One Eyed Dollar
I saw a forum post somewhere long ago from a GM engineer who said they all referred to it as the Ass-Wreck. Ha!I bet the guy who designed these owns a Pontiac Aztec
I saw a forum post somewhere long ago from a GM engineer who said they all referred to it as the Ass-Wreck. Ha!I bet the guy who designed these owns a Pontiac Aztec
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I have a card buying problem. I find the design of these cards borderline hideous....yet I just put an order in for a set of bridge sized......
I bet the guy who designed these owns a Pontiac Aztec" ...
Or a Meth Dealer:When I see an Aztek on the road I try not to follow too closely or drive in the lane next to them. Because obviously the driver must be legally blind.
I don't think anyone has a problem with the vision or functionality of the vehicle..... just with the damage that it inflicts on one's eyes....a car way ahead of its time,
Probably not, sice that would make him way ahead of his time, inventing a new category & style ( CUV) way before anyone else!!
"....The Aztek, introduced in 2001, was an attempt to do something entirely different… It’s easy to berate GM for always failing to see where the market is going. But in this instance it was the first to recognize the need for a new kind of vehicle to fill the crossover segment, which would grow rapidly in subsequent years. A crossover is basically a 21st-century station wagon. SUVs are usually built on the same platform used for trucks—and they often feel that way when you drive them. They also inhale gas. Crossovers, by contrast, are built on platforms used for cars, so they have better road manners, and they’re more fuel-efficient. There were some crossover-ish vehicles before the Aztek, such as the Subaru Forester, but these were seen as neo-wagons, or small/compact SUVs. With the Aztek, GM created something that had SUV size, minus the SUV stigma. An innovative GM? Well, yes. GM can sometimes be, for all its detractors, troublingly ahead of the curve. And the Aztek was first in this mold...."
I don't think anyone has a problem with the vision or functionality of the vehicle..... just with the damage that it inflicts on one's eyes.
I'm not sure they could have designed it to be more ugly if they had intentionally tried.
And I believe the Aztec was originally marketed with some kind of built-in tent attachment? There can’t be many people interested in that. If people like camping, they’re gonna pitch a proper tent. If they don’t like camping, they’re not gonna want to do it in the bag of their ugly car.
"Hmmmm.... how could we possibly make this vehicle even ~more~ ugly? Wait, I have an idea...."
One reason they are not as thick is they are on a totally different stock. While the Poker size cards had a rougher textured surface, these Bridge cards have a little slicker (not as slick as say Bicylce Prestiges) textured face/back but still flexable and don't feel flimsy thin.
My bridge set (plus bonus set) showed up. Wow you are right about these being a totally different stock. Not sure I am a fan of how smooth they are. Height comparison between poker sized, on the left, and bridge size.
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Received part of my Bridge/Jumbo order today. First impressions:
Thickness issue gone! For comparison these decks are the same thickness as my Fournier 2826 and just a tad thicker than my Desjgn Classic Cultures. Obviously someone was listening about the thickness issues and made changes. (y) :thumbsup:
One reason they are not as thick is they are on a totally different stock. While the Poker size cards had a rougher textured surface, these Bridge cards have a little slicker (not as slick as say Bicylce Prestiges) textured face/back but still flexable and don't feel flimsy thin.
The large font printing, court cards are all the same as the Poker decks just sized for Bridge cards. Even the chemical smell is less if not totally gone.
Really liking these Bridge cards. Nothing like the super thick behemoth Poker decks. Will make the rotation. Going to bring a setup to the Piss'd N Broke meetup for folks to try out.
I'm not a fan of the Faded Spade cards, have a deck and have never used them.
Maybe the design is just too non-traditional for me. (n) :thumbsdown:
Looks like these guys are the new card for PokerGo as well. I wonder how they're getting all these premiere showcase opportunities.
From last night's 'Open House' episode...
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Maybe Cary Katz owns Faded Spade too?
Yea, I've also noticed the last couple of years the Telivised final table switches from Bridge to a Poker sized, Jumbo index of a different brand used in the tournament ... Probably due to commercial endorsement $$ Deals ... IN many TV tourns such as Borgata events, you see the Germaco & Kem bridge decks used in the shots of the bigger "field" , before the final table ... Also most Asian/foreign casinos that never historically had poker , seemed to never knew the difference, & started w/ "Poker" size ....