Ok... got to put the large glowing coaster to work as a DB with Friday night's game. Not only that, but also put the smaller (timed) glow coasters to work as well - one for a Kill Pot button and one for a Bomb Pot button (why not?). What else can I use these small glow coasters for???
First, some (more) pics:
View attachment 1344966 View attachment 1344965 View attachment 1344967
The DB in action from the permanent dealer position - cash game pic and a tournament pic

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And a couple pics for a distance:
View attachment 1344982 View attachment 1344981
The quick lowdown:
Dealer Button: worked exactly as I hoped - not bright nor annoying when you have the button in front of you - and everyone really liked it. Plus, the charge lasted the entire night (7 hours). No negative comments other than when someone would accidentally(??) change it to flash mode. One potential negative is the size - 4" is pretty big (start your puns now...

). The Blue color on dark blue SSC and the Red red color were perfect (very low key but noticeable). If you want a little brighter, then go with Green. If you want bright, then go with all three colors- RGB. Or, if you want annoying - go with Flashing RGB

FYI: There is a bright side and a not-so-bright side with the center of the DB. I placed the "Dealer" sticker on the not-so-bright side so again the color was only noticeable on the edge - if that's what you want. Or, see
@TonZaga's post above utilizing the colored side with his logo - which also looks great!
Kill Pot and Bomb Pot buttons: Even though they automatically turn off after 15 secs or so, I still liked them. Didn't use them often, but they looked good in the middle of the table with the chips in the pot and some lasted the full hand with enough vibration from the table/pot. The Kill Pot button was great. I know the Bomb Pot button isn't really necessary, but it did help me - we do a Bomb Pot every half hour, so when the buzzer went off I'd immediately pull out the Bomb Pot button to remind me (as the permanent Dealer) the next hand was a Bomb Pot.
In summary, they worked great and they'll be used again!
If anyone does the same thing or something similar, please post here!
Hope this helps...