Less than 7 letters
so 250 years? is that what youre getting at?
Less than 7 letters
Also open to numbers and symbols lol maybe we better go 300 to be on the safe sideso 250 years? is that what youre getting at?
i cant do the math, but assuming you can use 26 letters of the alphabet.
and you have a 7 letter combination.
can someone do the math on 1 guess per day?
i think it would take 600 members about 340 years to guess.
My guess is that he doesn’t have a plate and just wants ideas from the masses!
Don't wanna spoil your fun, but I don't think he's ever done that in his life.CHK-FLD
AKQJT... oh, wait..Ok, here's a big hint to help you all along:
HINT #2 - The plate combination I selected is 5 characters long, made up of four letters and one number and is poker-related
KQJT9AKQJT... oh, wait..