Mr Tree
Straight Flush
20 just seems excessive to me. Hell I think ten is high. When you talk about the greatest sets of all time it stars to get a lot more exclusive
People can't vote for their own set - pretty standard when voting on things like this.
I'd keep it more exclusive - start with like 8 sets now and then make February the voting month. Elect up to 5 sets in February and reconvene next year. It should be exclusive and very difficult to get into the HoF. I can name a bunch of MLB players (pre-steroid area) that should be in the hall but has just missed out by a hair a couple of years.
They'll get covered in subsequent years.
The nice thing about making people wait like this is that sets have to stand the test of time to get in. You'll have to really want to vote one in if you know that it's only a limited number to start with.
You'd rather have deserving sets not get in then have sets in there that you're sorta meh about. Back to the MLB HoF analogy - I have a really hard time arguing against any of the players in the Hall, but there are plenty that I believe should've gotten in. Some people obviously disagree with me because they're still waiting. And that's the point - a Hall of Fame is the most exclusive of memberships. You can always vote in another set next year but once they're in, they're in.
Ok, so I'm going to form a selection committee who will pick the sets that are voted on. The selection committee will determine the number to be chosen and the number of nominees.
I want to pick through some of the senior members here. (Assuming they are willing to be part of the committee.)
My initial thoughts apart from myself are to include
Anyone else have thoughts on the selection committee. Are all the people I put forth willing to be on it?
I concur with limiting the inaugural class.
20 just seems excessive to me. Hell I think ten is high. When you talk about the greatest sets of all time it starts to get a lot more exclusive
A few more strong candidates: abby99, AfterTheFact, AlbinoDragon, B.C., Ben, BPTDirector, Gear, gopherblue, Jeff, k9dr, krafticus, Leonard, links_slayer, Milo013, mipevi, MoscowRadio, PAZ, pltrgyst, Poker Zombie, Puggy, Schmendr1ck, Racer96, toad84, Toby, Tommy, UW85.
... all are active posters with strong chip knowledge and/or custom sets. Apologies to many others I know I've missed (all designers, for example).
You're gonna need a selection committee to select the selection committee....
Maybe you should take applications from interested parties for the positions, and go from there.
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Ten initial sets seems to be a reasonable number (also happens to match up to one for each CT year, 2005-2014). I also like ssanel54's suggestion of including 'pioneer' sets in that initial class -- say three of those, for a total of 13.
A chip HOF and recognition of good chip design is a great idea. I think it should be more a guild of dedicated chip people that honor admirable chips as opposed to an ordinal ranking of the best chips. A large compendium and repository of a chip design history is a great idea. That would have a lot better use in my opinion than an exclusive list of 5 chips per year.
I've always admired Courage and Abby's color judgement, BGinGA's encyclopedic chip knowledge and history, JButler's appreciation of a lot of different styles of chips, Pltrgyst's intellect and well-read perspective. I suggest also adding either J5 and/or Ttubby as designers. I think if you go through the many chip design threads at CT, you will find a long list of people who have the background and judgement to form a nominating committee if you want to go that route instead of popular nomination.
No ranking intended. Just inclusion in a grouping of elite sets. There are a LOT of people here with the qualifications to choose nominees. I just want to avoid having too many chefs. Maybe I will see who is interested in taking the time and then (probably randomly) selecting a handful to make the decision.
My initial thoughts apart from myself are to include
Anyone else have thoughts on the selection committee. Are all the people I put forth willing to be on it?
A few more strong candidates: abby99, AfterTheFact, AlbinoDragon, B.C., Ben, BPTDirector, Gear, gopherblue, Jeff, k9dr, krafticus, Leonard, links_slayer, Milo013, mipevi, MoscowRadio, PAZ, pltrgyst, Poker Zombie, Puggy, Schmendr1ck, Racer96, toad84, Toby, Tommy, UW85.
Mr. Tree, I have a suggestion. I've only read part of this thread, but if you start with a brand new committee every year, you have zero experience at least the first couple of times. Why not have at least a couple of old people just to guide the newbies? I'm not going to serve, so I have no axe in this.
Just vote this and be done with it.
Just vote this and be done with it.
I will be in the minority on this one, but as far as classic, throwback nostalgia goes…there is a place in poker history for these. Granted it's 40 years ago, but a place nonetheless.
Ok, I just slapped myself. Carry on.
Minority, yes. Alone, no. The plastic interlocking disks are where many, if not most of us got our first poker experience. That said, I would nominate them somewhere after coins, pretzels, and M&M's.
Just vote this and be done with it.