Does anyone know how to set up an interactive and live map style tracking system lol
@waddadonk I'm looking at you
@waddadonk I'm looking at you
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Mel,Delivery is scheduled for Thursday!!!!!
Delivery is scheduled for Thursday!!!!!
Scheduled to your door?Delivery is scheduled for Thursday!!!!!
Scheduled to your door?
What he said
So...I could potentially have chips in my hands on Friday......Local pick up? I'd bribe you with a case of Lagunitas Day Time to get my chips first.
I'm going to need lots of pron from you, to keep me going because I just know my boxes are going to get held up for ages by stupid Aussie customs
Well, I would have suggested a good IPA, but Keto.I have her a review of that shit beer btw....
So...I could potentially have chips in my hands on Friday......Local pick up? I'd bribe you with a case of Lagunitas Day Time to get my chips first.
Well, I would have suggested a good IPA, but Keto.
Delivery is scheduled for Thursday!!!!!
I have printed labels at 1130pm and did not change the mailing date to the next day. Never mattered a bit.So when you print a shipping label from, you have to choose a shipping date. What happens if you ship the package the day before or the day after the selected date? Anything?
Just asking because I could really get a jump on things if I started printing shipping labels now!
I'm willing to wait a few extra days if it means @liftapint is able to dump them all out on the floor and make snow angels and play in them like a McDonald's ball pit.
Sorry to hear about your back, Mel. Ice and heat.Unfortunately, I have seriously injured my lower back -- can hardly stand up from a chair, laying down hurts like hell, walking is almost out of the question. It happened on Sunday, and I was hoping to be 100% by today, but if anything, it's getting worse. It's really really bad.
I'll probably have to pay someone to carry the boxes from my curb into my house (what are neighbor teenagers for, anyway?). I'll slowly work at unpacking and packing the chips back up. But unfortunately, my dream of a 1-day turn-around for all 29 orders is NOT going to happen. I'll do my very best to be fast, but patience will be necessary. But rest assured, there WILL be some sort of chip photos today. I can not wait to see them.