@Nanook, I appreciate everything in your latest post. Not that I (or anyone) should be the "post police," just pointing out that what I am about to say is not intended to be too personal or ruffle feathers.
Your original response (which quoted me and another member) proceeded to communicate that I am "probably" one of the people you suggest learn a little GTO and then proceed to misuse it, and lose more because of it. The only issue I have with your first statement is that it is impossible for you to know or even imply your statement based on the one sentence I wrote about GTO.
Since first being exposed to GTO about 11 years ago I have become more of a winning player than I was before it. For me it is not solely based on following GTO by the letter, but the concepts opened my eyes to many things about poker that weren't even on my radar beforehand. In short, it has helped a little, but it isn't my main driver for decision making while playing.
But even then, maybe I don't care about being a winning player? Maybe I'm a maniac and love to gamble? Maybe I've found some holy-grail of awesome that profits me more than GTO (not sharing it with you guys

). I could have a comprehensive understanding of GTO and decide not to use it to adjust my play style and it wouldn't prove that I misuse it.
So I'll reiterate the main point of my response to you, which first started as a tongue-and-cheek joke, then escalated to another joke, and then finally into what I wanted you to take away: your categorization of my statement was totally unwarranted and unnecessary, and felt like it steered away from the original goal of the thread and into the subject of "Nanook knows more about GTO than MOST other people."
I totally understand that you didn't mean to offend me or anyone else. But when the original question was about whether players understanding of GTO (whether vast or small) has adjusted their play style, a response (yours) invalidating others experience with the subject matter isn't something I believe fits with what the OP was looking for.
AND... maybe, just maybe I've been jaded in the past by others who preach GTO as gospel and immediately talk down on people who don't use it, don't understand it, or don't like it. It is possible your words came off more like "us vs them" than it should have... and this is me trying to own up to any projection I may have reacted to.
So yes, I had a problem with you using my quote to prove your point, especially because there shouldn't have been a way that my quote gave you the impression that I am somehow misusing GTO. Other than that, I'm happy if you're happy. Especially if you've been winning for 20+ years... that in itself is very impressive (seriously).
Happy Saturday.