Straight Flush
There are some verrrrry talented designers in this community who you can commission to help with your design
Cool, I'll check it out. Thanks
There are some verrrrry talented designers in this community who you can commission to help with your design
Since you guys are talking china clay quality. I have a batch (2 racks) of Pharaohs 5cent denom that are noticeably thinner and are crumbling / chipping away whenever they are handled. I might just toss them.
Dunno where you read that, but it's not true. All nine denominations were part of the initial Pharaoh's Club china clay project, and were produced at the same time. There have been multiple re-orders.I read that the 5c and 5000 denoms were later additions to the Pharaohs.
This is a known and well-documented issue with nearly every China Clay chip made, especially with chips made after the first production run (supposedly due to manufacturing tolerances not being kept with subsequent use of the worn equipment).my 5000s are considerably thicker than all other denoms. I can only fit 19 in a rack.
This is also a known issue with several china clay chip lines, but particularly well-documented with some of the Pharaoh's Club denominations (I know that some of the $1 chips were affected, along with several others). This is the first I've heard of it occurring with the 5c chips, but the revelation certainly doesn't surprise me given the history. The cause has never been determined.Curious about your storage of these chips. Are they indoors/room temp, or in a garage? Wondering what might cause the crumbling issues. And it's only on the 5c chips? Not the others?
So nowAnd before anyone gets butt hurt, I really like these chips and think the designer did an outstanding job. This does not mean that R&D cannot be conducted for future projects. If even 10% of the chips I designed were coming out of China with labels not exactly in the recess I would push to fix it on future orders.
I believe the chips are still worth what the designer is selling them for. It is fair, however, to make things better next go around....fix this issue. It is not a difficult fix.
Should mention the designer is not selling these. Apache is. While both worked on the design it should be mentioned that J5 is not Apache.
What was the end result here? Did you get it sorted out?
I've made a few orders from Apahce (not for a few years mind you). But they always took care of any issues I hadAgreed. And the fact is, forums like these do (and have) addressed the quality issues affecting china clay chips, many times over.