Created New Dealer Button (1 Viewer)


Mar 3, 2022
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
Just created the artwork for a new dealer button. I recently created Tangiers chips that are quite accurate to the movie. Something was missing; a dealer button...
I had most of the artwork created from the chips and spent several hours modifying and adding to the artwork to create a DB.

Just looking for some feedback and opinions on my design.
I thank you all in advance.

T DB.jpg

BR Pro does a nice job with these sorts of things, No?
Which dealer button group buy is that referring to? Is it for acrylic or ceramic?
@justincarothers just had one for acrylic dealer buttons, with a min of 5 to have custom buttons made. He also has ceramic dealer buttons as well..Reach out to him for his next buy.
I have both acrylic and ceramic buttons from him and they are fantastic.
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I already ordered some from BR Pro. Himewad said he isn't putting together a buy until at least mid March.
@justincarothers just had one for acrylic dealer buttons, with a min of 5 to have custom buttons made. He also has ceramic dealer buttons as well..Reach out to him for his next buy.
I have both acrylic and ceramic buttons from him and the are fantastic.
I didn't know he did ceramic buttons also, thank you for the info on that!
Just created the artwork for a new dealer button. I recently created Tangiers chips that are quite accurate to the movie. Something was missing; a dealer button...
I had most of the artwork created from the chips and spent several hours modifying and adding to the artwork to create a DB.

Just looking for some feedback and opinions on my design.
I thank you all in advance.

View attachment 1274609

BR Pro does a nice job with these sorts of things, No?
Very nice! Would be fire on acrylic!

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