Cash Game First Hand of the Night (1 Viewer)


Royal Flush
Nov 6, 2014
Reaction score
I thought I'd play some 1/2 at a charity room before heading to Chaos's house for pizza and cards. Seven of us form a new table Seven of us form a new table. Buy ins very from 100 to 2oo. I'm in for 200, so is the villain.

First hand I'm dealt suited A/K.. I raise it to 10. It surprisingly folds around to the BB who calls. I have no information on anyone.

Flop :7d::7h::kc: 21 in the pot.

I make it 15, he calls.

Turn :2s: 51 in the pot .

I make it 35, he tanks for a minute and calls 121 in the pot .

River is garbage..........what do I do. I have one pair.
Maybe he has the set but it is just as likely you outkick him with top pair. I'd check, see what he does and then decide to raise or fold.
I assume BB checked the river to you? Throw out a smallish bet like 65.
Bet maybe half the pot. $60. Anymore than that your commiting yourself and may as well shove.
I'm assuming you have position Bill since you mentioned it folds around to the BB after your pre flop raise. If that's the case, you might just want check behind the river. You can get value from combos of KT+ but you're behind A7, K7 and all the connectors with a 7. Haven't counted the combos but it seems to lean more towards combos that have you beat. If Villain has position and you check, he'll only bet hands that beat you imo (okay maybe he bets AK and air also), so it would be a check/fold or a check/call less likely since I don't believe there's anything he could have missed and he wouldn't float 2 streets on that board (he might even check behind AQ or AJ).
It seems like you have position on this opponent, since he is the BB and you said it folds around to him after you raise. As such, I assume he checked the river.

My guess is he also has a King here, but with a weaker kicker. I just don't see someone who flops three 7's playing it this way that often (i.e. check-call, check-call, check-raise?)

With $121 in the pot, you've committed $60 of your starting $200 stack, so both you and villain have $140 remaining. I think we need to bet for value. Anything between $50-90 looks good to me.

Yes, there's the off chance this villain is just one of those super passives that has the 7 and goes into check-call mode, it happens. But I think more often than not you're up against another King with a weaker kicker, and there's value to be had long-term in extracting more money here, than in worrying that you've just been coolered.
I'm assuming you have position Bill since you mentioned it folds around to the BB after your pre flop raise. If that's the case, you might just want check behind the river. You can get value from combos of KT+ but you're behind A7, K7 and all the connectors with a 7. Haven't counted the combos but it seems to lean more towards combos that have you beat. If Villain has position and you check, he'll only bet hands that beat you imo (okay maybe he bets AK and air also), so it would be a check/fold or a check/call less likely since I don't believe there's anything he could have missed and he wouldn't float 2 streets on that board (he might even check behind AQ or AJ).

This was probably what I should have done. He checked, I bet 50, he shoved all in. I tanked for a minute and folded. He rolled over K/7

Thanks for the response's guys. Hopefully it will help me improve my play.

I raked exactly one pot in three hours and it was chopped.

I flop the nut straight with an opened straight flush draw............I bet every street (including pre flop, first in) and get called by two on the flop, then heads up the rest of the way. He called me all the way down going runner/runner for a chopped straight.............played it right, just a frustrating evening.

The hand that ended my session. I have 120 behind me. Both maniacs have me covered.

Pocket jacks in late position. Limps to me, I bet it out and get two callers (both are maniacs with their calls/raises, seems to be no rhyme or reason, cards don't really matter).

flop is rainbow, 8, 9, 10. If I don't like this flop with Jacks, then I guess I shouldn't be playing.

Maniac one bets the pot (33 bucks I believe). Maniac two thinks for just a second and calls.

Fuck it, lets gamble. I think I'm ahead after watching these two yahoos for a couple of hours. I shove my remaining 100.

Maniac 1 reshoves............uh oh..........Maniac two instant calls almost beating him into the pot.

They both fucking have J/Q. I'm damn near drawing dead..................

They chop my money and I go home, calling it a bad session.

I could have slowed down some with the Jacks. The Turn was a 4. If not going in on the flop, prolly would have on the turn.



It seems like you have position on this opponent, since he is the BB and you said it folds around to him after you raise. As such, I assume he checked the river.

My guess is he also has a King here, but with a weaker kicker. I just don't see someone who flops three 7's playing it this way that often (i.e. check-call, check-call, check-raise?)

With $121 in the pot, you've committed $60 of your starting $200 stack, so both you and villain have $140 remaining. I think we need to bet for value. Anything between $50-90 looks good to me.

Yes, there's the off chance this villain is just one of those super passives that has the 7 and goes into check-call mode, it happens. But I think more often than not you're up against another King with a weaker kicker, and there's value to be had long-term in extracting more money here, than in worrying that you've just been coolered.

Thanks..........Your right, and this was basically my feeling. I don't play as much some of the guys on here. In the moment it was a little gut wrenching for me, lol.......first damn hand
Wait what? Chaos had a game last night?

LOL!!! If it were a cash game or my own league I'd have let u know for surer Mike... It's a rotating league in which the winner hosts the following game... And we had two full tables, so no extra seats available... :-(
With no knowledge on the opponent, and especially at a charity thing, I would check behind.

If at least in a poker room, or with some reason to think they know what they're doing, being for value makes sense.

There are plenty of poor players who feel obligated to "keep you honest," and would chase that to the river, hoping to pair an overcard ace to beat your king - or to show you up for not having the king. Those players generally fold on the river to a value bet, just like those chasing a busted flush.

Little reward, and since risk of the 7 playing back, or a big bluff emerging.

Curious... How strongly did you consider calling the river?
checking the river in position with only one pair (yeah, i know it's two pair with 7-7 on board... you know what i mean) is almost always the correct move unless you have a stuey unger read on your opponent... remember: he called the flop & turn with something... and a board of 7-7-K isn't a board one typically draws to...

when you bet your hand in that scenario, you're only getting called (or raised) by a better hand a lot of the time

live & learn
checking the river in position with only one pair (yeah, i know it's two pair with 7-7 on board... you know what i mean) is almost always the correct move unless you have a stuey unger read on your opponent... remember: he called the flop & turn with something... and a board of 7-7-K isn't a board one typically draws to...

when you bet your hand in that scenario, you're only getting called (or raised) by a better hand a lot of the time

live & learn

Against many opponents in a 1/2 charity game you could easily be up against Kx (where x is anything) because these guys love to play high card-rag. So I still feel like there's value in betting the river and extracting from the Kx you beat
i get that.... maybe "stuey unger read" was a bit strong... but the point remains: the guy called off on the flop & turn with SOMETHING...

sure, often the donkey is holding K-Q or K-J... or even K-10 or K-9

but is it really worth risking a bet in a position where a lot of the time you're only getting called / raised by a superior hand? methinks not

to each their own, i suppose

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