Seared scallops with zucchini and bacon jam
View attachment 296914
Lookin' good, but somebody didn't remove the feet from the scallops! (My wife gives me a raft of shit if I miss even one.)
Seared scallops with zucchini and bacon jam
View attachment 296914
Looks tasty!
Looks tasty!
Plating tip: I would suggest the schmear of sour dream across the black of the plate, parallel to the white lines. Use the tablespoon to glop it on in one pile, then with one swift stroke with the back/tip of the spoon. Place the first patty on top of the largest part of the glob and then fan the rest from there so it looks like a deck of cards fanned out. The vegetables or other side goes in the arc of the fan.
If available, use applesauce on the opposite side of the plate, globbed and pulled in the opposite direction from the sour cream (still parallel to the white lines, just now in the tan area). Stagger the fan of patties in an S-shape from large glob to large glob. Serve with contrasting veggies (like zucchini on one side of the S and squash in the other side of the s).