I ordered some as well. Curious to see how they compare to the 3.0s (which have been great for my game).
Yeah, most of their offerings are plastic but apparently handed out lots of ClubWPT paper cards as well. Odd.So, I got a package today. A ClubWPT Gold bag and deck of cards. The cards are sealed and are from Faded Spade. I opened them up but noticed the box said "Paper Playing Cards", which I found interesting. I'm sure others have seen these so it may be old news, so apologies there. Neat having a paper deck but with the nice art. Anyone else have these?
I gotta ask, why did you have to buy it then?I had to buy even though I’ve had terrible experience twice with customer service. Really like the cards though even though they are a little thick. I would’ve bought more but the shipping is criminal as well as they ship in a mailer other than a box. Every setup I’ve gotten has had the box damaged.
Cause I’m ignorant and hope this experience will be better. Like I said I like the cards.I gotta ask, why did you have to buy it then?
My regular 4.0 bridge set were super slick and very difficult to collect off a pile. After a couple of hours though, they became less slick and easier to pick up.Is it easy to gather from a pile? Our finding was it was a bit more difficult to gather.
very difficult to collect off a pile.
I wish I liked them more. The face artwork is really nice and the pips on the bridge size cards are absolutely perfect for mixed games.That is a problem I rarely see people talking about whether regarding FS or a couple of other brands that present the same issue.
I wish I liked them more. The face artwork is really nice and the pips on the bridge size cards are absolutely perfect for mixed games.
mine were better after washing them with some soap and water. Annoying, but they were playable after the rinse.
I haven't had any issues. I was worried about warping or bending, but my process was slightly warmer than room temp and little soap, gentle brush each side. Leave em in a room with the ceiling fan on, flip after 30 mins, then wipe them all down and store them normally. I figure if you leave them out wet you're asking for warping but don't know, don't care to find out.Is there any downside to washing them? Any special care which needs to be taken?
I haven't had any issues. I was worried about warping or bending, but my process was slightly warmer than room temp and little soap, gentle brush each side. Leave em in a room with the ceiling fan on, flip after 30 mins, then wipe them all down and store them normally. I figure if you leave them out wet you're asking for warping but don't know, don't care to find out.
First game with them was last night. They were a bit stiffer - but the (hopefully) added durability vs. Copags are worth it.My four-color poker-sized FSX setups came in. Initial impressions:
I don’t host again until next week. Will report in on how they play.
Faster than expected, but I won‘t complain. I like the look and feel. No regrets buying these, fully regret their customer service…It's a shame they simply didn't ship my order... PayPal case was decided in my favor.
Thankfully I was able to order 3 setups WPT to @Benjaminotaur for reshipping, so I'll be able to try these later this week.
I am still quite disappointed, if I was someone not on PCF, apparently no way of obtaining those in Europe.
It's sad because I love their modern design. But after my experience, I'll not order again - at least not with EU shipping.
Had no time yesterday to shuffle them and handle them for some time, will do that today and report.Has anyone else received their cards and seen this tendency to retain dust/thread in the texture?
One of our players is *really* sensitive to textures - like if she unknowingly grabs a knurled flashlight handle or a metal braided cable there will be screams. After the second hand she was going to put on a pair of latex gloves, and we didn't want to make it that kind of party so we changed them.
Same experience, just used them this week.So I got the FSX four-color poker sized cards in play for the first time this week.
No one commented on the “upgrade” from 3.0 to 4.0 FS decks. The backs are different colors, but that seemed to go completely unnoticed. Or no one cared, I dunno.
When I finally mentioned the new cards, after a couple hours of play, still no one seemed to have any real opinions about the difference.
My dealer felt they were stiffer than the 3.0s, but that might be just because they were brand new. (I will say about Faded Spades that they seem very durable; I rarely have to replace spoiled cards.)
As far as the slightly more aggressive texture mentioned above, which struck me when first handling them, I can’t say I noticed that in-game.
So basically I just bought more setups of what I already had, but with different backs so they can’t me intermingled. They’ll all get used eventually, and I wanted more setups, so it’s fine. They were out of the 3.0s and finding more on eBay etc. was very difficult, so whatever.
I just have to laugh at the company claims that these are some quantum leap forward. I liked the previous version, and I like these, I could just do without the hype.