Cyberpunk 2077 (2 Viewers)

Fwiw I haven't encountered too many bugs since I started

One where a sequence wouldn't complete so I had to reload a save but other than that not too bad

Have graphics maxed on my 1440p ultrawide and runs smooth

Lots of fucked up voices though, randoms in the streets with ethnic voices not matching their ethnicity
Lucked out and had a friend with an extra Xbox Refrigerator and got it from him at cost. Had major glitchy issues my first ten minutes, but then went online and got the right graphics adjustment settings, and now it's smooth as butter.

Having fun so far. On easy mode, with a corporate background. Going to try to be a supreme hacker/super decker. Lots of buttons and controls for my old ass to remember.
Lucked out and had a friend with an extra Xbox Refrigerator and got it from him at cost. Had major glitchy issues my first ten minutes, but then went online and got the right graphics adjustment settings, and now it's smooth as butter.

Having fun so far. On easy mode, with a corporate background. Going to try to be a supreme hacker/super decker. Lots of buttons and controls for my old ass to remember.

I went the street kid route, and I've been doing a mix of stealth/hacks and guns blazing (or mantis blades, snagged those a little bit ago)

Probably not ideal for a power through, but the combat AI isn't too difficult.

Think I'm just on regular difficulty
When you've had enough of the NPCs

When glitch free, and when there are better tutorials out there on hacking and cyberdecks and what not, I've played this enough now that it is a Top 5 all time video game for me. The game is top notch. I legitimately want to get revenge for some people by knocking somebody's teeth out.
When glitch free, and when there are better tutorials out there on hacking and cyberdecks and what not, I've played this enough now that it is a Top 5 all time video game for me. The game is top notch. I legitimately want to get revenge for some people by knocking somebody's teeth out.

I'm enjoying it, but not as much as Witcher III
Anyone else planning to play it at launch? Pre-ordered it and have a new PC with an RTX 3070 so should be able to make it look pretty nice. Witcher III was one of my favorite games of all time so hoping CD Projekt Red has done this game justice.

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Cyberpunk 2077 is so good on PC. Glitches are not that bad. Im only running on a GTX 1060 and still blown away.
Cyberpunk 2077 is so good on PC. Glitches are not that bad. Im only running on a GTX 1060 and still blown away.
I'm running an Xbox refrigerator on a 4k TV and it's still freaking fantastic. Right now I'm in the Dicky's Dicks gay bar trying to steal data.

What's the point of having more vehicles? Does it max out your street cred or something?

I'm finally getting a hang of crafting and cyberhacking. Still not great, but climbing the learning curve.

Can't wait to play again on whatever level is one above easy.

I met my first mini-boss in the game and literally had to shoot them 500 times. Is that a normal thing?
Vehicles are just flavor as far as I can tell

Snagged that one in a boxing match

And yes, folks have complained about enemies being bullet sponges
I can currently buy like 20 vehicles. I need a toggle "no more messages for vehicles please".
Same. Just dropped 35k so I could have a base RAM of 10. I solve most of my problems now from a distance by overheating them or turning them off.

I found a quickhack that causes cyberpsychosis, so one of their own turns on them

Lots of fun doing that, then hitting another with synapse burnout from a distance
I was doing some reading and learned the only way to have a relationship with Judy Alvarez is to be a female streetkid. Time to restart!
I guess I know what my next character will be now...
She's a bit too skinny and the shaved sides of her head, meh
I'm almost to the part where Panam gets the hots for me, but I'm not sure I've chosen the right dialogue paths to trigger the event.

I learned 20 is the max for a stat and also for a skill level. 50 is max street cred and also max level. I'm sure whatever DLC they invent in the next few years will boost those.

My first play is level 20 right now, with street cred 32. It's a lot of fun. I owned the original Cyberpunk paper and pencil RPG sourcebook way back in the day, and it's good nostalgia to see rockerboys, corpos, and cyberdecks in a computer game.
I'm almost to the part where Panam gets the hots for me, but I'm not sure I've chosen the right dialogue paths to trigger the event.

I learned 20 is the max for a stat and also for a skill level. 50 is max street cred and also max level. I'm sure whatever DLC they invent in the next few years will boost those.

My first play is level 20 right now, with street cred 32. It's a lot of fun. I owned the original Cyberpunk paper and pencil RPG sourcebook way back in the day, and it's good nostalgia to see rockerboys, corpos, and cyberdecks in a computer game.

I'm lvl 28 with 50 street cred

Have the following stats

Intelligence 12
Body 12
Tech 11
Reflexes 10
Cool 4

Been having lots of fun using quickhacks recently. Originally was going to just be a gun specialist, but enjoying stealth and other features too
Your COOL might be higher than mine lol. I'm not seeing much benefit from crafting or engineering despite dumping a bunch of points and perks into them. Breaching and cyberhacking are wonderful, and make up for my complete lack of stealth.
I've pretty much just done gigs and side missions and I'm currently at lvl 44... I didn't realize that you could only go to 50. smh. I've gone all guns a blazing for my character build.. I've spent a little too much time over the holidays in Night City.

20 Reflexes
13 Body
15 Cool
7 Tech
6 Intelligence

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