Avoid surgery at all costs. Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are completely different things. Surgery does not work for the former. I had it done years ago and now I am at future i creased risk of aspiration events because I don't have an uvula anymore.
This is kind of what I think the docs were trying to tell me. The surgery really is only for a minor correct, I on the other hand ended up pretty high on the chart.
Visited with my Cardiologist today and he once again recommended some form of CPAP. Tried a couple of times in the past but have trouble adjusting to sleep with all the hardware, masking, etc...

Sleep Apnea is really bad for the heart. Have you tried the nasal pillows? That was the only thing that worked for me. I've been using the Resmed Swift mask and Airsense 10.

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Gonna check these out and give it another try. That mask look more tolerable. A lot of my issue with the contraptions is that I'm a side sleeper. Gotta try something as I'm only getting 30-40min of REM sleep at night at best, the rest is choppy and I feel beat most mornings.

I'm also not keen on any type of implant.
Visited with my Cardiologist today and he once again recommended some form of CPAP. Tried a couple of times in the past but have trouble adjusting to sleep with all the hardware, masking, etc...

Gonna check these out and give it another try. That mask look more tolerable. A lot of my issue with the contraptions is that I'm a side sleeper. Gotta try something as I'm only getting 30-40min of REM sleep at night at best, the rest is choppy and I feel beat most mornings.

I'm also not keen on any type of implant.
Nasal pillows work well for me as a side sleeper. The trick is getting the strap behind your head in the right spot.

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