No horse in this race, but I'd vote for Dayglo Katy Peacock with 414 Dayglo Yellow spots, randomly oriented.
Changed the pics above to better illustrate the point.
Just out of curiosity - what is the difference between weighted vs. unweighted colors.
Has anyone ever weighed chips to determine the difference? (I have to get a photo gallery uploaded there)
What to do with the current Stardust Mansion Salmon T100 I have relabeled as quarters now?!?!?!? ::::::
Wait... you own the website?
How'd you snag that?
The domain name registration expired.
Don't know why you couldn't do both really. Min order is 300, with that you can do up to three spot and color combos.
Don't know why you couldn't do both really. Min order is 300, with that you can do up to three spot and color combos.
This makes me want my Stardusts back. LOL
Damn... Now I want to even my racks out... May need 300.
@ChaosRock ... Do you mind if I post that photo in the office GB thread?
I think it would be great for people to see the color combo they will have.