I've got some news for the set and another choice to make.
I've recently gotten lucky on a vendor sale because
@Josh Kifer remembered me complaining about the non existent availability of canary yellows and tagged me just in time.
Behold! My stuff.
The canary yellows are a straightforward add on to the 2 racks of $5s I already have.
Since I pounced on the hot pinks as well it opens up a few opportunities I am pondering now.
I think hot pink is one of the if not the best color in the Paulson lineup, especially when mixed with the flamingo $1.
The fuchsias I am using now for my 25ct are where they are because I never managed to get my hands on a decent rack of hot pink solids.
Option #1
I could just replace the fuchsias and sell those to free up some funds.
+ Easy
+ getting some money back
- losing a nice color in the lineup
- not solving the "limit set color problem"
The limit set color problem
A problem that didn't occur to me until I put the limit set ($1s and $20s as the value chip) into play:
The combination of day blue and day green is nice but still
one of the weakest out of all the colors I have in the set.
Here are some pics of the limit set in action:
This brings me to
Option #2 - or as I call it:
Solving the limit set color problem
I could change the denom of the day greens from $20 to $25 and introduce the rack of hot pinks as the new $20s.
+ Having hot pink as the value chip in the limit set - perfection
+ The denom of $25 is more traditional to a green chip
- it's gonna be ~$48 just to have
@Gear print the $25 lables
- it's gonna take some elbow grease to remove and replace 320 lables on the day greens
- fuchsias and hot pinks look kinda similar when photographed. Potential dirty stacks although I could just only use the $25s for no limit and keep the $20s exclusively for the limit games.
Option #3
Just introduce the hot pinks as a secondary $20 and leave the day greens as they are.
+ Solving the limit set color problem
+ Easy and cheap to do
- seems weird to have two colors for the same denom.