Also, the decks should all be in their own cardboard tuckbox. No plastic cases because the cards can warp easier in those while in transit from Italy. I'll want my money back if they're not wrapped in cellophane. No more than 20 decks in a single box. They should be bundled together in saran wrap in the exact shape and size of a USPS MFRB so there's no room for the decks to wiggle around in transit and get damaged. otherwise you'll be jamming them in there and creasing the cards and destroying the tuckboxes, making them no longer "mint" in case I decide to sell them on the classifieds for double what I paid for them 10 years from now. Make sure the spades aren't of the "Fat Italian Spade" variety. I'll decrease my order from 12 to 10 decks if they're the fat spades. Also, no brown colored deck backs, ew.
Also make sure the red ink is of the casino red variety and not cherry red, as the LED lights in my basement reflect off of the cherry red ink, making the cards hard to read from across the table sometimes. Uh.....wait....that actually is me lol.
...did I cover everything?