faded spade 3.0 coming out (4 Viewers)

Finally got my bridge size 3.0 and I'm not super impressed. We'll see what the crew thinks next weekend.
Might go back to Copags or try a set of Desjgns.

If the difference is 16 and 15, does that mean the two versions are the same? Or is the 3.0 actually quantitatively stiffer?
Well, it's so close that I believe it's within the margin of error :). I did try measuring them several different times and the new ones always measured slightly stiffer. I can't imagine the difference is even enough for anyone to feel a difference. I don't feel any difference between the two when I handle them stiffness wise.
I dont know all of the specifications, but I do work at a Casino and when we were shopping around for new cards I didn't care for the faded spades. I dont like the look of them nor the feel. I prefer copag over anything that I have come across. I know I'll get anger on me, but I like them over KEM too.
I LOVED the look and feel of the 3.0's.

@Poker Zombie agreed.

@Mrs Poker Zombie did not agree.

A few comments from around the table were the cards slid well on the table. Cards did not slide off the pile. The 6's and 9's looked remarkably similar.
I LOVED the look and feel of the 3.0's.

@Poker Zombie agreed.

@Mrs Poker Zombie did not agree.

A few comments from around the table were the cards slid well on the table. Cards did not slide off the pile. The 6's and 9's looked remarkably similar.
My only clarification is that I played for hours with a completely different deck and it was jarring to switch to the table with these cards. I do think they shuffled and dealt very well, especially from the 3 seat dealing down the red table to the 10 seat.
My black and red bridge setup arrived the other day, and from the limited shuffling and dealing so far, they feel pretty good. I usually only get bridge size, and these feel like a slightly more textured and rigid version of the original stock, "classic Couture(sp)" style Desjgn cards. I didn't get any 2.0 versions of Faded Spade, so can't make any comparisons there, but seem similar to those Desjgns mentioned above, and have similar flexibility to the bridge blackjack and regulsr index Modianos and some older bridge Dal Negros I have.
@Madmizike brought a poker size setup to the game tonight, so I figured I’d report while they’re fresh in my brain.
These are great cards. Stiffer than I like for sure, but it’s not like they’re unmanageable, you just notice that they’re stiff. One guy liked them a lot. Nobody else seemed to care much, so that’s a good thing, honestly - no news is good news.
I didn’t think to examine them closely to see the texture difference on the two sides. All I can say is I liked the textured feel of the cards. And they pitched like a dream. They shuffled nicely whether I did a poker dealer shuffle or that big overhand bridge shuffle that’s fun to do - neither way felt slippery. I think they’d probably get an 8 out of ten in the not slippery scale. And I never saw a hint of top card float.
I think they looks fine. Maybe great?
The index is probably just right. I’m spoiled by jumbos so I guess I’d rather they be a touch bigger, but they were fine. I think the only negative I could come up with is that sometimes it took an extra glance to discern clubs from spades, in light that’s probably a bit low. But my eyes are almost 50.
Bottom line, these are great cards. I’ll keep them on my radar.
Played with the bridge size last night and I liked them. Six out of the seven guys I had over didn't complain or have anything to say about the cards, so I take that as a positive. Unfortunately my best friend cannot handle them, everytime it was his deal there were explosions and complaining and it slowed down the game. So, I'll probably use them when he's not in the game, when he plays I'll use Fournier's or Modiano's, which he got along with.
I received mine.

They are better than I expected from reading the reviews. They are certainly more rigid but they mix perfectly I find. The only negative point, the color of the figures is darker than I thought
If anyone wants to buy my Poker size 2.0 cards (sealed package) and my poker sized 3.0 cards (one deck sealed, one opened but unused) let me know. $40 plus shipping for both.
Tried the 3.0s out on Friday for the first time. I really liked the look and the feeling of these cards. My Shuffletech did not however - jammed pretty much every time. I’m assuming the cards are either too thick or too stiff (or both) for the ST to handle.

We hand dealt for the rest of the night (for the first time in ages). Not sure how much I’ll use the Faded Spades in the end, as I really do like having the Shuffler in play. Nice cards though.
Tried the 3.0s out on Friday for the first time. I really liked the look and the feeling of these cards. My Shuffletech did not however - jammed pretty much every time. I’m assuming the cards are either too thick or too stiff (or both) for the ST to handle.

We hand dealt for the rest of the night (for the first time in ages). Not sure how much I’ll use the Faded Spades in the end, as I really do like having the Shuffler in play. Nice cards though.
Funny that you say that. These cards create a static when rubbed together and it seems to take many shuffles to get rid of that. Not sure if anyone else has experienced this. They do seem to get better the more they are used, in my experience.
I have used them for three games now and I haven't had many problems with my Shuffletech at all. My group really likes them. (Poker/4-color)
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I put mine into action for the first time this weekend. I’m a Faded Spade fan, unlike many, but I didn’t notice much difference at all in the 2.0s and 3.0s. If you don’t like the 2.0s, I’m guessing you wouldn’t like the new version.
I just received my FS 3.0 and tried it out + compare it with my 2.0

I instantly felt 3.0 shuffle better than FS 2.0 and also slide better across the poker table.

It still the same similar stiffness as 2.0, so if one dont like 2 u likely not going to like 3

Overall, pretty happy to add another deck to the rotation. Will be trying them for the first time this weekend and see how my crews feedback about them
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I tested these on last game we played. One friend massively preferred them to the Fourniers we usually use. Another friend said he didn't notice the difference. (Lol, but ok) everyone else said it didn't matter to them and both are good.
I tested these on last game we played. One friend massively preferred them to the Fourniers we usually use. Another friend said he didn't notice the difference. (Lol, but ok) everyone else said it didn't matter to them and both are good.
I agree with your friend. I would take the FS over Fournier any day of the week
I prefer FS graphics over Fournier's but if you show me Fournier cards with Bicycle or Cartamundi graphics in jumbo index would be 10/10
I prefer FS graphics over Fournier's but if you show me Fournier cards with Bicycle or Cartamundi graphics in jumbo index would be 10/10
I think I prefer GS graphics as well, but I'm not sure which I prefer for feel. Both feel good to me, but pretty big difference, since the FS are so thick and stiff compared to the Fourniers.
I need to get my hands on a FS set now but no one sells them here :(

How did you get them @LeLe? US reship?
Yes, I ordered them online and shipped them to a reshipper.

A number of the Singapore PCFers had been using ComGateWay (CGW) as the reshipper

I had been using it ever since it been recommended by the other SG PCFers

Here is a reference link if you are interested

I have to say after playing with these in my 4-5 hour home game last night, the cards are actually growing on me. No one had a bad thing to say about them and didn’t have to switch to the Copag in the middle of the session like I expected I would
Final thoughts?
My group didn't mind them. I ended up getting some Desjgn cards as well and we played with those last week. We'll probably continue to rotate cards randomly until someone makes an uproar
My group didn't mind them. I ended up getting some Desjgn cards as well and we played with those last week. We'll probably continue to rotate cards randomly until someone makes an uproar
What cards are in your rotation?

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