Please be very direct. This is a process, I've got thick skin, and getting it right is far more important than *being* right.
Good catch about the bright/black/gray thing. I chose my words poorly! I want DISTINCT colors most of all. How many times does a dirty stack of dark greens, blacks, and/or dark purples happen? How often does somebody in seat 2 bet 350 and it's not obvious to the person in seat 8? (In our game, way too often.) So my guiding principles are, in order of priority, are:
1) to be able to easily distinguish chips from across the table when bet. This is primarily a concern with T25, T100, and T500. Yellow T1000 and pink T5000 aren't a problem.
2) see #1.
3) My primary concern is the tournament design. The cash set is secondary to our group.
4) I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to chip colors, so I'm thinking along the lines of green/black/purple/yellow/pink for 25/100/500/1000/5000. I'm willing to tweak those colors to address the primary concern i.e. visibility.
Thanks for calling me out; it really was a poor choice of words, and on a forum, that's all you've got. Ignore the word BRIGHT and substitute DISTINCT. I only meant bright as an alternative to muddled dark colors or washed out pastels.
Oh wow, you guys are overwhelming me with ideas. That's a good thing.
2. Thanks for sharing that. It's something I've feared, maybe I'll go back to the silhouette angle.
3. Even on the edges?